Who's should be retired?

Who's number should be retired out of these players?

  • #4 Chris Webber

    Votes: 72 48.0%
  • #10 Mike Bibby

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • #13 Doug Christie

    Votes: 8 5.3%
  • #16 Peja Stojakovic

    Votes: 7 4.7%
  • #21 Vlade Divac

    Votes: 57 38.0%
  • #24 Bobby Jackson

    Votes: 1 0.7%

  • Total voters
I can completely see Vlade's and Chris's numbers being retired together. That would be a very emotional night at Arco (if that's where the Kings are playing when Chris retires).

Vlade and Chris are locks, and the jury is still out and will be for a while on Mike and Peja. I also think that this is the general consensus.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Chris was in Sacramento longer than Vlade and had more of an impact on the court. Also, Chris was one of the best players in the game in his prime and he played in Sacramento longer than anywhere else (so far) and for the best years of his career. Vlade is a nice sentimental choice (a fan favorite and a great guy by all accounts), but Chris not getting his number retired in Sacramento would be a crime.

PS - If Peja gets re-signed here and puts in another solid 3 years or more of service, he's a lock to be retired too. He's already the longest tenured King of any of those guys in the poll. And you can't talk about retiring Bibby before Peja. Look at how many years they've played and their PPG totals and you should see why. (regardless of which you think is the better player right now)
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hrdboild said:
Chris was in Sacramento longer than Vlade and had more of an impact on the court. Also, Chris was one of the best players in the game in his prime and he played in Sacramento longer than anywhere else (so far) and for the best years of his career. Vlade is a nice sentimental choice (a fan favorite and a great guy by all accounts), but Chris not getting his number retired in Sacramento would be a crime.

PS - If Peja gets re-signed here and puts in another solid 3 years or more of service, he's a lock to be retired too. He's already the longest tenured King of any of those guys in the poll. And you can't talk about retiring Bibby before Peja. Look at how many years they've played and their PPG totals and you should see why. (regardless of which you think is the better player right now)
Peja before bibby? Now that would definately be a crime.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Peja a lock to be retired simply for playing for the team? I don't think so. Tenure doesn't necessarily lead to a number being retired.
hrdboild said:
Chris was in Sacramento longer than Vlade and had more of an impact on the court. Also, Chris was one of the best players in the game in his prime and he played in Sacramento longer than anywhere else (so far) and for the best years of his career. Vlade is a nice sentimental choice (a fan favorite and a great guy by all accounts), but Chris not getting his number retired in Sacramento would be a crime.

PS - If Peja gets re-signed here and puts in another solid 3 years or more of service, he's a lock to be retired too. He's already the longest tenured King of any of those guys in the poll. And you can't talk about retiring Bibby before Peja. Look at how many years they've played and their PPG totals and you should see why. (regardless of which you think is the better player right now)
Yes...Chris was in Sac longer than Vlade, but that doesn't mean he played more. Remember, Webber was injured quite a bit with his stay in Sac.

Apart from that, #4 and #21 will be in the rafters, no doubt.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Peja before bibby? Now that would definately be a crime.
You can't be serious. Peja's been here 7 years, Bibby 4. Peja's averaged 20+ PPG in 4 of those years and 19.2 in another (the first 2 he wasn't a starter). That accounts for every year he's started. That's more than just playing, that's a solid consistent contribution. If he tacks on another 3 years of 20 ppg scoring, that's pretty hard to overlook. If he finishes his career here, that may make him the franchise leader for points scored. Bibby by the way has averaged over 20ppg in exactly 0 seasons. And more than 15 ppg in only 3 of his seasons in Sacramento. Peja has also averaged more minutes in each of those seasons. If you look at what they have accomplished so far, Peja is far and away a better candidate for 'number retirement' than Bibby. Bibby has hit the big shots we all remember but in every other way Peja has had the bigger impact. You're letting selective memory alter your judgement.

