OFFICIAL Free Agent Tracking Thread (MERGED)


Homer Fan Since 1985
nbrans said:
Wow, the Knicks are signing Jerome James for five years at the full MLE. Not bad for a guy who has played five good games his entire career.

You really gotta love Isiah Thomas. He gives away Nazr Mohammad to the Spurs and then uses his whole MLE on Jerome James? For FIVE YEARS???
Thomas could play the game, but he is totally out of his league as a GM. Giving away the store on James was just ridiculous IMHO.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
As an aside, Nikoloz Tskitishvili is apparently determined to stay in the NBA, and claims that there are 6 teams interested in signing him. Wonder if one of them could be us? Seemed a logical candidate for us for several years now, although we never picked him up when he was imminently availbale from Denver. Doubt he would command much money. Certainly not helping any problems we have, but another Darkoesque flop picked very high (5th overall), susposed to be the next Dirk etc., and has done absolutley nothing in the NBA. 7'0" 4/3 with a nice stroke (in theory). Would not be shocked if we had at least considered him to fill out the roster with.
Bricklayer said:
As an aside, Nikoloz Tskitishvili is apparently determined to stay in the NBA, and claims that there are 6 teams interested in signing him. Wonder if one of them could be us? Seemed a logical candidate for us for several years now, although we never picked him up when he was imminently availbale from Denver. Doubt he would command much money. Certainly not helping any problems we have, but another Darkoesque flop picked very high (5th overall), susposed to be the next Dirk etc., and has done absolutley nothing in the NBA. 7'0" 4/3 with a nice stroke (in theory). Would not be shocked if we had at least considered him to fill out the roster with.
When he got minutes he seemed to have major potential. He moves really well for being as big as he is. I wouldn't mind him, but as you said Brick, he ain't solving any problems.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
There was a brief aside in the San Antonio paper this morning that the Spurs might be interested in Mo. But after signing Oberto they could only offer him $2.5mil a season, which at least brings it down into the area where maybe we could match.
Kings should sign Reggie Evans, and re-sign Mo Evans. Here is how the starting five would look:


Reggie brings toughness, defense, and rebounding. Sure, he isn't much on offense, but there is plenty of it on the roster and starting five already.

Mo is more obvious. He has been in the system for a year, and surely in working on his game is his mid-range game, and probably ball-handling. He has little oppurtunity to start else where, Bobcats/Rockets, but that is very slim. Whenever he started or filled in (Mobley/Peja/DC) he made the most of it. Also showed many times his three pointer can be consistent. Yeah he could go to the spurs, but he'd be making less money, and be behind Ginobili on the bench. I think the Kings have the best chance to sign him out of the 3 or 4 other teams his agent said are interested. It'd go along with the Kings aspirations of adding and improving the teams defense and back-court.

How many players can be on the active roster/suited up?
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Kings113 said:
Kings should sign Reggie Evans, and re-sign Mo Evans. Here is how the starting five would look:


Reggie brings toughness, defense, and rebounding. Sure, he isn't much on offense, but there is plenty of it on the roster and starting five already.

Mo is more obvious. He has been in the system for a year, and surely in working on his game is his mid-range game, and probably ball-handling. He has little oppurtunity to start else where, Bobcats/Rockets, but that is very slim. Whenever he started or filled in (Mobley/Peja/DC) he made the most of it. Also showed many times his three pointer can be consistent. Yeah he could go to the spurs, but he'd be making less money, and be behind Ginobili on the bench. I think the Kings have the best chance to sign him out of the 3 or 4 other teams his agent said are interested. It'd go along with the Kings aspirations of adding and improving the teams defense and back-court.

How many players can be on the active roster/suited up?
I agree on signing Reggie, and re-signing Mo, but still not sure who would be starting at the 2 or 4 spots.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Kings113 said:
How many players can be on the active roster/suited up?
Roster size

Currently, teams can have a maximum of 15 players on their rosters, with a minimum of 11. Under the new agreement, the minimum will be raised to 14. This is another concession by the league.

The owners also have agreed to do away with the injured list, changing to inactive and active lists. That means teams no longer will have to concoct player injuries in order to manage their roster.
"CBA details"
by VF21
Roster size

Currently, teams can have a maximum of 15 players on their rosters, with a minimum of 11. Under the new agreement, the minimum will be raised to 14. This is another concession by the league.

