Evans for Vasquez

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What class are Irving/Wall/Love in if you give them Smart as coach, move them off the ball and/or limit their touches and surround them with non-defensive chuckers?
Are u saying those guys have been in much better situations than Reke? All of them developed into stars. despite just as crappy situations as Sacramento


Hall of Famer
By all means break up the team -- sell off everybody. Thompson, gone. Hayes, gone. Salmons, gone. Joe Johnson, gone. Jimmer, gone. Isaiah, gone. But keep the guys who are actually good and young and getting better. Keep Cousins and Evans and McLemore. That's not banking on a 28 win team to improve with coaching, that's gutting 3/4ths of the roster and keeping the guys worth building around. A lot of people seem convinced that Tyreke was a part of the problem, which is mind-boggling to me. Haven't we just spent the last 3 years complaining about Coach Smart and Coach Westphal's complete lack of a structured offense, insistence on playing guys at roles they aren't suited for and lack of commitment to teaching defense? And Petrie's obsession with jumpshooting guards which fill up the rotation, stop ball movement, and take shots away from players who are far more efficient? I don't want that team back. I just want DeMarcus and Tyreke back, you know the two guys who we all pretty much agreed have All Star talent? Or has that already been forgotten?
There's something that you seem to be walking around over and over again. Its obvious that they didn't want Tyreke back. Who did they embrace when the sale went through? Cousins! Who did they say they wanted to build the team around? Cousins! Rightly or wrongly, they've decided to put their eggs in Cousins basket, and so now they're trying to put players around him to help make him into a star. So the point is, they never had any intention of resigning Tryeke! I know you disagree with that, but somehow I don't think my, or your opinion matters to them. They have a plan, and thats the plan their following. I believe they were willing to lose Tyreke for nothing if they had to. Vasquez is simple a last minute bonus that fell into their laps.

Its possible that they tried to sign and trade Tyreke with other teams, but those other teams would have had to agree to the same money that New Orleans was offering for Tyreke to sign on. With Vasquez, I think they saw an opportunity to at least get something back, but Vasquez was hardly the encentive for the trade. They wanted capspace to be able to be flexable enough to pull of some deals. What they might be, is something we'll have to wait to find out. Then everyone can ***** again...
I challenge u to go find any $40mil+ signing where the player was then traded that same season. Who's going to offer us anything of value?
It doesn't necessarily have to be this season. I don't see any reason at all that we couldn't keep him for a season and then reassess where we stand at the end of the year. If he plays up to the contract, then keep him and you're much better off. If he doesn't, then you still have the opportunity to move him for something. The absolute worse case scenario would be trading him in a salary dump, which is essentially the move we just made.
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I challenge u to go find any $40mil+ signing where the player was then traded that same season. Who's going to offer us anything of value?
Not that I agree that it would have been easy to trade Tyreke this season if he failed massively but the Nuggets did sign Nene to a massive 5 year/$67 million deal before the 2012 season and traded him later that same year. I think our current GM may have even played a role in the deal ;)
I can't see how a Kings fan who sat through these last three seasons of Maloof drama can honestly say any franchise had it just as bad. Crappy yes, but not as toxic.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Are u saying those guys have been in much better situations than Reke? All of them developed into stars. despite just as crappy situations as Sacramento
Yes they have. Simply because they work for professional organization that said hey! Talent! Let's give the talent the ball! Rather than hiring morons to coach and having them split shots and touches with Boobie Gibson.

Put Kyrie Irving here, move him off the ball, give him 12 shots a game, and we would have just let him walk too because obviously he was never going to be a star.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
There's something that you seem to be walking around over and over again. Its obvious that they didn't want Tyreke back. Who did they embrace when the sale went through? Cousins! Who did they say they wanted to build the team around? Cousins! Rightly or wrongly, they've decided to put their eggs in Cousins basket, and so now they're trying to put players around him to help make him into a star. So the point is, they never had any intention of resigning Tryeke! I know you disagree with that, but somehow I don't think my, or your opinion matters to them. They have a plan, and thats the plan their following. I believe they were willing to lose Tyreke for nothing if they had to. Vasquez is simple a last minute bonus that fell into their laps.

