OFFICIAL trade thread. Post trade proposals HERE! (merged)

Memphis, IMO, needs another scorer. They also need some quality bench guys. Swift appears to have had enough with Memphis and wants to leave. I think Memphis would be interested in a Mobley/Williamson/Skinner package because it addresses a few areas of weakness. Mobley is a solid 2-guard who just doesn't fit into our system. When put in the right system, he can average 17 a game and give you 45-46% shooting. I think Memphis could develop a 2 man game with Mobley and Gasol. Williamson provides veteran leadership and playoff experience. Plus he is a banger and he's tough. Memphis doesn't have anyone off the bench to come in and play tough. Swift wants out, and what better place then Sacramento? I like Mike Miller because I think he is a very well rounded talented player and would play perfectly in our system. He doesn't need lots of touches, is an average defender, and is a great shooter. He is also a better then average ball-handler, which could take some pressure off Bibby in the backcourt. Memphis would do this because they get a high-power scorer in Mobley, a veteran with lots of playoff experience, a banger and former 6th man of the year in Williamson, and a promising big guy in Skinner who when healthy put up impressive numbers for us.
Bricklayer said:
If we are going to keep those core three, a partial plan (just an example):

C- Miller
SF- Peja
PG- Bibby

then bring back:

PG/OG- Bobby (athletic)
OG/SF- Evans (athletic, defense)
OG- Martin (athletic)
PF/C- Skinner (defense) -- 5th big man

then fill out the bench:
C/PF -- Dan Gadzuric (first big off the bench, shotblocking/rebounding))
PF/SF/C -- either Donyell Marshall or Eddie Griffin as a 6'10" combo inside/out shotblocker/rebounder/shooter
SF -- draft Hakim Warrick (potential) or Joey Graham ( more developed) (hyper-athletic SFs with bigtime defensive potential)

let go/trade: Mobley, Thomas, Tag, Corliss, House, Songaila, Daniels

C- Brad Miller
SF- Peja Stojakovic
PG- Mike Bibby

6th- PG/OG 6'1" Bobby Jackson
7th- C/PF 6'11" Dan Gadzuric
8th- PF/SF 6'10" Marshall/Griffin
9th- OG/SF 6'5" Maurice Evans
10th- SF 6'7"/6'8" Graham/Warrick
11th- OG 6'7" Kevin Martin
12th- PF/C 6'9" Brian Skinner

Now obviously I have left out the two most important spots, and that gets more complex. But the above bench is the way I would want it to look -- mostly young, athletic, defensive oriented, solid size, versatile with some solid vets mixed in.

Now for the starters, just for argument:
OG: Ron Artest (defensive captain, psycho, offensive player)
PF: Nene (young, big, not great shotblocker, but with that bench good enough)

Slight problem there with not enough balls to go around amontgst the starters, and the passing isn't any better than its been barring nene blossoming. Also still doubt that there is that #1 stud in that lineup to carry you to a title. But don;t think we can get him without busting up the core. So the above plan at least makes us big, tough, athletic, a lot of defenders and yet still with a lot of offense. Best of all, it might almost be doable with a little luck
Interesting line-up. Not all that likely but a pretty good line-up. You made a nice bench out of players that some of which, most likely, will be starting for other teams though.

I would like Marshall but we have plenty of outside shooters. In his later years he seems to be falling in love with that shot more and more.

I don't understand everyones fascination with Dan Gadzuric but apparently the Bucks won't let him go anywhere, so maybe everyone knows something I don't.
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Jose said:
My ideal offseason move in a 3-way trade:

Sac trades: Peja, Corliss, Skinner, Mobley, Bjax (if necessary to make this work)
Sac receives: KG, Artest

T-pups receive: Mobley, Corliss, Skinner, Bjax

Pacers receive: Peja

Kings lineup:

C: Miller / Tag (or some other backup)
PF: KG / Songaila
SF: Thomas / Evans / Barnes (if we can get him back)
OG: Artest / Evans / Martin
PG: Bibby / House / Martin
Minnesota would be losing everything and getting nothing.. Why would they trade KG for in essence Mobley, and Bjax?
I'm no where near knowledgable enough to participate, but it sure is interesting reading. I do have one question, tho. Is anyone as concerned as I am about possibly being left with Bobby as the only back-up PG? When do we replace Bobby or get a PG to groom behind Bibby/Bobby? Or do we just wait and see about picking somebody up next year? Or?
Everyone keeps mentioning how Cuttino can be a good fit in the "right situation/environment/system." What is this system and what teams would like to have Mobley. Keep in mind that most Kings fans now want him gone because he is a "ball-hog," etc. I agree with that, but I was curious to see what teams you guys think would want a player like Mobley as their SG.

