Webber being booed by 76ers fans LOUD

BullKing said:
OK, i will say no more. You say anything negative, critical of your players on this forum and people are quick to jump on you. Fine, i guess i'll just turn into a blind homer like majority here, and pretend that everything is fine :rolleyes:

BullKing said:
good quote from Cwebb, If negativity and controversy always follow you then maybe you ought to change something about yourself...no?
You said you would say no more on this...no?
BullKing said:
good quote from Cwebb, If negativity and controversy always follow you then maybe you ought to change something about yourself...no?
Did Chris steal your wallet or beat you up at some point in the past? Why the blatant hate for someone that did nothing but put all his heart into bringing a title to the Kings? Did he succeed? Obviously not, but only 5 different teams have hoisted that trophy over the last 14 or so years...

Chris just has to get pissed off...he usually plays well when he gets angry. Play the home games as if they are road games and he is facing a hostile crowd (which he is). He has so far had 1 good came, maybe 2 ok games and the rest have been very bad for a player of his capabilites. Just has to start making shots...it's breaking my heart to watch him struggle like this...especially because it gives fuel to these hate-spewing basketball ignorants that love nothing better than to kick someone when they are down to make themselves sound cool.


webber is god stop hating! the time has passed hes no longer a king for those of u that are joyous keep it in the closet because webber helped change a sorry kings team to the well oiled machine they are now. so appreciate what he did for the franchise and move on.
It appears BullKing has accidentally made a good point. Webber should be, and should have always been looking at himself and how he could change in all of those situations. That doesn't mean any of them were his fault, but you must assume that you have some responsibility especially if these things keep happening.
Andriod_KiNg said:
Here how it was ... you haters where like this, C-Webb has triple double = "hes the best PF in the NBA" ... Chris Webber has off night = "he sucks,pass the ball !!!" ... He makes a game winning/tying shot = "wow hes the best player ever !!!" ... He turns the ball over or makes a mistake = "stupid Webber, pass the ball, you ball hog !" ... he didnt make the allstar team = " why ? he is soo good, hes better than everyone, why didnt he make it ? " ................. simply.. you guys are clueless.. you hope on and off his badwagon , its not even funny... i wish C-Webb good luck .. i hope you guys can too.. he did so much here.. he had to deal with so much crap from so called "fans" and now he is doing bad , and some morons where " i knew this trade was great", " thank god hes not here , he sucks" ........ get over yourselfs... C-Webb = one of the best ever to wear the Kings uniform...
I don't know why this really happens but...

could it be that in any given circumstance, certain individuals tend to post more often. Like, if Webber had an awesome night then those fans who favor him talk more and praise him. Then if Webber had a bad night, the fans who waited around for that to happen would come out of the woodwork and beat it into the ground.

I really don't think it would be the same exact posters always changing their minds every time good or bad happened in any game.
It appears BullKing has accidentally made a good point. Webber should be, and should have always been looking at himself and how he could change in all of those situations. That doesn't mean any of them were his fault, but you must assume that you have some responsibility especially if these things keep happening.
thank you, that's exactly the point i was trying to make...unfortunately some people interpreted it as hating, bashing etc.

I simply posed a question, and i have people accusing me etc....go figure :rolleyes:
BullKing said:
thank you, that's exactly the point i was trying to make...unfortunately some people interpreted it as hating, bashing etc.

I simply posed a question, and i have people accusing me etc....go figure :rolleyes:
Imagine that......
I just don't see how, that it should be Chris alone who has to bear the brunt of the fans booing. Although he knew going in that going in that booing can and often does happen, it's disheartening to see it like this.

The team itself is struggling, yet 80% of the time the finger is pointed at a player who has only played 6-7 games with the team. As much as people can rah-rah-rah about Iverson and his scoring, everyone knows he's taking twice as many as shots to do it. There's no changing Iverson, which sucks because he sure as hell hasn't figured it that it's too hard to keep doing this all on his own. O'Brien doesn't have the balls to say "maybe we should utilize Chris's strengths to help the team." Larry Brown might have(rumor is that Brown couldn't take any more of Iverson so he left) but we'll never know.

BullKing said:
good quote from Cwebb, If negativity and controversy always follow you then maybe you ought to change something about yourself...no?
In this case, no because even when he has tried to change, people still fault him for past transgressions. There's no escaping the labels of "being a choker" "not wanting to be the leader" etc no matter how hard he proves otherwise. How many times do you still hear "Michigan time-out"?
BullKing said:
OK, i will say no more. You say anything negative, critical of your players on this forum and people are quick to jump on you. Fine, i guess i'll just turn into a blind homer like majority here, and pretend that everything is fine :rolleyes:
I agree with you BullKing but it makes no difference how you feel or how other people feel because the reality is CWebb is not a King and Brian Skinner, Kenny Thomas and Corliss are. Why people are still arguing about this I really do not know but any real superstar can fit into any situation because they are just that good. These players are your KG's, Tim Duncans, Shaq, Kobe, Lebron, and a handful of other players. The CWebb trade has only proved that he is not a superstar because he pretty much sucks out there because the situation is not suited to his style of play. While people on this board are quick to blame AI some of it has to go to Webber as well because he is shooting way too many jumpers in Philly right now and should use his size and strength and hands in the post.
Napier has been saying this was coming and coming soon. The boo's and the anger between AI and Webb. He said they won't be able to play together, because NO ONE can play with AI. He's too selfish. I mean ball can shoot the ball too much and be a ball hog, but AI takes to a whole nother level. They won't like eachother because it will be like staring in a mirror. A player that wants the ball all the time, that wants to shoot all the time, and has a huge ego.
Well, considering we are in the "NBA" forum and CWebb was a beloved King for 6 years, it is pretty easy to figure out why this is still being discussed.