Yes...Chris was in Sac longer than Vlade, but that doesn't mean he played more. Remember, Webber was injured quite a bit with his stay in Sac.
Yeah okay, Webb was injured a lot so Vlade probably played more games over that period. But then Webb was averaging significantly more MPG in all of those seasons, so it may even out. It just seems like people think Vlade came here before Chris when in actuality they both came at the same time. Why is everyone so willing to give Vlade and Bibby the benefit of the doubt but not Chris or Peja? Numbers-wise, Chris and Peja are clearly the two biggest impact players over that period.
I do not think that Peja or Bibby has earned a retired jersey YET. Both have potential. Remember, it is Peja's job to score, not Bibby's. His job is to help those around him score, so we can't just look at point averages in comparing the two for jersey retirement. But again, I think it is too early to consider either for this honor.

I do think that both Webber and Vlade have earned it. TOGETHER, they made our team great. Without either of them, the Kings would probably still be the "Siberia of Basketball."

Bobby and Christie are among my favorites, but I am not sure about hanging their Jersey's. I would LOVE to see it, but . . .

My vote would have to be:
YES- Chris and Vlade
Jury still out for a few more seasons - Bibby and Peja
Probably not - Doug and Bobby (But I loved watching them!!!)


Hrdboiled, please stop looking at numbers.... Peja has the most decieving numbers on the team cause those numbers dwindle drastically in the playoffs..... Peja could average 100 points a game in the regular season for all I care, but if he continues to play in the playoffs like he does now, then count him out of jersey retirement....

P.S. Peja could be a king as long as he wants.... I still like the player a lot.... But please petrie, please don't give him the max.
VF21 said:
Peja a lock to be retired simply for playing for the team? I don't think so. Tenure doesn't necessarily lead to a number being retired.
I was thinking the same thing. If that were the case...A.C. Green's jersey would be hanging at Staples.;)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
hoopsfan said:
I was thinking the same thing. If that were the case...A.C. Green's jersey would be hanging at Staples.;)
If they max Peja out and insist on keeping him around to the bitter end, it will be hard for him NOT to get his jersey retired as a career King and potential franchise scoring leader. Especially with what seems to be the obvious front office fondness for Peja -- in fact if they keep Peja to the end of his career I would almost say that a significant PURPOSE behind doing it would be to force the issue of Peja's permanent association with the Kings.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Yeah but it isn't just playing that would qualify him. You win a basketball game by scoring more points than the other team. Peja has been either the highest scoring player or the second highest scoring player on the team every year that he's been a starter and he's been with the team the longest out of Chris, Vlade, Bibby, Doug, and Bobby. I don't deny that Bibby's impact on the team goes beyond the boxscores, or at least beyond PPG, and his bigget contributions have been in the playoffs, but you're just dismissing 20 ppg season after season as if it's nothing. I don't think either one of them has earned a retirement yet, but Peja is closer than Bibby as of right now.

And the reason I look at numbers is that they're more reliable than the subjectivity of a fan's memory. No, they aren't everything, but they don't lie either.
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I am not dismissing Peja. I think that he has been an AMAZING player for us, excluding the playoffs. I also think that he is going to have a wonderful season- and I do not even think it is because it is a contract year. I lean more towards the camp that beleives that last year was just a bad season, not to be repeated. He and Bibby will be the most important scorers on the team this season. That being said, if he leaves after this season, I do not think that he will have contributed enough to earn a jersey retirement. If he stays, I see it as a given that he will eventually earn it. I just think that it is too early to say he deserves it now.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
That's an assessment that I agree with. He hasn't earned it yet, but another few years of the same type of contribution that he's put in for the past 5 and he will have earned it.
Hrdboiled, please stop looking at numbers.... Peja has the most decieving numbers on the team cause those numbers dwindle drastically in the playoffs..... Peja could average 100 points a game in the regular season for all I care, but if he continues to play in the playoffs like he does now, then count him out of jersey retirement....

P.S. Peja could be a king as long as he wants.... I still like the player a lot.... But please petrie, please don't give him the max.
Peja had decent playoff numbers. Better than Bibbys.
Vlade because of what he has done for basketball in general. I wish the guy would go into coaching, because he seems like a REAL smart guy, and would flourish in that position.


civija said:
Peja had decent playoff numbers. Better than Bibbys.
I remember airballs by peja and swishes by bibby in that 2002 WCF series......

Yeah yeah I know, bibby had a rough series against seattle, but the whole team struggled......

Bibby has had far better playoff performances than peja..... End of discussion.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I remember airballs by peja and swishes by bibby in that 2002 WCF series......

Yeah yeah I know, bibby had a rough series against seattle, but the whole team struggled......