After going through those teams, which ones would be willing to trade with the Kings and what would they be willing to give up. Would the Kings accept those offers, if any?

Personally, a player like Mobley can be great, if he is a good enough player. I don't think Mobley is good enough to be a "ball-hog." Michael Jordan was a ball hot, but he was GREAT. Mobley is DECENT. Just felt that was worth mentioning.
Has anyone thought of a Mehmet Okur scenario? I was thinking about how to keep the princeton offence running, by adding another passing big man. The prominent passing Power Forwards (KG, Nowitski, Brand) seemed to be out of reach, at least in my eyes, so then I started thinking along the lines of moving Brad to Power Forward and looking for a new Center. So I clicked over from isolating the Power Forwards to the Centers. Looking at the assist/48 minute number I saw Shaq at number one (I guess Brad didn't play enough games to qualify), and decided that would be tough to get, but then, down at number 2 I saw Mehmet Okur with 3.5 assists per 48 minutes.

I think that if we traded some pieces this could work very well. (RealGM says that KT and Kevin Martin for Okur would work).

We would have a line up of:

PG Bibby/Jackson/House
SG Mobley/Evans/Martin
SF Peja/Corliss
PF Miller/Skinner
C Okur/Tag

The rest of this line up could use some work, I wouldn't mind tradding Mobley away for someone better but I'm mainly focusing on the Okur thing right now.

I think Okur could would very good in our system his per 48 numbers are 22 points 12.8 rebounds , 3.5 assists (would go up when coming to Sac), and 1.4 blocks. He's a very good shooter which helps strech out the defence and make things more open for cutters and getting his assist numbers up. In a lot of ways he could be like a second Brad.

I know people won't like this probably, saying we're just adding another European softie, another jump shooter who can't close shut down the paint. Well, I saw what supposed "tough guys" like Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner can do and it got us nowhere. I want Vlade back. Or some kind of young Vlade clone that I'm hoping Okur can turn out to be.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Okur can run our stuff I think. Thought about him after seeing him play against us late in the season. Mildly out of favor in Utah too. But its the Okur/Brad combo that would not work. Sure, Mehmet could "be Vlade", but having two guys like that together = too soft in the middle. Vlade was teamed with an athletic shotblocking PF. Okur would be teamed with Brad.
Gregorius said:
Has anyone thought of a Mehmet Okur scenario? I was thinking about how to keep the princeton offence running, by adding another passing big man. The prominent passing Power Forwards (KG, Nowitski, Brand) seemed to be out of reach, at least in my eyes, so then I started thinking along the lines of moving Brad to Power Forward and looking for a new Center. So I clicked over from isolating the Power Forwards to the Centers. Looking at the assist/48 minute number I saw Shaq at number one (I guess Brad didn't play enough games to qualify), and decided that would be tough to get, but then, down at number 2 I saw Mehmet Okur with 3.5 assists per 48 minutes.

I think that if we traded some pieces this could work very well. (RealGM says that KT and Kevin Martin for Okur would work).

We would have a line up of:

PG Bibby/Jackson/House
SG Mobley/Evans/Martin
SF Peja/Corliss
PF Miller/Skinner
C Okur/Tag

The rest of this line up could use some work, I wouldn't mind tradding Mobley away for someone better but I'm mainly focusing on the Okur thing right now.

I think Okur could would very good in our system his per 48 numbers are 22 points 12.8 rebounds , 3.5 assists (would go up when coming to Sac), and 1.4 blocks. He's a very good shooter which helps strech out the defence and make things more open for cutters and getting his assist numbers up. In a lot of ways he could be like a second Brad.

