OFFICIAL Free Agent Tracking Thread (MERGED)

Very interesting:


Songaila could soon join Bulls

By Mike McGraw
Daily Herald Sports Writer
Posted Friday, August 26, 2005

The Sacramento Kings will not match an offer sheet given to restricted free agent Darius Songaila, according to numerous league sources.

Kings general manager Geoff Petrie even suggested to the Sacramento Bee that his team’s roster is complete, except for the future addition of a low-cost 13th man.

“The roster we have at the moment, the way it’s comprised, are the guys who will play all the minutes,” Petrie said.

If that’s the case, Songaila appears headed to the Bulls. Before finishing a two-day visit to the Berto Center on Thursday, the 6-foot-9 forward spent time checking out real estate, according to one source.

The Bulls could sign Songaila to an offer sheet using their remaining salary-cap exception (worth either $1.7 million or $2.2 million) but may spend a few more days trying to orchestrate a three-team deal that would allow them to pay Songaila a higher salary.

In theory, the Bulls could send shooting guard Eric Piatkowski to a team with salary-cap room or a trade exception.

Sacramento would get a draft pick in the deal and the Bulls could pay Songaila a starting salary of up to $3.85 million. The chances of that happening, however, may be remote.

Songaila, 27, averaged 7.5 points and 4.2 rebounds in a reserve role for the Kings last season, his second in the NBA. He’s regarded by many as one of the top free agents still on the market, but circumstances worked against him this summer.

When free agency began, teams figured Sacramento planned to keep Songaila.

But when New Jersey’s deal for Shareef Abdur-Rahim fell apart, the Kings used their midlevel exception to snap up Abdur-Rahim and Songaila needed to find a new home after most of the free-agent money already had been spent.
Well, sounds like he's just gone now. Then again those "league sources" have been wrong before.

I like the mention of a 3-team deal, Song's agent has brought that up too.
If we do sign another player, which is a possibility from recent quotes, if it's not Barnes, it'll be a big man. So how about Ervin Johnson or Zendon Hamilton, they can be had for cheap as well. If not someone in 1-3 weeks, I think we get 1 or 2 players in training camp.


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I agree about getting a player or so in training camp. However, we have 13 contracts now including non-guaranteed Jamal Sampson and Petrie is on record saying he only wants to carry 13, the league minimum this year. From summer league only Robert Archibald seems likely for training camp. At true 6-11 and 255 he was an active body with decent skills around the basket and could run the floor.

Petrie also said he would only have 18 in training camp: thats 13 current contracts and 5 more bodies.
Yeah, but it's still a nice possibility as from the quotes in past 2-3 days articles

I read about 18, and I think there could be others not from our training camp, as hinted from the quotes. I think

"For those counting at home, the Celtics have 18 players under guaranteed contracts for the 2005-06 season, including the soon-to-be-signed Dan Dickau and certain-to-be-waived-or-traded Qyntel Woods. With the Celtics' mid-level exception already allotted, the odds are against Ainge adding to that number. But 18 should be enough for the kind of competitive training camp Ainge and Rivers envision."
More Chanderlings:

Chicago Tribune - The Bulls have offered Tyson Chandler a guaranteed contract in the neighborhood of Samuel Dalembert's six-year, $64 million deal with Philadelphia, which isn't a stunning development given the similarities between the two big men.

In Chandler's case, however, it doesn't seem to be enough.

A source familiar with the negotiations confirmed the offer, and it is believed the Bulls are offering incentives that could make the deal more lucrative for their 7-foot-1-inch restricted free agent.

Just how much guaranteed money Chandler wants is unclear. His agent, Jeff Schwartz, did not respond to a message left Monday afternoon.

An agreement doesn't appear imminent, but Bulls general manager John Paxson said he isn't discouraged, perhaps because he and Schwartz have a strong rapport.

"We feel we're treating Tyson fairly in this," Paxson said. "Both Jeff and I feel we've made good arguments for our sides and have brought up concerns for both of us. Both sides are operating in good faith."
Hey, now that Finley has signed with the Spurs, that should mean the Kings are #1 on Matt Barnes' list now, and ups the chance/possibility. I know that he said his agent called all around the league, but still, he said Kings/Spurs are the main two.
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i had thought from the way articles from the bee have been phrased that sampson and price are both guaranteed contracts. could be mistaken, but that's the gist i got from them.
Much as we all speculate on what is to come, I’ve heard that Danny Ainge is just about done making moves this offseason. In no way does that mean that a trade cannot happen, it just means that he’s not being as active in searching them out as he was earlier this summer (technically, it’s still summer, right?). Yes, he’s still got a roster with 17 bodies (not including Quyntel Woods whose status as a member of the Celtics will be nothing more than a footnote) but it looks like Danny’s interested in seeing what develops in training camp.

