I hope the Kings watched that Spurs/Suns Match-up

I think this has been said before but . . .
If we do not do something with our roster, it will not matter who our coach is next season. It may be the easiest to change, but it will also have the least impact.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Rick Adelman is not going to be the coach forever. In fact, he's probably not going to be here past the next year. When he's gone, I certainly hope all of you who are so anxious to see him leave don't have to eat crow...or find someone else to blame when the Kings don't automatically shoot back to the top of the elite list.

When we get a new coach, I only pray he can be even partway as successful with our team as Rick Adelman has been. And there's no guarantee that prayer will be answered.


BREAKING NEWS, ATLANTA TIMES: After numerous plane flights from Georgia to California, Mike Woodson has left the Kings organization with a new strut in his walk. Woodson has announced he will be coming to the Kings in 2006.
AriesMar27 said:
karl.... if at all possible....
from his history (and excluding the World Championship debacle) karl likes teams that can either a) run consistently (Sonics and Nuggets) or b) have multiple dominant offensive scorers who freelance well. The current Kings fit into neither of those molds.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
VF21 said:
When we get a new coach, I only pray he can be even partway as successful with our team as Rick Adelman has been.
Thus far in league history, about 10 total guys fit that bill as I recall.

P.S. Karl? I love how one very successful half season has instantly made a man widely reviled as a choke artist into a must have coach -- not only the only guy to ever coach a #1 to defeat against a #8, but was the first U.S. coach in the NBA era of international play to lose a tournament as well (and not only lose it but have his team collapse). He's a lot better than his detractors would have you believe -- somehow has managed to win even more games than Rick (just doesn't seem like he's been that prolific, but oh well), but pretty damn far down the list of people to put you over the top.
Gee, look at what i started in this thread. My goodness. It was just my perspective on things. Can we all agree on this:

2006 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!;)