I know people won't like this probably, saying we're just adding another European softie, another jump shooter who can't close shut down the paint. Well, I saw what supposed "tough guys" like Kenny Thomas and Brian Skinner can do and it got us nowhere. I want Vlade back. Or some kind of young Vlade clone that I'm hoping Okur can turn out to be.
Why would get another player for 1 can not rebound for his position and can not defend and block shots??
SacTownKid said:
I don't understand everyones fascination with Dan Gadzuric but apparently the Bucks won't let him go anywhere, so maybe everyone knows something I don't.
Even if he landed on the Kings, RA would be reluctant to play him since he doesn't have a great offensive game. Sure the guy can rebound, block shots, and clog the middle, but unless he has an ounce of offense, RA won't really trust him. RA has to realize that defense wins championships and with the offensive of players we do have, it would be nice to have some kind of imposing threat in the middle that will bang around and do the dirty work.
Entity said:
what would it take to get Chris Bosh out of Toronto? + Artest
Toronto is building around Bosh now that they've given up on Vince (or he gave up on them). I think he's as close to untradeable as anyone they've got, it would likely cost more than Peja.

Artest is interesting. Depends if Indy wants him out or not and how badly. Depends what other teams are willing to take a risk on him and how much they will risk.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I don't really like my first plan that much. Upon further revision, I think this is a better one.

Trade #1: Sacramento/Portland
Corliss Williamson
Brian Skinner
Theo Ratliff

Again. I still like this trade if Portland is willing to make it. Consolidate two players into one with more size who can do the same things.

Trade #2: Sacramento/Toronto
Kenny Thomas
Eric Williams
#16 Draft Pick

Trying to get a mid first round draft pick, and Toronto looks like a team that could use a SF with double-double capabilities. We get a draft pick (explained later) and a capable defender off the bench.

Mobley and Songaila leave via Free-Agency.

I doubt we can count on a sign and trade and Songaila will probably get a better deal elsewhere.

MLE: Sign Dan Gadzuric

A defensive minded center coming off the bench. A good shot blocker and the athletic ying to Otag's yang.

Draft: Ike Diogu at #16 and Julius Hodge at #23

Diogu - Click for DraftCity profile.

Hodge - Click for DraftCity profile.

New Team:

Mike Bibby/Bobby Jackson
Mo Evans/Kevin Martin/Julius Hodge
Peja Stojakovic/Eric Williams
Theo Ratliff/Ike Diogu
Brad Miller/Dan Gadzuric/Greg Ostertag

The idea here is to bring in some new talent and clear out the veterans so that they actually get playing time. Adding Ratliff and Gadzuric to the front court doesn't make us a contender, but it does give us some solid size and defense. Williams is a good defender at the SF spot. Also, this is a very athletic bench (with the exception of OTag) which balances some of the lack of athleticism in the starting lineup.

I spent a lot of time looking at options for PF and C and I couldn't find anybody that would really fit this team and make it better. (Well, no one we can afford without giving up a major player anyway.) So then I looked through all the draft prospects to see if there were any players there that would do it. Ike Diogu is the one guy that stood out to me as a real player. I overlooked him before because he's undersized, but I think he's a Carlos Boozer or Zach Randolph in the making. There's also a chance that we will eventually be under the salary cap with this line-up with OTag and Jackson leaving in a year and a solid core of young players.

That's a team I'd be proud to root for.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Guys, we're talking about Corliss Williamson and Brian Skinner here. Who do you expect to get for them? I figured the extra roster spot alone makes that trade worthwhile not to mention Ratliff is a better player than Skinner or Corliss if he does manage to stay healthy.
Mad D said:
I don't like these trades for Ratliff, he'll be 33 next year.
my sentiments exactly. thank god these guys aren't the GM. they have the blinders on and arent looking toward the future. im shocked that these fools are looking to trade for players 30+. petrie has traded almost everybody that is aging for younger players and smaller contracts. i'd like the kings to trade if possible for some draft picks or players with trade value in case they don't work out so we can get something out of it.


