Calling BS on that man. If its just one player that matters how come the team is under .500? And if Cousins is so good how come the team has sucked the last several seasons when he was the man? Yes without a doubt one good player in the NBA can change a team, but Cousins isn't the guy. You look at all the greats and none of them had the same attitude that he has
Ignoring the last statement for a moment -- I'm assuming you are too young to have seen Charles Barkley play, and its hardly relevant anyway as a large percentage of great players are jerks of one sort or the other -- I get tired of having to throw this out again and again.
Nobody can deny this, so people who don't want to understand its import just read right over it in the most ridiculously selective fashion:
Last 3 years (since Vivek took over) Kings record without DeMarcus Cousins:
That tells you everything, or should. Outside of the Sixers pranking the league, the Kings without Cousins have been the very worst team in the NBA. As I said, it gets tiresome after a while having to point out the same thing again and again and again. And yet here we go again. The worst. A 14 win pace. And we win more than twice as much when we DO have Cousins. Which is an enormous +/- effect.
I'm only going to chase down so many of these numbers, but please understand the implications here.
Kings w/0 Cousins 13-15: 7-35 =
Spurs w/o Duncan 00-05: 20-17
Rockets w/o Hakeem 90-96: 23-27
Lakers w/o Shaq 96-04: 58-52
Is there perhaps something that jumps out just a tiny bit, just a little, about the respective records of the teams of those great bigs in their primes? Something that makes you look at the ridiculous number next to Cousins name in a different light? Something that makes you realize that without Duncan the Spurs are a 44 win team, without Hakeem the Rockets are a 38 win team, without Shaq the Lakers are a 43 win team? And THEN you add on the great big on top of the already .500 team, and everybody gushes about what a great winner he is for adding 15 more wins to his team's total?
And then along comes DeMarcus, stuck with a sad sack 14 win a year team, and he adds 19 wins...but HE'S the loser?
You want to take a guess what I think would happen if you traded Cousins off someplace that had a .500 supporting cast in place without him? Uh huh. Kings fans better pray that one day is with us.