We are highly underrating Donte Greene...

With his size, athleticism and offensive ability, I really think if given solid minutes, Donte could have a break out season. Based Purely on talent, he would have easily gone top 5 in this years draft imo. I am really hoping Petrie finds a way to move Noc so we can see what this kid can really do next season...
Oh I agree with you. I don't think starter yet or even top 8- or 9- man rotation. But, if we can get him 8mpg (??), I think I would be happy.


totally agree...

he was in the move with Tyreke Evans...

Greene can do it all, and he's 6'10!!! The only thing holding him back is himself. He just seems to lack the killer instinct
I think he has amazing potential. But until he puts in the work that's all it really is. Hopefully he's been working a ton this off season and does more than jack up a ton of threes. Either that or hopefully he's drastically improved his 3 point shot.
I agree with you. Donte has a lot of potential and has yet to discover it. He really didn't even play much last season except garbage time, but he did show me some good things. I think that Westphall will eventualy get the best out of Donte Greene just like he did with Rashard lewis. Some guys just have bad rookie seasons for many different reasons. Kmart for example had worse rookie stats than donte but then improved greatly in his second season due to hard work and good coaching. Also I follow Donte on twitter and he sais that he has added 15 pounds and works out 3 times a day 5 times a week, so he's definitely putting the work in...
Whatever the case...we can't give up on him for a few years. His rookie year stats are very similar to Kevin Martins which shows you that you can't judge him based on last year. We've seen him pretty much dominate in summer league and D-league games but I think the only thing keeping him from doing the same in the NBA is himself. I'm not sure if nervousness is the right word, but he looks kind of stricken on the court which is why he chucks those 3's. As soon as he just gets comfortable he has all the tools to be a good player.

Plus... he is a trick shot master...

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Probably why we're not counting on anything from him is that he doesn't have much of a defined game right now. He showed some flashes last year, but there wasn't really anything in particular that he did consistently when he got time. I have hope in his potential, but it's just that.


Hall of Famer
I don't think many people think he's underrated, he just hasn't been given a fair shot yet or consistent playing time. But I don't think he was ready for major minutes last year, although he definately could have seen more than he did.

I would like to move either Noc or Cisco before the season to really open up some playing time for him, because he has the potential to be a very good and exciting player.
If Donte was getting solid minutes on a team like Phoenix a couple years ago, he'd probably been averaging close to 20 ppg.

Our past coaching staff has failed him, just like some other potential the Kings had before. No minutes to the young guys, and all the time to the garbage vets we had.
Donte always seems to be lost on offense..like he doesn't know what his role is. I don't know if it's his fault or the coach's fault.
The reporter guy is just killin me with his laughter. He's like the madhatter or something

He reminds me of Joe Pesci .

At any rate, I'd like to see Donte break out this year. Hopefully with the new coaching staff, a system will be put in and help him develop into the player we hope for.


Hall of Famer
Yeah, it's interesting how many people put his name out there as trade bait after just one year, and yet we have no idea yet what kind of player he might become. I think you have to give him another two years to see if he's going to be a good player. I'm hoping he gets some decent minutes next year so that he can improve his game, and wouldn't mind at all if Noc were traded in order to free up some of those minutes.
Donte always seems to be lost on offense..like he doesn't know what his role is. I don't know if it's his fault or the coach's fault.
If he gets enough playing time he should get that deer in the headlights look out of his eyes and become more effective. Needs to commit more on defense too. Don't they all.
donte put up like 15 and 16 points a couple times this season on garbage minutes maybe 6-8min a game. i really think he's gonna be a good scorer like kmart.
Totally agree, it was a bit upsetting seeing everyone get so down on him last year.

I remember watching a Blazers game last year. The announcers were talking about Travis Outlaw. He came in to the league out of HS and was basically unknown until about 2 years ago. He rode the pine and played very, very limited minutes for 3-4 years. 3-4 years! Everyone was killing Donte after 1 season of limited garbage time minutes. We all need to be patient with him, it could take a few years for us to really see his full potential. He's a kid and needs time.


Hall of Famer
Totally agree, it was a bit upsetting seeing everyone get so down on him last year.

I remember watching a Blazers game last year. The announcers were talking about Travis Outlaw. He came in to the league out of HS and was basically unknown until about 2 years ago. He rode the pine and played very, very limited minutes for 3-4 years. 3-4 years! Everyone was killing Donte after 1 season of limited garbage time minutes. We all need to be patient with him, it could take a few years for us to really see his full potential. He's a kid and needs time.
To be honest, I haven't heard everyone killing him after one season. some of us have pointed out that he really didn't accomplish much last year. How much of that is the fault of the coaching staff or how much is his fault, we have no way of knowing. But I've heard Thompson's name mentioned in more trades than Greene's.

I still have high hopes for him, and maybe this next year we'll start to see some real development. I'm not even sure if his true position is defined. At his height and with his frame he could easily grow into being a PF. But then he would then have to redefine his game. My personal vision for him is at SF. He could pose real matchup problems for other teams with his height and athleticism. But the dude really has to improve his skill set. Ballhandling, passing, post game, and more consistancy on his outside shot. All doable. The better he becomes at playing defense, the more patient I'll be about the rest of those things. Not that anyone cares what I think...:)


Hall of Famer
To be honest, I haven't heard everyone killing him after one season. some of us have pointed out that he really didn't accomplish much last year. How much of that is the fault of the coaching staff or how much is his fault, we have no way of knowing. But I've heard Thompson's name mentioned in more trades than Greene's.
Ahh, no. You need to get your "hearing" checked.:p Just check in the Personell moves section. Greene's name is brought up nearly every day. I fully expect Casspi and Evans to be the trade bait brought up next year.