BibityBobtyBoom said:
Earl Boykins and nene for Skinner and Martin, it works in the checker, but i don't know when you look at the ppg increase and decrease for each team, its pretty funny

Or this one

Kenyon Martin and Nene to Sac

Lebron James, Ira Newble, and Drew gooden to Denver

Mike Bibby, to Cleveland

it worked out, its impossible, but it worked out... could throw in skinner or martin to make it better for cleveland

this is the worst one i have personally seen. so is bobby jackson now the starting pg, or eddie house cmon. the last person i would trade would be bibby. he is way to clutch. i you could work this out and drop peja, maybe.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
How is a team with Evans, Martin, Hodge, Diogu, and Gadzuric not 'looking toward the future'? I've spent a lot of time looking at the salaries on, and there aren't a lot of players you can trade for with 6 million dollar contracts. Those guys being on the team means less space on the roster and less minutes for younger players. I agree that Ratliff is not an ideal pickup given his age and injury history. However, that's not looking at the whole picture. Here's why it makes sense again:

1 roster spot versus 2
6'10" PF/C for a 6'9" one and a 6'7" one
Averages 5 blocks per 48 min, that's 1 for every 10 min of playing time.
Ratliff's salary does not scale up so it actually is cheaper in the second year
11.6 million of expiring contract is a useful thing to have on the roster for the future

The way I see it, he makes us better next year and maybe a little more after that and then when his play declines, he can be traded mid-season to a last place team looking to clear the books. This isn't some scrub we're talking about here, this is the best shot blocker in the league. I'll take that on the bench over Skinner and Williamson any day even if his best days are behind him. Even if it's only a temporary solution (which clearly Skinner and Williamson are anyway.)
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bbb said:
Everyone keeps mentioning how Cuttino can be a good fit in the "right situation/environment/system." What is this system and what teams would like to have Mobley. Keep in mind that most Kings fans now want him gone because he is a "ball-hog," etc. I agree with that, but I was curious to see what teams you guys think would want a player like Mobley as their SG.

After going through those teams, which ones would be willing to trade with the Kings and what would they be willing to give up. Would the Kings accept those offers, if any?

Personally, a player like Mobley can be great, if he is a good enough player. I don't think Mobley is good enough to be a "ball-hog." Michael Jordan was a ball hot, but he was GREAT. Mobley is DECENT. Just felt that was worth mentioning.

A lot of teams need long range shooting believe it or not. Kings fans have been spoiled because even the centers on this team were capable of draining long jumpers so they think that shooting is a trait that no one finds important. Ask Clevland. They could seriously use a guy like Mobley. We have a lot of shooters which is part of the reason why I think he is very tradeable from the Kings standpoint.
hrdboild said:
I don't really like my first plan that much. Upon further revision, I think this is a better one.

Trade #1: Sacramento/Portland
Corliss Williamson
Brian Skinner
Theo Ratliff

Again. I still like this trade if Portland is willing to make it. Consolidate two players into one with more size who can do the same things.

Trade #2: Sacramento/Toronto
Kenny Thomas
Eric Williams
#16 Draft Pick

Trying to get a mid first round draft pick, and Toronto looks like a team that could use a SF with double-double capabilities. We get a draft pick (explained later) and a capable defender off the bench.

Mobley and Songaila leave via Free-Agency.

I doubt we can count on a sign and trade and Songaila will probably get a better deal elsewhere.

MLE: Sign Dan Gadzuric

A defensive minded center coming off the bench. A good shot blocker and the athletic ying to Otag's yang.

Draft: Ike Diogu at #16 and Julius Hodge at #23

Diogu - Click for DraftCity profile.

Hodge - Click for DraftCity profile.

New Team:

Mike Bibby/Bobby Jackson
Mo Evans/Kevin Martin/Julius Hodge
Peja Stojakovic/Eric Williams
Theo Ratliff/Ike Diogu
Brad Miller/Dan Gadzuric/Greg Ostertag

The idea here is to bring in some new talent and clear out the veterans so that they actually get playing time. Adding Ratliff and Gadzuric to the front court doesn't make us a contender, but it does give us some solid size and defense. Williams is a good defender at the SF spot. Also, this is a very athletic bench (with the exception of OTag) which balances some of the lack of athleticism in the starting lineup.

