Evans for Vasquez

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Hall of Famer
Well, at this point, capspace is our only friend, other than straight trades. Its like the chicken or egg thing. Your really can't have one without the other. My point is, if were going to be sitting here in this situation, with Tyreke gone, its better to have capspace with which to work, than to have none. I realize that in the recent past, capspace has been squandered when we had it. But its not fair to lay those expectations on the new ownership. Were only 4 days into freeagency. Lets wait and see what they can do.
yep and also had we signed Tyreke we would have been right at the cap and couldn't sign anyone and went into next season with the exact same players we had plus maclemore. all the while hoping for a trade that pretty much had to be exact since we were right at the cap.


Hall of Famer
He was a complimentary piece who meant more when surrounded by star talent in Webb, Peja and Bibby. Great locker room guy and teammate, but hardly a game changing talent.

Go after guys like Vlade and Christie, it's great, but you still need the star talent. Complementary players don't mean as much without the star talent they surround, and we just traded a 23 yr old star talent for a complimentary piece.
I know we disagree on this, but in my opinion, we didn't trade Evans for Vasquez. We decided we didn't want to pay Evans that much, actually, I don't think they ever intended to resign Evans, but that aside, that mean't they knew they were probably going to lose him, so all Vasquez meant was that they got something back in return. It was never thought of as equal value. Minimum compension is more like it. You don't like it, I understand that. Personally, I'm moving on because when I get up tomorrow, he'll still be gone and there's nothing I can do about it.
Except that he's not a star. I don't know where you got this notion that Tyreke is a star or has the potential to be a star but he isn't and he isn't going to be a star.

He doesn't have enough skills to be a star, he doesn't make his teammates better like so many stars do, and he doesn't have the personality to be a star.

Steph Curry has turned into a star. He keeps getting better and he's making his teammates better. You know Steph Curry is the same guy that Petrie passed on in the draft in favor of Tyreke. The same Steph Curry that when the rookie-of-the-year discussions were going on, many Kings fans trashed Curry and said he'll never be as good as Tyreke, not as athletic, not as fast, not as strong, not as good of finisher. Those points were all true, Curry is slower, less athletic, not as strong, etc. yet here we are years later and Curry has already become a star while Tyreke never really got any better.

Turns out leadership and immeasurable intangibles are more important to becoming a star player than just sheer athletic ability.

Pete D'Alessandro is letting Evans walk because he doesn't see a star in Evans. I'm sure he sees a good player (nobody will deny that) but he doesn't see a real star or leader that makes other players better. As I said earlier today on a team like the Spurs as a 3rd option, no doubt Tyreke would have real value but he'd never be the first or second option on a winning team. Some have said he could stay here and be the 3rd option but come on let's be real, we know a guy that needs the ball in his hands like Tyreke is not going to let guys like Cousins and McLemore reach their full potential.

If McLemore especially is going to become an all-star caliber player it wasn't going to happen with Tyreke here. Tyreke would have essentially been the Monta Ellis of that equation, hogging the ball and getting in the way.
so a power guard who can score at the rim at will, rebound, pass, and defend "doesn't have enough skills to be a star"? but mclemore, a dead-eye stand still shooter that can't create for himself, does have enough skills to be a star?


i'm seriously going to have to take a nice, long break from kf.com. i don't know when the collective wisdom of this community decided to plummet, but it's becoming too much for even me to bear...
People keep crying in their wheaties that we're never going be able to use the capspace to sign a free agent. As someone pointed out earlier, capspace can be used to absorb salary in a trade, which happens all the time.

General comments:

While I was initially shocked/kinda bummed... I've had some time to reflect. Questions:

Tyreke reaching his full potential: how much better does that make Cousins?

Tyreke reaching his full potential: how much better does that make McLemore?

I think the FO has decided to make Cuz the #1 on this team (rightly so), and sees Benny Mac as the clear #2 (apparently made the judgement call over Evans).

Their thinking seems to be that for your #3, do you want to spend 11mil on a player who you don't think has the specialty of facilitating and making other players better.

I would have liked to see how Evans would have done next to Benny Mac, especially defensively, but, I'm also very willing to let the FO do their thing, and nobody is in a position to make a judgment at this point. We can offer conjecture, but only time will tell. I'm back to curious at least.

And no, I would not have wanted Lopez at 6mil either.

