Kings @ Clippers Game Thread, 2/20, 7:30p.m. PST

You grade the trades!

  • A: Awesome! The Kings couldn't have done any better!

    Votes: 12 13.5%
  • B: Good trade, but maybe we could have landed a pick or something.

    Votes: 57 64.0%
  • C: It just had to be done. Let's move on.

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • D: We got what for Martin?! This better work out.

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • F: What kind of cr** is this?!

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
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damn it landry, you should be playing better than this... you had 27 in your last game against the clippers. grrr....
not happy with his performance so far. but he's probably nervous and doing a little too much to impress his new coach. i bet he'll do good in the 4th quarter. he does league the league in ppg in the 4th with 7.
i believe things will look different on the 2nd half.
this is going to be a tight game, i say.. could be ours, if the kings play more d-fens and be more focused (=less turnovers..)

go kings! get your heads up and start playing!
No their not.

They are however playing like a very confused and unforcused crew. Very much like a group of young players who have never played with each other before, which is somewhat the truth.

Looks that way to me. Never thought I'd say Carl looks 'timid', but I think he'll need to get comfortable in the King's system.

But I wouldn't expect it to take long...
where the **** is Tyreke, why does Hawes suck so bad
Tyreke is bound to show up in the second half. Unfortunately so will Hawes. He is just a terrible defender. So weak and gives SO LITTLE EFFORT. He is just a liability whenever he is on the floor. He's coming off the bench now, but if his defense doesn't get better, he may find it harder and harder to come off of that bench. He is a SHEET POOR Defender! Kaman abuses him. Then again, everyone abuses Hawes on defense. He is a liability.

The Kings still need to acquire a real center, because Hawes isn't even a reasonable facsimile of a center on defense. Looks like Landry is too pumped up for this game, with the 3 travels. And Tyreke is not playing very well against a pretty good defender in Eric Gordon. We need the Kings to get yelled at in the halftime locker room, and to come out and play with intensity and effort. Giving up 60 points to the Clippers in the first half was terrible. The Clippers are a bad team. HOW they get 60 points in a half is not how good they are playing but how very poor the Kings are defending. Too many wide open shots by jump shooters. WHO is leaving the shooters to do what? Let Hawes get burned. But dont let them kick it out for wide open 3's. That is a certain way to get blown out. :mad:
No their not.

They are however playing like a very confused and unforcused crew. Very much like a group of young players who have never played with each other before, which is somewhat the truth.

Yes, but they have played like a group of young players who have never played with each other all year.
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