Please Read!!!! Tds

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The Dreaded Season has started. This wasn't seen around Sacramento for a while. No one is playing with heart like the old days. I can assure you that we will not enter the playoffs this year.

I trusted Artest, I trusted Mike, and I started trustin K-Mart.....but most of all, I trusted the Team. This is not the Kings we are watching right now, this is a disaster that no coach can clean. I'm strarting to see things in another kind of way.

The support of the fans is always there; how many sellouts do you have? It's ALWAYS FULL!!!!!!! Why do the Maloofs need to make changes? Why do the Maloofs need to spend money in changes, if they are getting the best from you(the fans). THEY ARE GETTING THE MONEY FROM THE BEST FANS IN THE WORLD!!!!! The fans who go and support their team in the good times and the BAD times. The fans that go to each game giving their team the best they can do, Scream and Shout, with HOPE. Hoping that this Team can be
like before.

The love for the team is always there, but the love from the team is not present. This is not fair. I have to admit that I have considered to change to another team, but when I think of the past and the passion the Kings gave me, I make the decision to stay. Have you felt this way? I have. Will you stay being a TRUE King's Fan and keep getting this, relying on HOPE only? Or would you rather change team and be a traitor, but getting the PASSION from the game you don't get anymore.........

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This is not the Kings we are watching right now, this is a disaster that no coach can clean.
I completely disagree.

This team was lost the moment it couldn't decide on it's identity.

It scares me, but our best ability now is flopping. We're a team of floppers. Mike Bibby and Kevin Martin are the worst offenders. It gets us to the line more than anything else ... if it weren't for this skill we'd be blown out.

This is a coaching issue. Our coach has no guts.
Everybody gets their share of the heat for the poor effort we see on the floor. Don't be too quick to blame it all on the coach. These players are slackers and are mailing it in.

They should be ashamed.
I completely disagree.

This team was lost the moment it couldn't decide on it's identity.

It scares me, but our best ability now is flopping. We're a team of floppers. Mike Bibby and Kevin Martin are the worst offenders. It gets us to the line more than anything else ... if it weren't for this skill we'd be blown out.

This is a coaching issue. Our coach has no guts.
The coach does not play the game. The coach is not mix-executing plays. The coach is not the one not passing the ball. The coach is not the one jacking up ill advised 3's at times when it's not needed.

I'm not saying he's the greatest coach that has ever been, but he also isn't the cause of this. This team was on the way to this already, it cannot be stopped until the organization makes the moves or buyouts that needs to happen to make space for the re-building process.

This organization has avoided rebuilding for as long as it could . It can not avoid it any longer.
The coach does not play the game. The coach is not mix-executing plays. The coach is not the one not passing the ball. The coach is not the one jacking up ill advised 3's at times when it's not needed.
No, you're right ... he isn't.

But, where are the repercussions for this behavior? Why is he not forcing them to play?

When was the last time a coach let another player sub himself in and out? When was the last time a coach asked a played how to run our offense?

The coach isn't out there messing up - but he's also not doing anything about it when they do.
Apparently Sum182 was not around in the 80's and 90's when Kings suckage was a way of life. Part of being a fan is sticking with your team throughout the good and bad.
The coach does not play the game. The coach is not mix-executing plays. The coach is not the one not passing the ball. The coach is not the one jacking up ill advised 3's at times when it's not needed.

I'm not saying he's the greatest coach that has ever been, but he also isn't the cause of this. This team was on the way to this already, it cannot be stopped until the organization makes the moves or buyouts that needs to happen to make space for the re-building process.

This organization has avoided rebuilding for as long as it could . It can not avoid it any longer.

I have to agree with Doc. Do you really believe that Musselman is telling artest to force all of those horrible shots he takes or to let guys drive right down the lane for lay-up after lay-up, to leave guys wide open for 3 point shots, to keep missing big free throws, and the list goes on and on. You can only blame the coach for so much. After awhile you have to start to look at the players.
I thought is was great when I heard Rick Barry on the Wise guys the other morning talking about what he would do and his reply was more or less that if the guys on the floor aren't going to play "team" defense then he doesn't care who they are or how much money they make collectively, they would be sitting on the bench. I know he has many haters our there but I would love to bring a guy in here like that who wouldn't be afraid to bench the so called "stars."
The support of the fans is always there; how many sellouts do you have? It's ALWAYS FULL!!!!!!! Why do the Maloofs need to make changes? Why do the Maloofs need to spend money in changes, if
The love for the team is always there, but the love from the team is not present. This is not fair. I have to admit that I have considered to change to another team, but when I think of the past and the passion the Kings gave me, I make the decision to stay. Have you felt this way? I have. Will you stay being a TRUE King's Fan and keep getting this, relying on HOPE only? Or would you rather change team and be a traitor, but getting the PASSION from the game you don't get anymore.........


