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  1. Cozmosis

    Welcome Sean Singletary!!

    As a UMD fan, I saw this kid play a ton in the ACC, and he is a stud. Absolutely thrilled with the pick. Singletary-Martin will be an excellent 1-2, IMO.
  2. Cozmosis

    Kings announce summer league roster (merged)

    Caner-Medley was undrafted LAST year. And he pretty much stinks. Can have range, but was horrible against all top level college opponents, and torched the weak ones.
  3. Cozmosis

    Welcome to Sacramento Coach Musselman!

    That's preparation. Gotta love that.
  4. Cozmosis

    Breaking News: Musselman is the New head coach

    Fantastic news. Glad the previous decision was changed.
  5. Cozmosis

    Do you LIKE the idea of Coach Whis being the new Kings coach?

    Where's the indifferent option? It is such an up in the air hire that I have no way of knowing if its good or bad.
  6. Cozmosis

    KHTK - Interest in E Jordan

    I live in Baltimore, where we get tons of Wizards coverage, and I like Eddie. I don't think he's a good fit for Sactown though.
  7. Cozmosis

    What About....

    "The Lakers lead the league in missed flop-portunities!"
  8. Cozmosis

    What About....

    They would have to incorporate a new stat for flops and Manu Ginobili would become the highest paid player in the league.
  9. Cozmosis

    My Kings Trailer is DONE

    Good vids!
  10. Cozmosis

    Should Rick Adelman have been re-signed?

    I say no, but if the replacement is Don Nelson - I'd rather have Rick.
  11. Cozmosis

    Game 5 Not to be Shown on Nat. TV!?!?

    Guess I'll be radio only Tuesday :( I don't even have a cable box!
  12. Cozmosis

    Is this the best round 1 playoff series?

    Yup. Wiz and Cavs is close, but this beats it.
  13. Cozmosis

    Official "Go Kings!!!" Playoff thread

    Back to San Antonio - GO KINGS!!!
  14. Cozmosis

    Spurs @ Kings Game Thread (Game 4)

    What a night! For all intents and purposes, this series was one freaking bounce away from being 3-1 Kings. They can do this! Time to go blow up San An on their home court!
  15. Cozmosis

    Official "Go Kings!!!" Playoff thread

    Go Kings! Keep the faith!
  16. Cozmosis

    Let's go HORNETS!!! BEAT L.A.!!!

    Beating LA is ALWAYS good. 7th seed or not!
  17. Cozmosis

    Kings Are In The Playoffs.

    Such an amazing achievement. One man, unbelievable.
  18. Cozmosis

    Ron Artest guarantees win in the first round

    No drawbacks to this. Get the team pumped, and if you lose, so what? You're practically expected to as the 8 seed. Love it!
  19. Cozmosis

    Lakers @ Kings Game Thread

    Loving this radio feed..sounds like a college atmosphere!
  20. Cozmosis

    Lakers @ Kings Game Thread

    I love Artest from the bottom of my heart!