The fact that we didn't just match, and then trade him later during the year for better value tells me that we wanted the cap space THIS off-season, so it seems they're shooting for something else.
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Hall of Famer
I know we disagree on this, but in my opinion, we didn't trade Evans for Vasquez. We decided we didn't want to pay Evans that much, actually, I don't think they ever intended to resign Evans, but that aside, that mean't they knew they were probably going to lose him, so all Vasquez meant was that they got something back in return. It was never thought of as equal value. Minimum compension is more like it. You don't like it, I understand that. Personally, I'm moving on because when I get up tomorrow, he'll still be gone and there's nothing I can do about it.
It is what it is. We can hope the cap space is used effectively, but I have no reason to be confident of that given the Sac market history. You know the saying, **** in one hand and hope in the other and see which one fills up first.

For all we know in a week or two we add Asik and AK, or, we look like it was just Reke for Vasquez and there's little chance we make a big FA signing or pull off a trade bringing back star level talent/prospects. But, I know which situation is more likely. And you're right, we can't control any of this, all we can do is discuss it. And I maintain it was Reke for Vasquez/cap space and we wouldn't probably have lost Reke, given we had the clear option of matching and seeking a trade later.
so a power guard who can score at the rim at will, rebound, pass, and defend "doesn't have enough skills to be a star"? but mclemore, a dead-eye stand still shooter that can't create for himself, does have enough skills to be a star?


i'm seriously going to have to take a nice, long break from kf.com. i don't know when the collective wisdom of this community decided to plummet, but it's becoming too much for even me to bear...
Oh no! How will this forum ever continue on without Padrino degrading every poster with a differing opinion! :rolleyes:

You can't look at the trade in a vacuum. The FO decided Reke was not in our future plans; so they got back an adequate starting PG who is going to absolutely help the development of McLemore and Cousins. And contrary to popular belief, Reke at that price is not a tradable contract. Either he would have produced for us (in which case, we wouldn't deal him) or he'd stink it up, in which case, no one is giving any sort of value for him.
Except that he's not a star. I don't know where you got this notion that Tyreke is a star or has the potential to be a star but he isn't and he isn't going to be a star.

He doesn't have enough skills to be a star, he doesn't make his teammates better like so many stars do, and he doesn't have the personality to be a star.

Steph Curry has turned into a star. He keeps getting better and he's making his teammates better. You know Steph Curry is the same guy that Petrie passed on in the draft in favor of Tyreke. The same Steph Curry that when the rookie-of-the-year discussions were going on, many Kings fans trashed Curry and said he'll never be as good as Tyreke, not as athletic, not as fast, not as strong, not as good of finisher. Those points were all true, Curry is slower, less athletic, not as strong, etc. yet here we are years later and Curry has already become a star while Tyreke never really got any better.

Turns out leadership and immeasurable intangibles are more important to becoming a star player than just sheer athletic ability.

Pete D'Alessandro is letting Evans walk because he doesn't see a star in Evans. I'm sure he sees a good player (nobody will deny that) but he doesn't see a real star or leader that makes other players better. As I said earlier today on a team like the Spurs as a 3rd option, no doubt Tyreke would have real value but he'd never be the first or second option on a winning team. Some have said he could stay here and be the 3rd option but come on let's be real, we know a guy that needs the ball in his hands like Tyreke is not going to let guys like Cousins and McLemore reach their full potential.

If McLemore especially is going to become an all-star caliber player it wasn't going to happen with Tyreke here. Tyreke would have essentially been the Monta Ellis of that equation, hogging the ball and getting in the way.
Curry also had the privilege of playing on a better team. He's playing with Bogut, Lee, Barnes and Thompson. All players are upgrades at their positions compared to ours with the only exception at C. Making the playoffs also makes you look better. A year or 2 ago would anyone really want to pay jarrett jack? But now he helped his team make the playoffs and will get a payday. Having a good team will make you look better, look at all the players that looked good on the lakers and became bums after leaving. Im not saying Curry is Trevor Ariza or Devon George or that Tyreke will be better than Curry. I believe Curry will be an allstar but that doesnt rule out that Tyreke could be one also if he was on a better team.
And I maintain it was Reke for Vasquez/cap space and we wouldn't probably have lost Reke, given we had the clear option of matching and seeking a trade later.
Tyreke had 1 offer at a price no other team was interested in paying.

Matching that offer and seeking a trade later wouldn't be as easy as you make it sound.


Hall of Famer
Tyreke had 1 offer at a price no other team was interested in paying.

