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  1. KA_2

    Lakers win, Suns lose.

    Kwame Brown has finally found his heart and Odom his brain. Credit Jackson or Jabbar? I don't know. But whatever it is, it's working. The Lakers will win 50 barring injuries, that's for sure. Who would have thunk before the season that the Kings would be on pace for a sub-.500 record and the...
  2. KA_2

    Grades v. Suns 11/06

    That's the most exciting game I've seen in a while. I hope the other four matchups are up and down like that!
  3. KA_2

    PRESEASON Grades v. Lakers 10/28

    Haha, please, Big Game James is so much better than Gump it's painful for me to even joke about it.
  4. KA_2

    PRESEASON Grades v. Lakers 10/28

    Kings still find a way to seamlessly integrate ballhogs like Wells and SAR. That's impressive. We'll see if it continues throughout the season. Devean's the next Worthy. Book it.
  5. KA_2

    Kings vs. lakers Game Thread

    Well, Lakers beat the Kings. Seems to be a common theme over the years. ;) Anyway, nice to see the "rivalry" is still fairly strong.
  6. KA_2

    McKie agrees to terms with Lakers

    McKie may be quite a mediocre player, but your argument pretty much sucked. FYI.
  7. KA_2

    Shaq gets 100 million and a 5 year deal!

    You're watching the wrong game.
  8. KA_2

    Jamaal Magloire

    ^ Yeah, I don't think the Kings have the pieces. That said, he can do everything you listed, except pass. So yeah, he'd be a great addition for the Kings' needs, and he's still very young.
  9. KA_2

    Swift to sign with Rockets

    Wow, this is a surprising signing to me. I can't see why the Hawks or Hornets wouldn't throw more than $30M at him. But I guess they were smart and realized he isn't worth more than that. Great signing by the Rockets, now they need a PG.
  10. KA_2

    Lakers agree to acquire Brown

    Atkins is subtraction by addition. Losing him makes the team better, as long as they replace him with someone that can move laterally. And while I'm (cautiously) optimistic about this trade, it's going to take a great acquisition at one of the guard spots (preferably PG) for the Lakers to be...
  11. KA_2

    Lakers agree to acquire Brown

    Daniels will start and probably get a MAX MLE 3 year contract if he signs with the Lakers. He'll probably get 30 mpg, with a defensive minded sharp shooting PG backing him up (Smush Parker may be able to fill that role).
  12. KA_2

    Lakers agree to acquire Brown

    A poster on summed up my feelings nicely: The more I've thought about this trade, the more I've started to grow on Kwame. Not that I don't have my doubts; I wouldn't be the least surprised if this guy continues to be a heartless bust. That said, I still think he'll be...
  13. KA_2

    Can Swift turn the Rockets into title contenders?

    The Grizzlies have no reason to S&T Swift to a conference rival like the Rockets. This is Jerry West we're talking about here, not Mitch, Isiah Thomas.
  14. KA_2

    Can Swift turn the Rockets into title contenders?

    Swift will never go to the Rockets, they can't offer him more than the MLE.
  15. KA_2

    Kwame the Laker?

    My first impression of this trade rumor was "God no", and since I didn't think it had any legs I ignored the rumor. My second impression upon hearing the surge of rumors since then was, well, since Caron Butler isn't that good, and the frontline is charmin soft, maybe it's a decent deal. My...
  16. KA_2

    Kwame the Laker?

    double post
  17. KA_2

    KG To Lakers Rumor...

    Won't happen. But if it did, well, you know. ;)
  18. KA_2

    BSPN: Bynum = immature 17 year old, Shaq is better

    Damn, Skip is just a complete moron. Poor guy.
  19. KA_2

    Lengthy mock for the draft junkies

    Simien would be a wonderful fit for the Kings....if he was ever healthy. That's one tradition the Kings do NOT want to continue to carry over year after year. But hey, if he's relatively healthy for the rest of his career, go for it.
  20. KA_2

    Renewed Hope

    Just be happy you have competant FO. Petrie is hard to beat, I'd take West, Buford and maybe Dumars over Petrie, but that's it. My team is stuck with Mitch Kupchak.