Kings @ Heat Game Thread

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"I don't see that, as I see it they are being severely overmatched."

Probably because of some recent terrible trades. Note to Petrie: Why not rebuild during the off-season next time?
i'm getting sick of the "we want zo" ****!

just put the man in there already just so we don't hear the same **** over and over again.

sorry. i am kinda frustrated. we are getting so close to the rockets in the standings.
Definition of MASOCHISM ...

Being a King's fan and watching a King's game !!!

This is beyond painful and excruciating ... it sucks simple as that.
NumberFour said:
Note to Petrie: Why not rebuild during the off-season next time?
He thought it would be a perfect opportunity to trade C-Webb while he is healthly. Who knows if C-Webb would have been healthy during the off-season.


Hall of Famer
Kids don't take it so hard. Kings played with no real center and an unpracticed new line against the top team in the East probalby the second best team in the league. Many of us were less than optimistic when we heard Bard was out. A day of rest, a little practice, a starting 5 that have played together for more tahn a few days and a Center in the line up and things could well be dfferent against Detroit on Sunday.
I find it more then a little ironic that I used to read posts that Adelman was an idiot because Darius should get more minutes off the bench, and now I'm reading posts that he's an idiot because he should sit down Darius so,(insert any bench player name here), can get more minutes. What a joke!
Rockmeister said:
He thought it would be a perfect opportunity to trade C-Webb while he is healthly. Who knows if C-Webb would have been healthy during the off-season.
i guess he didn't care that it was going to ruin our chances for this year. i guess he thinks that since we've waited 20 years for a championship we can wait a couple more.
KP said:
I find it more then a little ironic that I used to read posts that Adelman was an idiot because Darius should get more minutes off the bench, and now I'm reading posts that he's an idiot because he should sit down Darius so,(insert any bench player name here), can get more minutes. What a joke!
KP said:
I find it more then a little ironic that I used to read posts that Adelman was an idiot because Darius should get more minutes off the bench, and now I'm reading posts that he's an idiot because he should sit down Darius so,(insert any bench player name here), can get more minutes. What a joke!
Darius isn't exactly the type of player that can "heat up" and he is a bench player and was very effective at that. He is what he is and it wouldn't hurt to try someone else if he doesn't have it.
kingsfannPDX said:
only 7.5 months till next season.:rolleyes:

Who here thought we had a good chance tonight? This is the HEAT, 43-16, team stable, two all-stars and SHAQ IN THE MIDDLE. We played respectable defense for much of the night and are in desperate need of some practice with the newbies. Let's get some home games & practices under our belts before we start giving up on the whole damn season. :rolleyes:
Ryle said:
Darius isn't exactly the type of player that can "heat up" and he is a bench player and was very effective at that. He is what he is and it wouldn't hurt to try someone else if he doesn't have it.
Please no more...
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