Grant Napear made a rare prediction.

Venom said:
Not if Peja's gone. I agree, we should go for a PF, like Sheldon Williams. I am very enamored with Williams. Less so with Morrison. Man, I would love to see Nene and Williams policing the paint.

Also, I take back the "tanking the season" comment. There really is no season to tank. No matter what happens via trade, this team will be in the lottery. And I'm fine with that. Teams go in cycles, and right now we need to rebuild. I just hope that nobody reacts harshly, based on false hopes, by firing Adelman or something like that. If Petrie makes some crafty trades, and we get lucky in the lottery, this team will be a serious contender again within 2 years.
Well Garcia seems to be the future SF, unless we get someone else in the league to replace Peja. Even so, I'd still think we get a big man, as we don't have any youth in that area other than Sampson, and who knows what becomes of him with us. I'd certainly like to see some Sampson though. ;)
Diabeticwonder said:
Get off the "Jump To Conclusions Mat" with respect to Morrison. He's a nice college player who has a bright NBA future ahead of him, but that's it. Aside, to think that he's going to be a King next year is a bit of a reach right now anyways. Nene has more upside to him than almost any other young PF in the game right now. These days, torn ACL's and MCL's are not what they used to be. Players routinely come back from these injuries without any problems at all. Comparing Nene's injury to Webber's knee injury is like comparing Bonzi's groin pull to Nomar Garciaparra's groin injury last year (ouch!!!). Nene is going to be fine and because of his injury he's going to come relatively cheap this summer for somenoe of his talents. Pull the trigger on the Watson/Nene deal.

Who's comparing his injury to Webber's? The injury won't make him any cheaper, for the reasons stated above in regards to his potential and the recoverability. I'll say this in regards to Morrison: if the Kings have the #1 pick in the draft, Petrie WILL take Adam Morrison.
Venom said:
Who's comparing his injury to Webber's? The injury won't make him any cheaper, for the reasons stated above in regards to his potential and the recoverability. I'll say this in regards to Morrison: if the Kings have the #1 pick in the draft, Petrie WILL take Adam Morrison.
A few posts have asked why we would get another guy with a knee injury when we traded away a guy with a knee injury last year. Additionally, sure, if the Kings get the #1 pick I'm sure that Adelman will look at Morrison. If Nene had played this year and done well then he would get a lot more money next year than he will due to his injury.
I'd be fine with getting Morrison, but we really need a big man, and would prefer that. If he did draft Morrison, I guess Garcia would become the back-up SF or one of Martin/Garcia starts at SG if Bonzi's gone, and Morrison starts at SF. While having SAR at PF and who knows what backing up the bigs.
LPKingsFan said:
He's hardly untouchable... in the right deal, say Peja/Bonzi/SAR for Dwight Howard/Grant Hill... you have to pull the trigger.
Is that the right deal?? Howard's a stud, but it seems like an awful lot to give up for him and an aging, injury-prone guy in Grant Hill.

I'm willing to give up those guys, but it had better be a blockbuster.
LPKingsFan said:
I know it was only one game, but last night we saw what happens when you have a balanced starting lineup. Not everyone on the floor needed to score, and everyone seemed to know their role.

I say we try to see what a Peja/Bonzi/Reef package could net us among superstar big men.
We should offer them for KG.


DocHolliday said:
If you get rid of Bonzi you're crazy.
Bonzi had 10-12 very good games. Well above his career norm.

I would hestitate about saying he's untradeable.
You all are so funny.

Correction: those who think that trading 2 regular Kings starters, not named Bonzi, for one superstar (or even an up and coming one) on another team.

Peja/Bonzi/Reef for Howard/Hill is so rediculous, on so many levels, but try this one - they can't play well together in Sacramento, so why would they play well together in Orlando? (assuming they're not under-utilized in their current roles now)
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tresmil said:
Peja/Bonzi/Reef for Howard/Hill is so rediculous, on so many levels, but try this one - they can't play well together in Sacramento, so why would they play well together in Orlando? (assuming they're not under-utilized in their current roles now)
That'd be Orlando's problem.

chelle said:
That was my question Doc. Especially with all the injuries, we need help now, not just next season. There is also the concern that when Nene does come back, he may not even the same. Isn't he out because of a knee injury. didn't we trade away a player last season because we were unsure about his ability to come back because of a bum knee? I do not know that I would really like this trade. I believe that we will trade Peja, but I am not sold on this.

