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  • Second request. Do you plan to join our growing crowd of KingsFans SoCal Chapter at the Clippers game at Staples Center on saturday, 20 Feb 2010? I live in Solana Beach and will take Amtrak up and back to game, same day. Following is an official invoice for tickets and full info. Let us know as soon as you can. We have 25 going so far and a block of 30 tickets set aside by the Clippers Group Sales lady.




    This invoice is for Kings @ Clippers game, 7:30pm Saturday, 20 Feb 2010 at Staples Center, Los Angeles, in Section 106 lower level. These are $80/seats but KingsFans Group Price is only $54/seat.

    Enter the number of tickets desired below, multiple by $54/seat and put total paid in $_____total due. Be sure I know both your KingsFans.com name and your real name so I know to whom to give the tickets.

    TO: est.1999

    FM: CruzDude

    ref: KingsFans.com SoCal Chapter Clippers Game at Staples

    Qty of seats ___ x $54 per seat = $_____ total due

    Residence ________________________________

    Going to Game via: train __ car __ local transport __ walking __

    Make your check payable to: R.R.Fay

    Mail check to:

    PO Box 968
    Solana Beach, CA 92075

    Add memo to check: For Kings@Clippers 20 Feb 10
    Now that we have picked a Clipper game to go to Saturday, 20 Feb 2010, hope you will join us. Need confirmations by end of September so we can lock up a block of 20+ seats in lower level, section 105 for only $54 a seat. Let me know if we can include you in our SoCal Kings Krowd. Us folk down in San Diego and Orange County plan to come up together on Amtrak arriving at Union Station about 5:45pm for the 7:15pm game. We're even trying to get the Kings to cough up T-shirts for everyone that we can modify to add the game and date. Cool, eh?
    Well I'm in 858 area code and I think there are several San Diego fans. I'd like to see about going to a Kings-Lakers game at Staples Center as I've never been there. And I can get Amtrak from Solana Beach to downtown LA and its a quick schlep from there to Staples. Maybe we can see about a Kings Game package on Amtrak once the schedule comes out.
    I very well could get up to a Laker game this coming year. Amtrak station is 10 min walk here and quick cab ride in LA. Have been to a few in the old arena out by Hollywood Park in past years. FYI, I'll be at Vegas Summer League for 4 days with a media pass and all so should get some good inside info for KingsFans.com
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