I spent a lot of time looking at options for PF and C and I couldn't find anybody that would really fit this team and make it better. (Well, no one we can afford without giving up a major player anyway.) So then I looked through all the draft prospects to see if there were any players there that would do it. Ike Diogu is the one guy that stood out to me as a real player. I overlooked him before because he's undersized, but I think he's a Carlos Boozer or Zach Randolph in the making. There's also a chance that we will eventually be under the salary cap with this line-up with OTag and Jackson leaving in a year and a solid core of young players.

That's a team I'd be proud to root for.
Good work here. You do consolodate two deals into one in the Ratliff deal but Ratliff gets an insane amount of money and will be hard to trade later if need be.

I like your plan though.


this is off the wall, and i know ill get a bunch of crap for it, but is there any way to package some of our shooters for king lebron. if he wants out of cleveland?
SacTownKid said:
A lot of teams need long range shooting believe it or not. Kings fans have been spoiled because even the centers on this team were capable of draining long jumpers so they think that shooting is a trait that no one finds important. Ask Clevland. They could seriously use a guy like Mobley. We have a lot of shooters which is part of the reason why I think he is very tradeable from the Kings standpoint.
I'm not saying we won't be able to trade him, just that I don't know how much we can get for him.
thesanityannex said:
this is off the wall, and i know ill get a bunch of crap for it, but is there any way to package some of our shooters for king lebron. if he wants out of cleveland?
No. Sorry, but he is pretty much untouchable. Even if they wanted to, he is still under the rookie salary, making it even tougher to unload him. They would have to include someone like Z just to make the salaries match
thesanityannex said:
this is off the wall, and i know ill get a bunch of crap for it, but is there any way to package some of our shooters for king lebron. if he wants out of cleveland?
no, he is currently the most unattainable personable person in the NBA because of his skill and his incredibly low salary.


Super Moderator Emeritus
thesanityannex said:
this is off the wall, and i know ill get a bunch of crap for it, but is there any way to package some of our shooters for king lebron. if he wants out of cleveland?
There's one way: If Geoff Petrie has compromising pictures of Cleveland owner Dan Gilbert, we just might be able to make a deal. Otherwise, Gilbert allowing James to leave would be the straw that broke the camel's back in Cleveland. Gilbert buys the team, fires a coach that has them contending for the playoffs, they end up OUT of the playoffs and Gilbert fires the GM. IF he lets LeBron go, the fans of Cleveland will without a doubt riot in the streets and probably hunt him down and cause him severe and permanent bodily harm - and that's if he (Gilbert) is lucky.
Some deals involving some of our expiring contracts.

Sacramento trades

Greg Ostertag
and Corliss Williamson

Portland trades:

a re-signed Shareef Abdur-Rahim

Sacramento gets a very good player that will fit very well into the system of the Kings. He can pass, rebound, and score. Jerry Reynolds even made a comment during one the games against Portland this season that the Kings may want to take a look at him.

Portland is going with Randolph and Miles so Shareef becomes extremely expendable. In this deal they get a good bench player and former 6th man with not that much time left on his deal and an expiring contract in Otag. Portland would do this no problem.

[font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana]Sacramento trades:

Bobby Jackson
[/font][font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana][size=+2]Minnesota [/size][/font][font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana]trades:

Trenton Hassell

Sacramento gets a tough defender and a true ROLE player with long but dealable contract if need be.

T'wolves get an expiring contract and a good veteren PG.

[/font] Zeljko Rebracca via free agency with the exception to gain some size off the bench. I really like what I've seen from this guy this season and could be a good fit.
[font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana]

Sign Matt Barnes via free agency


PG: Bibby / House / draft pick
SG: Hassell / Evans / Special K
SF: Peja / Barnes
PF: Abdur-Rahim / Thomas
C: Miller/
[/font] Rebracca[font=Tahoma, Arial, Verdana] / Skinner

Looks pretty decent to me. A bit better overall on D and we get a valuable threat at PF to replace Webber.
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