ROY is won by the rookie with the best stats, not by the Rookie who has the best PR campaign behind him. The fact that people are talking about voters changing their minds because of a PR campaign is ridiculous.
So you're saying that the Warriors orchestrated this full scale lobbying effort in an attempt to win votes for their guy, but it was totally pointless because Reke has the better stats?
First of all, if it were just about the stats, with no consideration for anything else, there wouldn't be a vote. We'd just figure out who has the best stats and hand him the trophy. The fact that voters are allowed to determine who they think most deserves it shows that it's more about stats, and if that's not enough, the fact that there are voters on record supporting Brandon Jennings for ROY simply because the Bucks are a playoff team should be even more convincing. It's not solely about the stats.
Secondly, the notion that the Warriors PR blitz was pointless is lacking in perspective. Without getting into politics, lobbying is a huge industry in general, not because it's sexy and fun, but because it works. At least when done the right way. You're going to have some people who are firmly committed, one way or the other, but it goes back to the old sales 1-8-1 rule: For every ten people you pitch, one person is buying, no matter how bad your presentation sucks. One person is NOT buying, no matter how stellar your presentation is. It's the eight in between that really matter, because you have to sell them in order to get their business. Maybe it's not 1-8-1 in this case; maybe it's more 3-4-3, but those four in the middle are significant, because if you can get two of them, you're in the game. That's what the Warriors were all about.
Whether SHC's comment means that people are changing their minds now, or it means that he's finding out now that people changed their minds before finalizing their vote, it doesn't matter. What matters is that the Warriors out-lobbied the Kings. It's definitely had an impact on the final vote, even if it's just the 11 voters that Grant says he
knows changed their minds after talking to the Warriors PR people. That's 22 points away from Reke and toward Curry right there.
All I'm saying is that this thing should have been open and shut, and everybody knows it. You might have some people who are so taken with Curry that they put him 1 and Tyreke 2, and that's fine, but the overwhelming majority of media people with votes, who have gone on record, have backed Tyreke. The ESPN breakdown is indicative of that. If the results wind up being close, or if, heaven forbid, Curry should win, it's an glaring indictment of the Kings front office for losing the PR war to the Warriors. And it could wind up having ramifications for the Kings and Sacramento's arena situation. Either way it goes, the Kings got outperformed on this one.