Its possible that they tried to sign and trade Tyreke with other teams, but those other teams would have had to agree to the same money that New Orleans was offering for Tyreke to sign on. With Vasquez, I think they saw an opportunity to at least get something back, but Vasquez was hardly the encentive for the trade. They wanted capspace to be able to be flexable enough to pull of some deals. What they might be, is something we'll have to wait to find out. Then everyone can ***** again...
Baja, I'm not walking around it -- I'm staring that fact right in the face and I'm pissed off about it! :) That's what all of this is about. I barely got any sleep last night. I keep hoping that there might come a day when my favorite basketball team starts to build a team around what I consider to be a good, fundamental, winning style of play. Because I want to see a Kings championship before I die. From my standpoint, the chances of that happening just got postponed another 5 plus years. Yes I get it, I'm overreacting. The front office is going to do whatever they want regardless of what I think. That's all fine. But I reserve the right to be upset about it, especially when we're losing games in the playoffs because our perimeter defense remains a mess and our jumpshots aren't falling. If this is the prelude to a series of moves which make us an elite defensive team I'll backpedal appropriately. Right now I'm not a happy Kings fan though.

Don't want to run in circles. *Runs in circles*
Running in circles would be restating things that I've already said 5 different ways -- talking about why Vasquez for Evans at PG is a huge blow to our hopes of improving our defense and doesn't necessarily make us better offensively either. We had that argument already, a lot of people agree and a lot of people don't. All I'm talking about now is the reality of the financial situation which is twofold: (1) We could have paid Evans and still had plenty of cap space to fill out our need for frontcourt depth and a starter at SF and (2) We didn't just buy into an exciting, young, elite PG who is coveted around the league and required a massive talent dump to acquire, we picked up an expiring rookie deal that New Orleans was shopping for cap space. Just like Petrie's brilliant mid-season acquisition of two players who are no longer on the roster and another who is exprining next season for our #5 overall pick. Sometimes you have to look beyond just the names to see what is really going on.
NO NO NO. this isn't even close to the webber trade. Blown knee and all. There was no consolation. Not one person happy about that at all. It was armegeddon around here for a while. I think half the forum got banned for language. I called GP so many different names VF21 had to fly down to stop me. I'm getting pissed just thinking about it again. ok don't ever EVER bring that trade up in here again nothing compares NOTHING
lol... I hope you take your job as seriously as the kings. You're probably loaded.

In other news, it's a hot day.
Yes they have. Simply because they work for professional organization that said hey! Talent! Let's give the talent the ball! Rather than hiring morons to coach and having them split shots and touches with Boobie Gibson.

Put Kyrie Irving here, move him off the ball, give him 12 shots a game, and we would have just let him walk too because obviously he was never going to be a star.
Kyrie has a position. There'd be no reason to move him off the ball. That's never been in question. 4 years in, we still don't know what the heck Reke plays best.
Yes they have. Simply because they work for professional organization that said hey! Talent! Let's give the talent the ball! Rather than hiring morons to coach and having them split shots and touches with Boobie Gibson.

Put Kyrie Irving here, move him off the ball, give him 12 shots a game, and we would have just let him walk too because obviously he was never going to be a star.
Lots of excuses and lots of presumptions.

You could be right but when someone makes this many excuses and "what if" presumptions you could very well be wrong too.

It's a little disturbing that you talk about Tyreke in such absolutes and with such conviction when so very much of your argument is based upon excuses and bashing everyone else around him.
Because I want to see a Kings championship before I die. From my standpoint, the chances of that happening just got postponed another 5 plus years. Yes I get it, I'm overreacting.
I don't think you're overreacting. Paging Dr. Bricklayer :

You and I are if the same mind about the offseason so far, can you talk me down?