Bibby has had far better playoff performances than peja..... End of discussion.
So true. This past playoff against Seattle was the only time that Peja had better #'s.....but not all that great. Prior to this year, Peja didn't really show us much at all, while Bibby has had some great playoff series.
I remember airballs by peja and swishes by bibby in that 2002 WCF series......

Yeah yeah I know, bibby had a rough series against seattle, but the whole team struggled......

Bibby has had far better playoff performances than peja..... End of discussion.
Oh the irony of it all :rolleyes:

People say that we shouldn't live in the past and Peja's season a couple of years ago was one out of norm and he wasn't a really good MVP candidate blah blah blah. However, when it comes to precious Bibby then we can go as far back as we like to build a case for him.

Has it ever occured to YOU and anyone else who thinks that Bibby's **** don't stink, why does every PG worth their salt is having a career night against Bibby?????? Has anyone ever stopped to thing that more often than not the game goes down to last shot (which Bibby makes more often than not) because its HIS man that makes the opposition get as close as they do??????

Bibby is a VERY VERY good player but he ain't as good as some are making him out to be. He has some SERIOUS flaws. You say he is untouchable, I say NO ONE is untouchable. NO ONE!!!!!!

Bibby is living off his glory in one play off series against the Lakers when he played a 3rd banana on the team.
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Well yes Bibby gets wupped time and time again. I would add that we have nobody inside to stop them if they get penetration. When Webber and Vlade was here his weakness was not so obvious... Guess the same goes with Peja and about everyone else on the Kings that played during the glory days.
Both Peja and Bibby don't deserve to have their jersey retired, they both have a long ways to go. but if this thread is about who's better between the two... well....:)


I like turtles
What's the reasoning for people to vote Bibby over Peja? Peja's a MUCH better shooter than Bibby. My god, TNT compared Peja to Larry Bird. But, like others have said, it's way to early to tell. All i know is my #1 choice would be Webber then Vlade.
I remember airballs by peja and swishes by bibby in that 2002 WCF series......

Yeah yeah I know, bibby had a rough series against seattle, but the whole team struggled......

Bibby has had far better playoff performances than peja..... End of discussion.
Dude... Being from Vancouver, I remember Bibby with the Grizzlies... enough said...

Back to the topic, both Vlade and Chris should have their numbers retierd. Vlade's statistics are not all that great, but what he brings to teams is:

2 World Championship titles for his nation.
NBA Finals with Magic and the Lakers.
Western conf finals with Kings.

Chris's numbers speak for themselves. They should both be remembered for what they brought to the Kings organization.


Civija, you're comparing bibby in his early days to peja in his so called "prime"?....



Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
civija said:
Vlade's statistics are not all that great, but what he brings to teams is:

2 World Championship titles for his nation.
NBA Finals with Magic and the Lakers.
Western conf finals with Kings.
Hmm, sounds like you make a case for Vlade's number being retired first in Serbia, then in LA, then in Sac. We're third banana on that list of accomplishments. The first two are great accomplishments in a great career, but how do they contribute to his immortalization as a Sacramento King?


Homer Fan Since 1985
hrdboild said:
Hmm, sounds like you make a case for Vlade's number being retired first in Serbia, then in LA, then in Sac. We're third banana on that list of accomplishments. The first two are great accomplishments in a great career, but how do they contribute to his immortalization as a Sacramento King?
Agreed! I read those as reasons for Vlade to be immortalized in the Basketball Hall of Fame (something I would like to see happen) but they do not show why Vlade's # should be retired in Sacramento. I do however want to see #21 hanging in the rafters of ARCO.
hrdboild said:
Hmm, sounds like you make a case for Vlade's number being retired first in Serbia, then in LA, then in Sac. We're third banana on that list of accomplishments. The first two are great accomplishments in a great career, but how do they contribute to his immortalization as a Sacramento King?
The point of the post was to establish a pattern of contribution to teams that Vlade belonged to. And yes, they should probably retire his number in Sebia for his part in the world titles (I dont even know if they do that sort of thing over there). But, as far as the NBA is conerned there is only one true place for Vlades number.... I dont think there is much argument there.
Civija, you're comparing bibby in his early days to peja in his so called "prime"?....

Once again point missed. The whole comment was about the value of statements like "I remember when...."