It seems that most were in favor of the youth movement, but they want the youth to be instantly transformed to adults. It takes time for the little seedlings to grow. You plant them. You water. You weed. Little green shoots come up. You even talk to them. Pest control is needed. More weeding. Plants get a little bigger. Maybe then it's time for thinning out the crop, once you see the ones that will give fruit. For now, patience is key.
You can say this pretty much about any athletic guy with potential shooting and/or defensive ability in their first couple seasons in the league. I mean, we all knew Antoine Wright had potential, Nikoloz Tskitishvili had potential, Darko Milicic had potential, that their respective teams were clinging onto. At this point it just can go either way. I'm not terribly high on him, but he's still very young and if he can develop any semblance of basketball IQ AND develop a niche game for himself, he technically should be fine


Hall of Famer
Ahh, no. You need to get your "hearing" checked.:p Just check in the Personell moves section. Greene's name is brought up nearly every day. I fully expect Casspi and Evans to be the trade bait brought up next year.

It seems that most were in favor of the youth movement, but they want the youth to be instantly transformed to adults. It takes time for the little seedlings to grow. You plant them. You water. You weed. Little green shoots come up. You even talk to them. Pest control is needed. More weeding. Plants get a little bigger. Maybe then it's time for thinning out the crop, once you see the ones that will give fruit. For now, patience is key.
I would never have thought that you would be one to denigrate the handicaped. How dare you pick on the hearing impaired. Ahhh, yes, I do wear hearing aids.:D As far as the rest of your post. Your preaching to the choir. I agree with everything you say there. I myself have been preaching patience. I just hope that people don't confuse constructive criticism as the loss of patience. I believe that you bring out the best by setting the bar high. You should always praise accomplishment, but you should never, never, let them believe that they can't be better.
Let me just say that Donte Greene is perhaps my favorite player on the team. I think that he is underrated defensively by many.

A big reason that he fell out of the lottery to #31 in the draft is because of his perceived lack of basketball IQ. He has certainly shown a significant lack of basketball IQ in his first season...throwing up 3 pointer air balls more than a couple of times...also forgetting to tuck in his jersey on the court. Let's just say he is not the greenest apple on the tree right now...

In terms of athleticism, he could be the most athletic player on this team. He just needs to mature and progress. I too would like to see solid playing time, I just hope that Nocioni's time doesn't shut his window too much this season.
I don't know that were over-rating him or under-rating him. In my opinion, we don't know enough about him yet. He was really young when drafted and still is. I agree with patience.

BTW, a while back I read/heard a comment from Donte that he probably should have stayed in college another year, but since he couldn't go back now, he had to focus on where he's at know. That's what the gist was, anyway.

BTW, I wear one hearing aid, too. My grandmother liked to be able to turn hers off, when she didn't feel like listening to anyone or everyone was being too noisy. :p


Hall of Famer
I don't know that were over-rating him or under-rating him. In my opinion, we don't know enough about him yet. He was really young when drafted and still is. I agree with patience.

BTW, a while back I read/heard a comment from Donte that he probably should have stayed in college another year, but since he couldn't go back now, he had to focus on where he's at know. That's what the gist was, anyway.

BTW, I wear one hearing aid, too. My grandmother liked to be able to turn hers off, when she didn't feel like listening to anyone or everyone was being too noisy. :p
I was raised by my great aunt. She used to do the same thing. :)
Let me just say that Donte Greene is perhaps my favorite player on the team. I think that he is underrated defensively by many.

A big reason that he fell out of the lottery to #31 in the draft is because of his perceived lack of basketball IQ. He has certainly shown a significant lack of basketball IQ in his first season...throwing up 3 pointer air balls more than a couple of times...also forgetting to tuck in his jersey on the court. Let's just say he is not the greenest apple on the tree right now...

In terms of athleticism, he could be the most athletic player on this team. He just needs to mature and progress. I too would like to see solid playing time, I just hope that Nocioni's time doesn't shut his window too much this season.
Actually he could and should learn a lot from Nocioni. Imagine if he just did everything Noc did, except with his increased athleticism and length. That would be pretty special.

I have high hopes for Greene, I'm not sure about a future star (though its possible), but there's no reason he shouldn't be a good shooteing and defending role player. Look at recent championship teams, and they are littered with long, athletic swing forwards who can shoot and defend. They can create or solve matchup problems in a playoff series.

Horry, Rashard Lewis, Garnett, James Posey, Odom, Prince...even Diaw and Tim Thomas when they were with the Suns a few years back.
dude's a chucker...

if he can improve his shot selection, he's got a shot at being somethin' in the nba...

but he had TERRIBLE shot selection in college, and has shown TERRIBLE shot selection in his limited minutes with the kings...

players like that generally just scrub out of the nba if they don't develop some smarts on the court...

he seems like a nice enough kid, though, so i'm pullin' for him...
dude's a chucker...
I think that's what others were trying to say (in a kinder fashion) when they compared his rookie year stats to Kevin's. Because Kevin stunk as a rookie. In a way, Donte stinks even more, because Kevin had the sense to keep it to 4/5 2-point attempts and 1/5 3-point, whereas Donte attempts 3s almost half of the time. His 3-point percentage is sub-Douby low (26.0%), lower than any King last year except for JT, he needs to learn to pass the ball when he doesn't have a good look.

Speaking of Douby, Donte's stats are also pretty similar to Quincy's rookie year.

I think it's weird that we're comparing the stats of a 6'10" or 6'11" player to SGs, but he does play a lot like one...

I hope that he can make it past the nervous airballing stage. We aren't usually quick to waive first round draft picks, so I'm trusting that he'll get a reasonable amount of PT in the next year or two. I hope he'll make the most of it.