Webber certainly bears much of the blame...he's not making shots that he normally makes. Regardless of the other factors involved, he is not shooting well.

That last little dig you got in there is somewhat irrelevant and indicates to me that you are just piling on. Were we discussing if Webber met some arbitrary "superstar" label that you have so eloquently defined? There are a lot of "superstars" that have struggled playing in Philly (alongside AI coincidentally). You think Kobe would do well there, with all the animostiy that already exists for him in that city?? He's struggling in LA quite often in case you haven't noticed (if you compare this year to his past performance). And since when did 6 or 7 games prove anything unless it was in a playoff series? I don't know if there will ever be a perfect union between AI and CWebb but I think things will even out a little once he gets comfortable and starts hitting those jumpers at a more reasonable clip (say anything close to his career ~44% ).
For the record..76er fans are just plain rude. Everyone knew it was gonna happen eventually. Who DON'T they boo? They don't care about hurting the players feelings or making them feel like crap..once you start missing shots (whoever it be) and losing, the "fans" are gonna let you know. They're gonna start talking their trash and booing. That's just how Philly is. So I hope Webb just ignores all that, whoever boo's ..who cares..let them boo. I guarentee the same people who were booing are gonna be the one's cheering them on when everything goes good. That's what makes me mad about them..they talk crap when you're down but when you get things rolling again they're all with it. (That's why I love Kings fans..they stick by the team win or lose..most of the time anyways) All Philly fans want is a W and when you're not headded in that direction, you know what's next. And everyone needs to just leave Webb alone. What's with the 50 articles every day..about how hes not doing well. He's still new and needs to adjust..don't expect it to take a week and that's it. And how are they all gonna gel if Webb or no one else rarely gets passed the ball! I love AI, of course, but he pissed me off last night. That was the most selfish game he's played yet..just when I thought he was doing a better job at passing the ball. He needs to learn the meaning of TEAM now, Webb is here! Come on now, we could be killin these teams. All we need is ball movement..ball movement = better looks..better looks = better shots..better shots = well you know where I'm goin with this.. Ai is so used to not having anyone up to Webb's caliber to help him and now he does. What they need is major practice and J.O.B needs to let AI know..this is a TEAM effort..so share the frickin ball! CWebb is Cwebb and we all know what he is capable of (and don't even say he's getting old!) he just scored 30 points in his last Kings game. I doubt he got old that fast. Good Luck CWebb and Sixers good luck with gettin it together!
EmKingsFan4 said:
Ummm....okay I don't get it....my head hurts....never clutch, except those 3 pointers....hmmmmmmmmm. :confused:
So are you saying that he IS clutch?

So he made a couple of lucky 3 pointers. Maybe I shouldve put "almost never" to make all you nit pickers happy. But pretty much what I meant is that he isn't clutch. And based on his performance the many years that he's been here, if you were to say otherwise you obviously have not been watching the games.
GoGoGadget said:
And that's relevant to the discussion how, exactly?
Relevent in that Webber is not as great as people think he is and the 76ers fans are finding this out first hand. And thus there shall be more loud booing in the future.
STIgirl said:
So are you saying that he IS clutch?

So he made a couple of lucky 3 pointers. Maybe I shouldve put "almost never" to make all you nit pickers happy. But pretty much what I meant is that he isn't clutch. And based on his performance the many years that he's been here, if you were to say otherwise you obviously have not been watching the games.
Who's not watching the games? Webber has been very clutch for us the last 3-4 years, and it is not just game winning shots. He was usually the guy to get that basket to end another teams run or grab that key rebound in traffic.
To say that Webber isn't clutch at all, shows a tremendous amount of bias, niativity, or hatred. I know which one I think it is.
STIgirl said:
So are you saying that he IS clutch?

So he made a couple of lucky 3 pointers. Maybe I shouldve put "almost never" to make all you nit pickers happy.
To make us nit pickers happy, you should indicate that those couple of game-winning 3-pointers came in the first half of the current season, and you're ignoring the previous game-winning 3-pointers, two-pointers, free throws, rebounds, assists, and blocks that have defined Chris' career.
STIgirl said:
So are you saying that he IS clutch?

