So Do They Suck Yet ??

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Ok, how much longer does this have to go on before even the die hard fans admit they really suck wind this year.

I was late home from work and caught the game from mid 3rd. Going into the 4th we had a decent lead, yet I knew at that moment they were going to blow it somehow.

Its not that I expect them to win every game, but in prior seasons they at least seemed to really try, to work hard, to take the losses as failures.

This season it seems like they couldn't care less.

I am wondering if maybe the smart thing to do now is tank the season and go for the Lottery balls. They aren't gonna make it out of 1st round in playoffs anyway.
Sorry to break it to you but they have been sucking for quite a while.. since Webber left or should i say since he got injured in the 2003 playoffs.
I don't know I'd go that far back but I agree they have stunk for a while, but I was wondering about the more hard core fans who seem to deny they ever are bad.
I don't know I'd go that far back but I agree they have stunk for a while, but I was wondering about the more hard core fans who seem to deny they ever are bad.
I dont know of any Kings fan that denies the fact that they suck, somem of us keep up faith, but thats another story.
I'm a KINGS fan and watch every game - go to the ones in AZ but!

Now it is almost like I expect them to lose. It's time to do something - don't know what but this isn't working.
I'm starting to wonder who to blame when you are losing so many close games the kings. I've never been one to blame the coach, but you have to at some point or at least to some degree. But I do agree that if we tanked now, even though we might not be able to catch memphis for the worst record, we could at least guarentee ourselves a top 5 pick. This team is just not that good and won't be for awhile.

Did you really say that?

There will be no playoffs.

I've watched all season and Mike Bibby is really depressing to watch. He's forcing shots and it seems like without him and several other starters in the game in the second quarter we looked like a basketball team.

Not a bunch of individuals trying to make something of nothing and make themselves look good. HOW ABOUT PLAYIN SOME FRICKIN D ON ATKINS BIBBY. It's depressing to watch but lets face it, we suck drive on, lets get a good lottery pick and move on.

Lookin forward to Minnesota.


P.S. Is Musselman a retard?
Actually I'm a little tired of the "they don't care," "they aren't trying," comments. That's what people say when their team is losing and losing a lot. Its the last delusion to hang onto, I guess, if your want to cling to the belief that this is a good team.

The fact of the matter is, this team is not good, period. Even when they are clearly trying and playing hard, they are just obviously not a good team. Is it easier to say they aren't trying, instead of facing the fact that the Kings are just not any good?

This team is not good. This team is not "middling." This team is just plain bad.


Super Moderator Emeritus
There are a myriad of threads to discuss the Kings suckage. I really don't understand the need for another one, especially since this is pretty much being repeated everywhere else on the board...
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