Never thought about it, will never think about it, hope you enjoy the next few years rooting for the Mavs, Spurs, or the hated Lakers, but be sure, the true Kings fans will welcome you back in a few short years!!!
I thought is was great when I heard Rick Barry on the Wise guys the other morning talking about what he would do and his reply was more or less that if the guys on the floor aren't going to play "team" defense then he doesn't care who they are or how much money they make collectively, they would be sitting on the bench. I know he has many haters our there but I would love to bring a guy in here like that who wouldn't be afraid to bench the so called "stars."
Who does RB think he is? These guys are highly paid and have "egos the size of Texas".

Or is it that a coach who has actually played the game has more options? I guess we could ask Phil or Riley.


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Never thought about it, will never think about it, hope you enjoy the next few years rooting for the Mavs, Spurs, or the hated Lakers, but be sure, the true Kings fans will welcome you back in a few short years!!!
Agreed. Shame to get all worked up about it if your loyalty isn't there to begin with.
Agreed. Shame to get all worked up about it if your loyalty isn't there to begin with.
That's EXACTLY the point I'm trying to let you know: The Maloofs are TAKING ADVANTAGE of that what you call "LOYALTY". Tell me, Where's the Team's loyalty? The fans are loyal, but is the team loyal to the fans?

Even if the Kings lose, the arena still gets FULL. The Maloofs don't need to spend money for the team. Why should they? They are 100% bussiness men. Even if it's difficult to accept, it's the Truth, you all know it.

Oh, and to support this, I heard in NBA Nation, yesterday, that the Kings are going to try to get rid of Mike's contract.

Tell me what you think of the Team's attitude toward YOU, THE LOYAL FANS?
I have to agree with Doc. Do you really believe that Musselman is telling artest to force all of those horrible shots he takes or to let guys drive right down the lane for lay-up after lay-up, to leave guys wide open for 3 point shots, to keep missing big free throws, and the list goes on and on. You can only blame the coach for so much. After awhile you have to start to look at the players.
if a player messes up the coach is supposed to tell them. the players obviously aren't listening. is it because they don't care about the coach, or that their egos are too big? possibly. but, Muss doesn't seem to know what he's doing and the players see this and it reflects in their attitudes. part of being a coach is demanding the respect of players like that and making them listen. a coach needs to have the balls to tell one of his players - who most likely could kill the coach with his pinky finger - that he's not playing right and he better do something about it. if Muss had Artest's respect, and if Artest felt that Muss knew what he was doing, then Artest wouldn't take so many forced shots, and he'd pass the ball more

so yeah, the coach plays a huge part, even if he's not playing in the game
Who does RB think he is? These guys are highly paid and have "egos the size of Texas".

Or is it that a coach who has actually played the game has more options? I guess we could ask Phil or Riley.
Or Bill Russell, Magic Johnson or Michael Jordan. But Red Auerbach never played. I don't think that teams necessarily care much whether or not their management can hit a 3, I think they're can trust managers who have proven themselves able to lead teams to winning seasons.


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That's EXACTLY the point I'm trying to let you know: The Maloofs are TAKING ADVANTAGE of that what you call "LOYALTY". Tell me, Where's the Team's loyalty? The fans are loyal, but is the team loyal to the fans?

Even if the Kings lose, the arena still gets FULL. The Maloofs don't need to spend money for the team. Why should they? They are 100% bussiness men. Even if it's difficult to accept, it's the Truth, you all know it.

Oh, and to support this, I heard in NBA Nation, yesterday, that the Kings are going to try to get rid of Mike's contract.

Tell me what you think of the Team's attitude toward YOU, THE LOYAL FANS?
The Maloofs are trying to find out if they are going to have an arena to play in, as this loyal town just put down what might have been the best chance quicker than a gunman at a knife fight.

The arena is (by my estimate based on attending games and TV) at least 10-20% empty most games. Sellouts are in name only right now, at least judging by the empty seats.

I like the Kings because they are my team, the local team, whether they suck or not. You obviously weren't around before Webber and Vlade or JWill - we were fans when they lost over what, 40+ road games in a row? When we were excited that they lost but scored enough points to get a free burger with a ticket stub.

We are loyal. If you don't like that, I can't help you.

Go follow another team if that's the way you feel.
The Maloofs are trying to find out if they are going to have an arena to play in, as this loyal town just put down what might have been the best chance quicker than a gunman at a knife fight.

The arena is (by my estimate based on attending games and TV) at least 10-20% empty most games. Sellouts are in name only right now, at least judging by the empty seats.

I like the Kings because they are my team, the local team, whether they suck or not. You obviously weren't around before Webber and Vlade or JWill - we were fans when they lost over what, 40+ road games in a row? When we were excited that they lost but scored enough points to get a free burger with a ticket stub.

We are loyal. If you don't like that, I can't help you.

Go follow another team if that's the way you feel.
I can see your loyalty, it's a great thing, but what do you get for a change? A new arena? This would produce even more money to them, and still from YOU. Or are they going to sell the team, or are they moving to Las Vegas. Like I told you before, the Maloofs are PURE BUSSINESS MEN and nothing more. For them, this is not a game, it's just bussiness. I congratulate you for the loyalty at this times.