Aside from Barnes and a few others, Woods would be a good back-up/third SF for Peja. While I haven't seen too much, I've read a bunch about him, and his game sounds real solid.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Kings113 said:

Aside from Barnes and a few others, Woods would be a good back-up/third SF for Peja. While I haven't seen too much, I've read a bunch about him, and his game sounds real solid.
His problem is that he seems to be a complete and utter waste of a human being, which is why teams which could use his talent are now turning away from him in droves. One of the baddest of the bad apples, and without a fraction of the game or status to make people overlook it.


Before we start hating on Qyntel Woods, we should consider the entire package. Sure, he's had his troubles. But let's be fair -- so have several of our high profile players. Woods has also been very active in charity work, especially with children's causes:

Blazers Unveil Newest Reading and Learning Center

Check out the Blazers/Fire Reading and Learning Center Photo GalleryNBA rookies Qyntel Woods and Jason Jennings made their first community appearance as Portland Trail Blazers this Tuesday when they helped unveil the Blazers/Fire Reading and Learning Center at the Police Activities League Youth Center. The Fire Hip Hop Squad and Spot the Fire Dog were also on hand to talk to the kids about the importance of reading and open the new center.

Woods and Jennings talked to a group of nearly 200 kids about the importance of reading. Jennings went on to explain that after his NBA career, he hopes to become a history teacher. After the assembly, Woods and Jennings took a reading time out with some of the kids from Police Activities League, reading The Ugly Duckling and When You Give a Mouse a Cookie to the kids.

The Blazers/Fire Reading and Learning Center is a part of the NBA and WNBA's Read to Achieve program, a league-wide initiative created to promote yearlong literacy building programs throughout the country. The center provides a quiet place for kids to read individually or with a partner and hands-on computer programs that concentrate on enhancing reading and comprehension skills.

A whimsical mural in the Reading and Learning Center depicts children reading with a Blazers player. The room is outfitted with a couch, chairs, computers, beanbag chairs and books. R&H Construction donated labor and materials, and the Blazers Community Builders, the Blazers, FIRE and Rose Quarter's employee volunteer program, painted the mural and helped refurbish the room.

The Police Activities League Reading Room is the second Blazers/Fire Reading Room in Portland; the first was at the Blazers Boys & Girls Club in Northeast Portland. It was unveiled in March 2002. The next center is scheduled to open in January 2003 at the Children's Museum.


Super Moderator Emeritus
You judge someone by how they act when the cameras AREN'T rolling, Coach.

You cannot compare Qyntel Woods actions in a totally-controlled and planned situation ... the POLICE Activities League Youth Center, for Gawd's sake ... with what he did off the court and away from the cameras.

He is NOT what I want to see wearing a Kings uniform. Not now, not ever...

(And please note, I've been very careful not to go into a lot of detail about what he did. It's out there but there's no reason IMHO to go into graphic and upsetting details.)


Fair enough. (And for the record, I don't want Woods either.) I just remember when everyone was talking about how Chris Webber was a criminal, these same people seemed to forget all of his charitable acts -- almost all of which were with the cameras rolling.

I just think acts of charity are noteworthy.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I agree that acts of charity are noteworthy. I just don't think PUBLIC acts of charity, organized and pretty much mandated by one's team, are the same as the types of things a lot of Kings players past and present have done. Webber, Vlade, Fundy and many others have done a lot of things without cameras running. Or the cameras were there because the media found out and not because it was a carefully staged media event to begin with.

But, we digress.

Agreeing that neither of us actually wants Q. Woods is the part that's relevent to the thread...


At this point, I don't see the Kings making any more moves off the free agency list anyway, unless it's to reacquire Matt Barnes. I think any additions/changes (if any) to the roster will come via training camp.


So gerrald wallace signed a 3 year deal with the bobcats. Guess that kills any of those kings fans hopes of him coming back to the kings.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I'm thinking of un-stickying this thing soon as: a) the offseason is largely over and very few FAs of note are still out there; b) we already have a full roster and no cap space, so its doubtful we'll have any more activity in that arena; and c) because of the 10,000 character limit per post, I have had a very hard time adding new info to the initial post recently, and have been having to delete things, remove lesser FAs, abbreviate etc. every time just to make room for the new team/salary info for anybody who signs. So maybe in the next few days unless anybody has an objection.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think it's probably time...

No objection here. In fact, I'd be tempted to unstick it and see if anyone even notices.