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    Hypothetical situation here...

    maybe you guys have already said this but i thought that Phoenix gets Atlanta's lottery pick or have I heard wrong? I was just wondering with all this talk about trading with atlanta. I for one would definetely do it because I think Durant has McGrady like skills and it would be nice to get...
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    Roy Hibbert

    I hope we are not going to draft a big man just to say we finally got one. Unless the guy is Horford, Hibbert, Oden, Wright, or the guy from Kansas, I would go best player available. You're telling me that you guys would take Noah, Hawes, or some of the other non-elite bigs over a guy like...
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    Do you want Bibby back?

    Bibby has been my favorite player on the kings since he signed. My son and I wear his jersey to every game, my wife loves him and we would be very sad if he left. However, his inconsistent shooting and horrible defense signal to me that it's time to start over especially if we can get a guy...
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    Collison expected to declare

    I'm a huge Bruin fan and would have to agree that I see this guy having a chance to be a star at the next level just based on his ablility to run a team and play defense, but I would still take a guy like Conley over him at this stage in their careers.
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    Horford & Noah

    I know it seems like most of you are against taking the BPA in the draft, but what if all of the decent bigs are gone and a guy like Conley from Ohio State is suddenly sitting there. I love watching this kid play. He's athletic, has guick hands, and he plays great defense. I would love to...
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    the only guys I could see us maybe getting from Boston are perkins and Rondo. Would these guys be worth it for Bibby and some other guy we''d end up taking for him so that the contracts work? I love Perkins upside, and would love to get west instead of Rondo although Rondo has played decently...
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    Tick, tick, tick, tick....

    I'm hoping for a trade that will A) make us better big time which I don't see there being a chance in you know where happening, or B) one that will make us ten times worse (if possible) in order to get a top 5 pick. The team we have now will just be good enough to just barely miss the playoffs...
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    The Kings are Blowing It...

    I think we are blowing it big time. I'm telling you, this kid durant is the best kid I've ever seen in college basketball. Can you honestly think of someone better than him that you've seen in the last 10-15 years. I can't. I know the chances would still be slim of getting him even with the...
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    Durant on ESPN

    Don't you just love his ability to just pull up on somebody at anytime and hit a 3 in their face, and his ability to drive to the hoop. Oh and did you see that dunk he missed? That was sick, i don't care if he missed or not.
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    that was a heck of a game last night played by Durant. This kid is unbelievable. To get a 30-20 game is just unheard of in college. I'm starting to like him more than Oden. I like the rumor of bibby and artest to cleveland because that would give us an even better chance at one of the top 2...
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    So Do They Suck Yet ??

    Oh by the way, was that our great team defense that gave up 41 points in the 4th quarter.....
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    So Do They Suck Yet ??

    I'm starting to wonder who to blame when you are losing so many close games the kings. I've never been one to blame the coach, but you have to at some point or at least to some degree. But I do agree that if we tanked now, even though we might not be able to catch memphis for the worst record...
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    Kings @ Grizzlies Game Thread

    We lose to the worst team, get thourghly outrebounded, out shot, etc. I think it's time to officially start rebuilding. When is managment going to realize this.
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    Kings @ Grizzlies Game Thread

    We lose to the worst team, get thourghly outrebounded, out shot, etc. I think it's time to officially start rebuilding. When is managment going to realize this.
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    Trade for top 3 pick...

    I agree Brick. I think we would have a pretty good shot at a top 3 pick if we could someway find a team to take on Brad, and Bibby's contract even if it were for lower picks in the draft. Maybe even package Artest to Chicago or something for one of their picks. If nothing less, you'd have to...
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    Oden and Durant on espn today

    Durant = Tracy McGray The guy has all the tools. What else can you say about him
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    Trade for top 3 pick...

    I was just wondering if anyone out there would package Martin, along with maybe Bibby and someone else to one of the teams who will get a top 3 pick for the chance to get a guy like Oden or Durant. It at least has to be interesting to think about since both of the guys mentioned have a...
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    I gotta give credit to the Kings

    I have to admit that I've been as disgusted as everyone else about the kings lack of hustle, defense, etc. this season. But last night, I saw guys hustling for loose balls, playing decent defense, and running a pretty good offense where everyone was getting involved instead of just the one on...
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    Please Read!!!! Tds

    I thought is was great when I heard Rick Barry on the Wise guys the other morning talking about what he would do and his reply was more or less that if the guys on the floor aren't going to play "team" defense then he doesn't care who they are or how much money they make collectively, they would...