On a side note - wasn't KHTK going to be online by December?
Different knee injuries chelle. Having microfracture surgery stuffs up players knee because they drill into the bone and hope that can act as "cushioning". Nene raptured anterior crutiate ligament. He snapped it off and as a result he had to have whats known as a total knee reconstruction. They basically replace the ligament with either a synthetically made one or most likely they take a bit of a tendon out of his hamstring and use it as a ligament that holds the knee together. It takes a bit of time for the graft to take and the knee to be as strong as it was before but generally as an athlete your chances of fully recovering are better with knee reconstruction than with microfracture surgery.
ForlornKing said:
You can't Trade Injured Players.
Maybe not in in NBA Live or NBA 2KX but I am pretty sure that you can trade injuried players. Didn't the hornets deal Mashburn to Philly last year?

Last time I checked, Mashburn hasn't been playing for a couple of years now ;)
Čarolija said:
Different knee injuries chelle. Having microfracture surgery stuffs up players knee because they drill into the bone and hope that can act as "cushioning". Nene raptured anterior crutiate ligament. He snapped it off and as a result he had to have whats known as a total knee reconstruction. They basically replace the ligament with either a synthetically made one or most likely they take a bit of a tendon out of his hamstring and use it as a ligament that holds the knee together. It takes a bit of time for the graft to take and the knee to be as strong as it was before but generally as an athlete your chances of fully recovering are better with knee reconstruction than with microfracture surgery.
Thanks for the information. I was not sure exactly what his injury was. I just knew that it was going to keep him out for the whole season. That seemed pretty serious to me. If his chances of recovery are good, I may look at it more, but I am still not convinced that it would be a great deal. It would depend entirely on who we had to give up to get him. (Peja +?)
Čarolija said:
Maybe not in in NBA Live or NBA 2KX but I am pretty sure that you can trade injuried players. Didn't the hornets deal Mashburn to Philly last year?

Last time I checked, Mashburn hasn't been playing for a couple of years now ;)
Indeed he was, they still have his salary on them.
GoGoGadget said:
That'd be Orlando's problem.

This 'trade' also could involve SAR going to one team, Peja going to another, and the Kings getting something big from one or both teams in return, kinda like what happened in the Miller trade...Hedo to SA, Pollard to Indy, Miller to us.
Diabeticwonder said:
Get off the "Jump To Conclusions Mat" with respect to Morrison. He's a nice college player who has a bright NBA future ahead of him, but that's it. Aside, to think that he's going to be a King next year is a bit of a reach right now anyways. Nene has more upside to him than almost any other young PF in the game right now. These days, torn ACL's and MCL's are not what they used to be. Players routinely come back from these injuries without any problems at all. Comparing Nene's injury to Webber's knee injury is like comparing Bonzi's groin pull to Nomar Garciaparra's groin injury last year (ouch!!!). Nene is going to be fine and because of his injury he's going to come relatively cheap this summer for somenoe of his talents. Pull the trigger on the Watson/Nene deal.
Maybe, but he also has the best possibility of all to remain a guy with upside, and thats it. The idea of Watson sweetens it a little however.

Nene's knee will be fine, but more than that we would have to re-sign him. I don't want the Maloofs to overpay for Nene. Which is most likely what would happen. There are desperate teams out there with a LOT of capspace.
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Čarolija said:
Maybe not in in NBA Live or NBA 2KX but I am pretty sure that you can trade injuried players. Didn't the hornets deal Mashburn to Philly last year?

Last time I checked, Mashburn hasn't been playing for a couple of years now ;)

No, It's in the CBA.


Super Moderator Emeritus
CaminoChaos said:
In yesterday's (12/27) "Top 5 at 5" the number 5 story was the trade discussions between Denver, Indiana and a 3rd team. Grant made a very, very rare prediction that the Kings are possibly the 3rd team involved. I just thought that was really weird considering he hates trade rumors.

Another thing is both Denver and Indiana have been intrested in Peja in the past.
Okay, what exactly makes Grant's comment a prediction instead of just a musing like virtually EVERY other sports broadcaster/analyst/fan on the planet?

The Kings are possibly the 3rd team involved? Whoa, Nellie!! How could he have EVER come up with that?



Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Looking over the last 3-4 pages of this thread I have a big problem with a Peja for Nene/Watson:
1. Nene is injured and was not the starter. How long before he can play at all? how long till he can play 30+ min?
2. Why would we want 4 PGs? or do we trade Hart or Price?
3. Peja is 20+ ppg. Nene is not. He MAY be but he is not now prior to injury. so where do we get the missing points?
4. Peja to Pacers and Artest to Nuggets and Nene/Watson to Kings? Seems Kings are really the short end of those 3 sticks.