Matching that offer and seeking a trade later wouldn't be as easy as you make it sound.
I'll do you one better, NO did NOT have the cap space to make good on their offer. All Sacramento had to was wait and watch NO panic then pull the offer on the 9th.
i also want to note the unfortunate hypocrisy we've thus far witnessed from ranadive and d'allesandro. they claim that they want players who are hungry, who want to be here. they drop a massive offer for andre iguodala, considering his age and potential for decline, then they rescind that offer because iguodala failed to give them an immediate answer, an apparent sign of his lack of commitment to sacramento. all the while tyreke evans is making it clear that he is hungry to help this team win, and that it is his preference to stay in sacramento (at a price much more satisfactory than the very contract that d'allesandro had just offered iggy), yet tyreke gets the boot... for grievis vasquez??


far too many kings fans fail to appreciate what it means to have a young high-level talent committed to remaining with the franchise, committed to growing with it and winning with it. tyreke evans is a young, 23-year-old power guard with an elite rim attack and all-star potential, but he never let his ego get in the way. not once. i want to thank him for that. he was jerked around for four years, played out of position, given inconsistent minutes, and he never demanded a trade. he never upset the locker room. i want to thank him for that. and, despite it all, he wanted to stay here, even after vivek ranadive and pete d'allesandro decided that they were not going to make him a free agent priority. i want to thank him for that. thanks for stayin' classy, 'reke, even when sacramento didn't deserve it...

while i love this team, and while i remain excited by its future and happy that it has any future at all in sacramento, if it continues to lose games, and if tyreke evans goes on to help new orleans re-establish itself as a winning franchise, then the kings deserve exactly what they get. i've maintained that, at the very least, you re-sign evans and trade him on your terms if you don't envision him in your future plans. but grievis vasquez does not represent value-in-return, nor do the couple of 2nd-rounders that were thrown in. it's a pathetic haul, and i'm embarrassed for our front office because of it. can't believe i'd see the day when the kings would out-do the face-palm of a trade that brought jimmer fredette and john salmons here. there was much more at stake this time around, and they blew it...

I rarely hear that players want to come or stay here. Sad that when we do here it, we let him go. I know that the money was an issue and there's a business side to it but after hearing all these cowtown, middle of nowhere jokes, it's good to hear when Cuz and Tyreke say they want to stay, and sad when we let them go.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I think the most frustrating aspect of this whole thing is that we endured years of misery, got two great players and then managed to blow our cap situation to put us in this conundrum to begin with. Just like the short sightedness that cost us Wallace in an expansion draft when all we needed to do to protect him was have one more player under contract, some how we managed to get maxed out on role players and scrubs when we knew we were going to have two major signings. THIS WAS OBVIOUS 3 YEARS AGO. HELLO?!?
Given you've been a ghost for years and have yet to show you understand the numerous issues with this franchise or how Reke fits, and have hundreds, if not thousands of posts detailing the issues you've never attempted to refute, why would I waste my time at this point laying out how elementary in substance your posts are?

Just popping in and saying Reke/Cuz won't work and Holiday/Reke won't work lol, shows such little understanding on your part it's really not worth the time. There's so much you have yet to touch on or even show you comprehend. If I missed the post(s) from you detailing all the things which went wrong and why Reke still is worth giving up for Vasquez and cap space, I apologize, just please copy and paste the insight you've provided so I better understand your thought process.
Hmmm ... I think you have me confused with someone else. I wish we'd keep Reke and don't really understand this move at all right now . We'll see what happens

I rarely hear that players want to come or stay here. Sad that when we do here it, we let him go. I know that the money was an issue and there's a business side to it but after hearing all these cowtown, middle of nowhere jokes, it's good to hear when Cuz and Tyreke say they want to stay, and sad when we let them go.
Great post, Padrino!

Very well written, and I agree with every word. *sigh


Hall of Famer
Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA 3h
Calderon turned down Kings offer within past hour, ultimately deciding against a full-blown rebuilding project, sources tell Y!

Is this what Calderon was told, we're going into rebuild mode?
Everyone needs to relax. Tyreke isn't the difference between a championship and not. Everyone is more devastated than when webber got traded. I like tyreke and I wish him the best, but a lot of non-kings fans think this is a good trade. No one besides kings fans hold stock in tyreke. Don't let your diehard love for the kings overvalue tyreke. He got only a single absurd contract. No other team was interested. We didn't lose anyone incredible, albeit we could've gotten more in the trade.
If you look at our franchise's free agent history, you know that the concept of cap space as a positive to letting homegrown talent walk away is naive. Our team's lack of FA appeal is already rearing its ugly head: Jose effing Calderon won't even take our offer. He's even considering going back to Detroit rather than play for us. This is what we're up against in the open market. The fans know it and I fear that the FO is going to get a rude awakening as well.