The owners also have agreed to do away with the injured list, changing to inactive and active lists. That means teams no longer will have to concoct player injuries in order to manage their roster.
Okay, before the maximum was 15 and the minimum was 11. The maximum on the active list was 12. Now the minimum is 14. Is 15 still the maximum? Is 12 still the maximum on the active list? Or do you have 14 active and 1 or more inactive?

Gads, I'm confused:confused:

I guess I should wait till the lawyers are done.:)


Super Moderator Emeritus
From what I understand, they're going to have 14 active players and allowance for certain number of "inactive" players... I don't know if the maximum will still be 15 or not.

My guess would be if the minimum is going to be 14, the maximum would have to be more than 15 or why bother?

Guess that's just one more thing we'll find out on or after July 22, when the agreement is actually finalized.

I think your right, will have to wait to see. Not that it matters, that deep on the bench doesn't play.

It is funny how the same information (I think?) was interpeted in different ways. I had took the 14 minimum as having no effect on the 12 man active roster. I figured that it would remain the same, but each team would have to have at least two on the inactive roster. I was also thinking the only other major change other than the minimum was the elimination of the 5-game rule.

But the way both you (VF21) and Kings113 stated it makes more sense in terms of teams being able to send players with two or fewer years to the minors.

It will also be interesting how the minimum wagers will apply to the luxery tax.
The cap being raised is probably in a way to compensate for the required addition of a few bodies on the bench, so I doubt there will be any exceptions from the luxury tax for players on the bottom of the bench.
Circa_1985_Fan said:
I agree on signing Reggie, and re-signing Mo, but still not sure who would be starting at the 2 or 4 spots.
They both would be at their respective positions.

I mean SAR is a good player, but rebounding and shot blocking aren't his strengths. Maybe defense too. Plus it would mean they couldn't keep Mo, I think. Who I'd rather have, and hope the Kings do too, because Maurice brings what the kings have said they want/need to add. I haven't read much, if any interest in Swift by the Kings. Must want to keep Mo~ :)

Reggie isn't really a shot blocker, but he brings a lot of what the Kings need. Skinner and Brad and possibly Ostertag if he's still here can block shots, and another player maybe if they get someone who can do that.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Min 13 max 15

Then new CBA apparently says a minimum of 13 and maximum of 15 including both active and inactive PLUS the 1 or 2 that can be sent to the NBDL.

Martin and Evans at this point would compete for the starting 2 with Cisco backing up both the 2 and 3 for awhile.

Reggie would be nice pickup but is he a starter for us? Why not look at Stephen Hunter who is really a 4 and can backup the 5?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Nikoloz Tskitishvili is going to the Wolves off of a 25 and 10 summer elague performance I guess. Could mean nothing at all if he continues to be a non-entity, but one of those moves that makes you a little nervous just because of the seemingly untapped potential lurking there. God help our midgets if the Wolves dug up a 7'1" Dirkesque running mate to go with 7'1" KG.
Bricklayer said:
Nikoloz Tskitishvili is going to the Wolves off of a 25 and 10 summer elague performance I guess. Could mean nothing at all if he continues to be a non-entity, but one of those moves that makes you a little nervous just because of the seemingly untapped potential lurking there. God help our midgets if the Wolves dug up a 7'1" Dirkesque running mate to go with 7'1" KG.
I'm shuddering right along with you, Bricklayer. 'Skita could have been an interesting PF for the Kings to pick up on the cheap...
Bricklayer said:
Nikoloz Tskitishvili is going to the Wolves off of a 25 and 10 summer elague performance I guess. Could mean nothing at all if he continues to be a non-entity, but one of those moves that makes you a little nervous just because of the seemingly untapped potential lurking there. God help our midgets if the Wolves dug up a 7'1" Dirkesque running mate to go with 7'1" KG.
Well, maybe they're picking him up because they know they might lose Griffin to, well, us!
According to RealGM, a Cleveland TV station is reporting a S&T between the Cavs and the Clippers. Marko Jaric and possibly Chris Wilcox to the Cavs for Drew Gooden.

Wow, Jaric, Hughes, LeBron, Donyell, Big Z? Not bad at all.

At the same time, I'm not sure if I believe this. I know the Clippers aren't exactly known for acting rationally, but why would they make this trade??