I was like you, Kings Kings Kings, no matter what happens, Kings!!!!!! Last year when we were losing, I still had hope on the team. Artest was my hero. But in the offseason, we lost Bonzi, I still was hoping for the administration to sign a good player, but what did they do??? You know the answer...

This is not the coach's problem, neither the players, IT'S THE ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!!! Last year, it was ADELMAN, what happened? We signed another coach. How much do they pay him? What he's worth is the answer(nothing)...You know there were a lot of great "free" coaches we could've signed. The Maloofs are one of the richest guys in the U.S. They still spend little money in the Team in comparrisson to the other teams. I repeat, they want to get rid of Mike's contract. Why? Tell me if you know the answer......(to get rid of a good salary, which means LOSS OF MONEY to the owners)


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Staff member
I can see your loyalty, it's a great thing, but what do you get for a change? A new arena? This would produce even more money to them, and still from YOU. Or are they going to sell the team, or are they moving to Las Vegas. Like I told you before, the Maloofs are PURE BUSSINESS MEN and nothing more. For them, this is not a game, it's just bussiness. I congratulate you for the loyalty at this times.

I was like you, Kings Kings Kings, no matter what happens, Kings!!!!!! Last year when we were losing, I still had hope on the team. Artest was my hero. But in the offseason, we lost Bonzi, I still was hoping for the administration to sign a good player, but what did they do??? You know the answer...

This is not the coach's problem, neither the players, IT'S THE ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!!! Last year, it was ADELMAN, what happened? We signed another coach. How much do they pay him? What he's worth is the answer(nothing)...You know there were a lot of great "free" coaches we could've signed. The Maloofs are one of the richest guys in the U.S. They still spend little money in the Team in comparrisson to the other teams. I repeat, they want to get rid of Mike's contract. Why? Tell me if you know the answer......(to get rid of a good salary, which means LOSS OF MONEY to the owners)
Go ahead and justify your feelings to yourself however you like, it doesn't affect me in the least. The Maloofs spent wildly during our "run". Now, with the team's future in this city uncertain, pending the outcome of the arena studies going on, they have pulled back to just under the luxury tax limit. If that upsets you, go follow someone else. :rolleyes:

Have a nice day.
Sum 182: I am a fan of the Kings, period. As a fan, I take the good with the bad. Kind of like the Cubs fans. I don't feel taken advantage of in the least. As a fan I can criticize or laud everyone in the organization from the ticket takers to the ownership. But I don't stop being a fan.

So you don't want to be a Kings fan and you feel taken advantage of, that's your problem, not mine. You are not going to get me to stop being a Kings fan, no matter how much you rant.

If you are mad at the Maloofs, are you sending your rants to them via e-mails? Then you could make your point to the people you think are responsible for your unhappiness.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What is it that compels "fans" who given up on a team to come to a message board and post some kind of announcement to those who haven't given up and decided to jump ship?

Sum182 - Buh-bye!!! We get it. You're not happy. Hey, that's fine. You've said your peace. I simply cannot imagine what you're expecting as a response unless you want us all to grab torches and pitchforks and head to the castle with you. In that case, I'm sorry but my pitchfork is in the shop and my torches were declared a safety hazard. You'll just have to make that march by yourself...


Super Moderator Emeritus
Did you read the rest of his rants?

He may say he's "sticking with the Kings," but it certainly sounds as if he wants us all to join his tirade against the Maloofs.

Sorry, but I'm not about to go all rabid over the owners who opened their wallets and took this team from the cellar to the WCF in the first place...

And for the record? Sum182 has done this before. He comes, he rants about something and then he disappears for months on end.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
He clearly states he is sticking with the Kings in his original post. Why is everyone acting like he's jumped ship?
I don't know about the rest of you, but no matter how bad the team was doing over the past 20+ years here, I never "have considered to change to another team".

Which is fine for some and not for others. If you like to follow different teams and have several "favorites", that's cool too. But to come here and rant and rave about "being taken advantage of" because he's a fan?

You can only be taken advantage of if someone lets you (as a fan). If you really don't like it, go somewhere you feel appreciated.
I just don't understand how he received such an overwhelming negative response from everyone. He's sick of the Maloofs, so are a lot of people. Doesn't seem like a reason to tell a poster "bye bye, you won't be missed"
I have to admit that I have considered to change to another team, but when I think of the past and the passion the Kings gave me, I make the decision to stay.
That's why people have been saying "so long."

I don't have a problem with him/her feeling they're being ripped-off by the Maloofs. But basically the poster is practically saying we are all suckers for being Kings fans and trying to convince us to feel like he/she does. I don't.

Are we supposed to care that this person may leave to be a fan of another team? Why?
Why not bold what the poster says right after what you bolded?
I wasn't the one who said good-bye. I was answering your question. We don't really care whether someone cosses to stay a Kings fan or not. That's up to each person.

Honestly, tho, I don't like being called a chump and clueless victim of the horrible, abusing Maloofs for being a Kings fan.
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