I hope I'm wrong - I'm a Kings fan first, but I am certain that they've outsmarted themselves and made a major mistake here.
You realize we have a different ownership group in here. When in the last 20 or so years have the Kings name been attached to top tier FAs? Give the new FO some time to work their magic.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Everyone needs to relax. Tyreke isn't the difference between a championship and not. Everyone is more devastated than when webber got traded. I like tyreke and I wish him the best, but a lot of non-kings fans think this is a good trade. No one besides kings fans hold stock in tyreke. Don't let your diehard love for the kings overvalue tyreke. He got only a single absurd contract. No other team was interested. We didn't lose anyone incredible, albeit we could've gotten more in the trade.
Webber had just blown up his knee and couldn't play at an elite level anymore. Tyreke has barely started his career and we let him leave for a $44 million dollar deal. I'm sad to say it, but not even the Maloofs were that cheap.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
The last pure pass-first point guard who won the champ... wait... Chalmers is far from pure PG... JJ Barea and Rodrigue Beaubois aren't pure PGs either... nor Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher... nor Rondo or Parker... or Ron Harper...

so.... Stockton didn't win. Magic isn't a pure PG... Isiah Thomas? Mo Cheeks?
Rondo and Kidd get full credit for being pass-first point guards, as does Magic. But that, pretty much proves my point: in the past 23 yeas, there have been three pass-first point guards who have started on a championship team. That's few enough to count on one hand, with enough fingers left over to tell you what I really think of pass-first point guards. If you increase the range to 24, you get to #4. Increasing the range to 26 years gets you to #5. You've got to extend the range to 30 years to get to #6, and you've got to extend to 40 in order to get to #7.

And here's an interesting bit of trivia, that may give Kings Fans cause for concern: what do those seven point guards have in common? Only two of them played with a dominant big in his prime, and both of them played with the same big.
Webber had just blown up his knee and couldn't play at an elite level anymore. Tyreke has barely started his career and we let him leave for a $44 million dollar deal. I'm sad to say it, but not even the Maloofs were that cheap.
The Maloofs didn't even offer him an extension last year when they could have.
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Hall of Famer
Everyone needs to relax. Tyreke isn't the difference between a championship and not. Everyone is more devastated than when webber got traded. I like tyreke and I wish him the best, but a lot of non-kings fans think this is a good trade. No one besides kings fans hold stock in tyreke. Don't let your diehard love for the kings overvalue tyreke. He got only a single absurd contract. No other team was interested. We didn't lose anyone incredible, albeit we could've gotten more in the trade.
NO NO NO. this isn't even close to the webber trade. Blown knee and all. There was no consolation. Not one person happy about that at all. It was armegeddon around here for a while. I think half the forum got banned for language. I called GP so many different names VF21 had to fly down to stop me. I'm getting pissed just thinking about it again. ok don't ever EVER bring that trade up in here again nothing compares NOTHING
The last pure pass-first point guard who won the champ... wait... Chalmers is far from pure PG... JJ Barea and Rodrigue Beaubois aren't pure PGs either... nor Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher... nor Rondo or Parker... or Ron Harper...

so.... Stockton didn't win. Magic isn't a pure PG... Isiah Thomas? Mo Cheeks?
The common theme to those players are that they either had superstar talent (top 50 all time players) on their team or they see the floor well and have a high BBall IQ. Give me LeBron and Wade and I don't give a crap who our PG is. But Chalmers is a lot better than his ppg shows. On a team without superstars he could easily be a 15/8 guy while shooting 44%+. Been watching him since College and I actually wanted the Kings to purchase a pick in order to grab him.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
yep and also had we signed Tyreke we would have been right at the cap and couldn't sign anyone and went into next season with the exact same players we had plus maclemore. all the while hoping for a trade that pretty much had to be exact since we were right at the cap.
Oh my god, that's not even remotely true. I've proved it's not true so why do people keep trotting this out as fact? After that $44M deal for Tyreke we would have still had $11 million in cap space after we amnesty Salmons. That is not capped out with no room to maneuver. This is being cheap, just admit it and stop throwing out inaccurate information to defend the indefensible.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The Maloofs didn't even offer him an extension last year.
And if they had, we wouldn't have been in this situation right now. Much like realizing that we have no second-round picks for the next several years because of trades for "cash considerations" or the cheapest players in the NBA, it's just another gift from the Maloofs that keeps on giving.
PG tyreke evans
SG ben mclemore
SF matt barnes
PF jason thompson
C demarcus cousins
I would have been able to give that team a chance. I know Barnes isn't popular around here but he's a better player than he's given credit for. He's a decent passer, and he can handle the ball a bit.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
And if they had, we wouldn't have been in this situation right now. Much like realizing that we have no second-round picks for the next several years because of trades for "cash considerations" or the cheapest players in the NBA, it's just another gift from the Maloofs that keeps on giving.
No, this isn't on the Maloofs. This is on Vivek and Pete. All we had to do was match. We had the right to match. A few second round picks here or there is a drop in the bucket compared to letting Tyreke walk for cap space which we don't even need.
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