This is the NBA, not kiddie league.
Have a HOF talent, or hopefully more than one, or you might as well not even play come spring. Isaiah Thomas is "leading" (well, chucking) an 8th seeded Boston team that will get squished like a bug when things get serious. That's the fate of all " heart and professionalism" nonsense in this sport. You can do heart and professionalism in hockey, not basketball. Basketball is the most predictable and individualistic of all the sports -- one player can dominate games. A team built correctly around said player can dominate the league.
Oh, and the whole line is nonsense anyway when applied to Cousins. Complete nonsense unless you can explain how the team wins far far less games without the cancer than with. In fact almost can't win a game without the cancer. There is no answer there for you btw, just a feeble excuse. Its better to just try to ignore it and hope I quit bringing it up like the other people who are just as wrong on this issue as you are. There is a fatal hole in your logic on this one.
You are wrong about Cousins impact on this team.
Just wrong. His positives quite obviously, and statistically irrefutably, far outweigh his negatives. People can cry about his relationship with refs all they want. It still is just a footnote to his impact on the scoreboard. If it seems like any more to somebody, then that says a lot more about that person than it does about Cousins. Its been a minor impediment at best for some time now. Before tonight, no ejections, playing more minutes than he ever has, not been a significant issue.