I'm sorry, but behavior (non-behavior?) like that should get you an instant lifetime ban on NBA courtside seats. You buy a courtside seat, the usher escorts you out and swaps your seat with a randomly-selected fan from the upper deck.
I mean, I get it, you might want to check out the boxscore or some stats on your phone, or you might want to text your friend about an amazing play that just happened, or you might be settling a bet with your seatmate. I get it. We live in a world now where the phone reigns (almost) supreme. But those seats, directly behind Grant and Doug in the front row? Those cost, what, at least $500 a pop? More for a Laker game? YOU DO NOT SIT THERE FOR THE FREE WI-FI. WHEN IT IS A TWO-POINT GAME WITH FOUR SECONDS LEFT YOU WATCH THE BASKETBALL GAME TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHATISWRONGWITHYOUAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!