haha, Feierabendbier! Prost!
Well it's an legitimate excuss because we don't even have german basketball on national tv. *sigh* and the international league pass is too expensive..
The argument that it would be better to spent the money on a rim protector is good.
But my idea is to get the rim protector by drafting Vonleh/Cauley-stein and use IT to get rid of either Thornton's or JT's contract. So we could spent about 12 million on Lance. But I'm not totally sure he's worth that money. Why would I do it? We solve our problem at the 2 by getting on of the best sgs in the game and (at least in theory) he works well with Jimmer and Ray McCallum (if Mac develops into a good perimeter defender) because he can handle and bring up the ball, has good court-vision and dishes out assist (just like the pacers do with him and Hill). aaaand we don't have to worry about sanders
P.S.: I'm not able to find the thread you mentioned via "search", sry
The argument that it would be better to spent the money on a rim protector is good.
But my idea is to get the rim protector by drafting Vonleh/Cauley-stein and use IT to get rid of either Thornton's or JT's contract. So we could spent about 12 million on Lance. But I'm not totally sure he's worth that money. Why would I do it? We solve our problem at the 2 by getting on of the best sgs in the game and (at least in theory) he works well with Jimmer and Ray McCallum (if Mac develops into a good perimeter defender) because he can handle and bring up the ball, has good court-vision and dishes out assist (just like the pacers do with him and Hill). aaaand we don't have to worry about sanders
P.S.: I'm not able to find the thread you mentioned via "search", sry
as for your plan, Thornton isn't that much of a long-term problem, since he's gone by 2015, giving IT away just to salary-dump him seems like an overpay. especially since we could've just as well kept Reke who's pretty much Stephenson's equal. nevermind that the Kings FO is unlikely to already give up on McLemore, no matter how bad he has looked recently. I'm also all for drafting a shotblocker, btw, it's just that I'd really like to have an established vet fullfilling that role in addition to the rook. Sanders is kind of a compromise, since, best case scenario, he gets back to last year's level of play and is young enough to grow next to Cuz as a kindred spirit aaaand you might still be able to keep your pick and can either get another defensive big as insurance or whoever is bpa at that point. worst case scenario is an apocalyptic hellscape where he and Demarcus start murdering refs and his contract becomes an asset so toxic not even a New York team would touch it. so, yeah, you better be sure about what you're doing there, I'd roll that dice, though.
and ILP really isn't that expensive. share it with someone and it's 10€ a month. the BBL presence on free TV sucks though, I agree. however, quite a few clubs have started streaming their games, you can look that up on the beko-bbl website, it's certainly better than nothing. Grüße aus Leipzig.