Can you give me a scenario where we don't have three more 28 win seasons, waste Cousins prime years and wait for PDA to be fired?
Baja, I'm not walking around it -- I'm staring that fact right in the face and I'm pissed off about it! :) That's what all of this is about. I barely got any sleep last night. I keep hoping that there might come a day when my favorite basketball team starts to build a team around what I consider to be a good, fundamental, winning style of play. Because I want to see a Kings championship before I die. From my standpoint, the chances of that happening just got postponed another 5 plus years. Yes I get it, I'm overreacting. The front office is going to do whatever they want regardless of what I think. That's all fine. But I reserve the right to be upset about it, especially when we're losing games in the playoffs because our perimeter defense remains a mess and our jumpshots aren't falling. If this is the prelude to a series of moves which make us an elite defensive team I'll backpedal appropriately. Right now I'm not a happy Kings fan though.

Running in circles would be restating things that I've already said 5 different ways -- talking about why Vasquez for Evans at PG is a huge blow to our hopes of improving our defense and doesn't necessarily make us better offensively either. We had that argument already, a lot of people agree and a lot of people don't. All I'm talking about now is the reality of the financial situation which is twofold: (1) We could have paid Evans and still had plenty of cap space to fill out our need for frontcourt depth and a starter at SF and (2) We didn't just buy into an exciting, young, elite PG who is coveted around the league and required a massive talent dump to acquire, we picked up an expiring rookie deal that New Orleans was shopping for cap space. Just like Petrie's brilliant mid-season acquisition of two players who are no longer on the roster and another who is exprining next season for our #5 overall pick. Sometimes you have to look beyond just the names to see what is really going on.
Deal wasn't made for cap space alone. As soon as you conclude that he wasn't an elite PG than it will all make sense why they did what they did.


Super Moderator Emeritus

Per El Universal, a Venezuelan paper based out of Caracas, Greivis Vasquez is scheduled for minor surgery on both his ankles tomorrow.

According to the report, Vasquez experienced some discomfort during the tail end of the season, and the procedure will remove loose particles from his ankles. The surgery will take place in Los Angeles, and the paper also reports that there's a 12-16 week recovery period on the table, putting Vasquez's participation in the FIBA Americas Championship in August in question.

Quoth Vasquez: "I played with pain during the final weeks of the regular season. I understand that this is the right decision. need to focus on my rehabilitation and return healthy. Hopefully be able to play in the FIBA Americas Championship FIBA although I know that will be determined by how [developed] my recovery."
My friend's cousin is an NBA agent. I didn't know who he represented. I met him. And then later in the day my friend just told me he was Vasquez's agent. I was so bummed that I couldn't get any inside scoop!


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
My friend's cousin is an NBA agent. I didn't know who he represented. I met him. And then later in the day my friend just told me he was Vasquez's agent. I was so bummed that I couldn't get any inside scoop!
Well if he is Vasquez's agent, he is also Reke's agent. This was all an inside job by agent moving around a bunch of his clients.
I'll wait until 10th of July.
If we don't get someone else on board that could compensate Reke's value, I would rate this trade a stinking FAIL.

Reke >>> Vazquez

Would have been nice if Lopez got on board. But we dodged his contract. And I hope that means we're keeping some more space for someone else who'll take a big chunk off that payroll.
That guy better not be a ghost or I would rate this trade a stinking FAIL.

A guy like Josh Smith could really help Vazquez a lot. And save Vivek and Co with awesome dunks.
So will a Thornton for Granger\Green trade.

Let's see. We still got 5 days left.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
And Tyreke's ankles don't?
Sprained ankles? No.

Unless they cost people whole seasons like Curry.

Never like to hear people getting opened up -- indicates some sort of significant issue. That said I doubt this Vasquez thing is chronic. Or if it is, that's rare. He doesn't depend on athleticism anyway.
I'll wait until 10th of July.
If we don't get someone else on board that could compensate Reke's value, I would rate this trade a stinking FAIL.
yea if we dont end up spending that new cap space on a solid player like Granger/AK47/Iggy then this trade was crap.

and what is with Portland sending Jeff Withey to New Orleans in this deal too! why couldnt we have atleast gotten him? New Orleans raped everyone on this trade
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