So he made a couple of lucky 3 pointers. Maybe I shouldve put "almost never" to make all you nit pickers happy. But pretty much what I meant is that he isn't clutch. And based on his performance the many years that he's been here, if you were to say otherwise you obviously have not been watching the games.
do you watch the games, or do you just rely on the media for your information? Honestly, Webb has been very huge for us in the clutch for quite some time. And I don't think the 3 pointers were just "lucky". Webb wanted the ball and had the confidence that he could do it. That is about half of what clutch play is about.
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STIgirl said:
Relevent in that Webber is not as great as people think he is and the 76ers fans are finding this out first hand. And thus there shall be more loud booing in the future.
there will be more booing, of course, he's in Philly now. His play on the 76ers obviously has no bearing on how he played when he was here. Playing under a different coach and with a different team changes things tremendously, unless you think it's just coincidence that Webb isn't playing as well in Philly while Skinner, Corliss, and Kenny are magically playing so much better in Sac.
Here's what the forum posters in Philly have to say about who's to blame:

Who is most to blame for the Sixers' current struggles?

Billy King*225 votes (14%)

Jim O'Brien 1034 votes (63%)

Allen Iverson 151 votes (9%)

Chris Webber 168 votes (10%)

Other 68 votes (4%)

1646 people have voted so far

Source: http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/sports/
Fans booing? Like that means anything anyway. CWebb Shall Overcome is my prediction. And I'm not gonna call in to Grant Napear to argue with his a##.
twodogmac said:
Here's what the forum posters in Philly have to say about who's to blame:

Who is most to blame for the Sixers' current struggles?

Billy King*225 votes (14%)

Jim O'Brien 1034 votes (63%)

Allen Iverson 151 votes (9%)

Chris Webber 168 votes (10%)

Other 68 votes (4%)

1646 people have voted so far

Source: http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/sports/
Fans booing? Like that means anything anyway. CWebb Shall Overcome is my prediction. And I'm not gonna call in to Grant Napear to argue with his a##.
I like your poll! :) Guess the Philly fans are smarter than I gave them credit for. I agree, Webb will find a way to make this work, maybe not great, but at least a lot better. There is no way he is going to play this badly for the remainder of his career.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
STIgirl said:
So are you saying that he IS clutch?

So he made a couple of lucky 3 pointers. Maybe I shouldve put "almost never" to make all you nit pickers happy. But pretty much what I meant is that he isn't clutch. And based on his performance the many years that he's been here, if you were to say otherwise you obviously have not been watching the games.
STi, after his performance this year you're just making yourself look silly. You might as well argue Peja can't shoot.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
76er fans are probably fed up with AI and his egomaniac ball hogging. They haven't had a chance to see what CWebb could do for them but that would mean AI sharing the ball and playing "team" ball. He doesn't share, he dishes when he can't make a basket to someone nearby.

I really feel sorry for Chris. He deserves better that what he is getting. And the impatient 76er fans. Chris has been a 20-10-5 guy for years with Pedja averaging 20+ along the way and 5 years of 50+ wins in the powerful west.
STIgirl said:
Relevent in that Webber is not as great as people think he is and the 76ers fans are finding this out first hand. And thus there shall be more loud booing in the future.
Is that what your post was trying to say?

Color me crazy, but I didn't see that.

All I saw was a bunch of random, and inaccurate, statements about Webber with little purpose other than jumping on the dog pile.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It continues to amaze me the lengths a very few people are willing to go to in order to continue to take jabs at Chris Webber. Their fixation is fascinating, because they attempt to smear him and THEN talk about how no one around here is willing to let it go...

I think I need a nap.

Hell, let's all take a nap.

Following are just a few random, late hour musings:

I wish I could take a nap everyday, maybe even two. Ironically, I would probably get a lot more done than I do now.

Jim O'Brien takes a nap during every 76ers game, apparently.

Maybe Chris should just take a nap every time the Philly fanatics decide that it's booing hour.

People who continually harp on Webber's shortcomings must have been napping everytime he did something good in his career.

I wish I had been napping last season when he shot 2-21 against the Warriors. But I sure wasn't napping when he had a triple-double in the first half of Game 2 against the Mavs in the first round.

Okay. That's enough. I'm going to sleep.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Superman said:
Hell, let's all take a nap.

Following are just a few random, late hour musings:

I wish I could take a nap everyday, maybe even two. Ironically, I would probably get a lot more done than I do now.

Jim O'Brien takes a nap during every 76ers game, apparently.

Maybe Chris should just take a nap every time the Philly fanatics decide that it's booing hour.

People who continually harp on Webber's shortcomings must have been napping everytime he did something good in his career.

I wish I had been napping last season when he shot 2-21 against the Warriors. But I sure wasn't napping when he had a triple-double in the first half of Game 2 against the Mavs in the first round.

Okay. That's enough. I'm going to sleep.

Very nice. I have so missed you, Supes!!!!!!! Glad you are back.