The reason the Kings will have a good team!

This thread is to point out why the Kings will have a good team. We've all done our fair share of picking out all the weaknesses of this team. I want to come up with all the strengths of this team.

Perimeter Shooters
Kevin Martin
Mike Bibby
Brad Miller
Honorable Mention
Francisco Garcia
Ron Artest

Interior Offense
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Ron Artest

Perimeter Defense
Ron Artest
Kevin Martin
Francisco Garcia
Ronnie Price(if he plays)

Interior Defense
Loren Woods

Loren Woods
Kenny Thomas
Honorable Mention
Brad Miller
Shareef Abdur-Rahim

Thats all I have for now but there is some of our strengths.

Corliss Williamson
Ron Artest
Honorable Mention
Mike Bibby
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Not to mention a new coach who is hungry and hell bent on having the team defend. It's going to be an interesting season.. we'll learn a lot about this team in the first 10 games or so.


Hall of Famer
I'll start the "debate" Listing Interior defense as a strenth is more than optimistic and to hinge it on a third string center is streaching it, and to asume that this 3rd string center is likely to move into a solid back up slot and put up good numbers, is BOTH optimistic AND streaching it.
John Salmons should be on the perimeter defense list. He'll be solid at least in that area for us. Also with the way the roster is now, Hart is still here, so he should be on the perimeter defense list as well. I also think Douby should be somewhere on perimeter defense list, while he does lack a good frame, his 6'9" wingspan, quickness and effort will show up on the defensive end. While not using this as a basis, he was evident on the defensive end in college.
The farther Hart gets on the "perimeter" the better...
Interior defense and rebounding are still HUGE weaknesses, IMHO. Same old story for a few years now and the problems have still not been addressed. This team may be as good as it was last year, but I don't see much of a reason to expect a whole lot more. I'm optimistic and can't wait to see what they can do, but really, we didn't get better in the off-season.
(i merged my posts, basically)

Also with the way the roster is now, Hart is still here, so he should be on the perimeter defense list as well. If he stays he'll be used sometimes during the season because of his versatility on defense with his length, tenacity and height, along with his team-play (hustling, taking charges, handling the ball sometimes).

I also think Douby should be somewhere on perimeter defense list. While he does lack a good frame and is a rookie, his 6'9" wingspan, quickness and effort (from self, Ron, Musselman) will allow him to show up on the defensive end. While not using this as a basis for that or the NBA, he was evident on the defensive end in college and in the summer league.

I think Kevin should be on the rebounding list because he proved he was a pretty good rebounder for a wing-player. Also adding mass to his body this summer will help in that. Garcia, while not getting as much time as Kevin, showed that in a significant way as well and has added some weight to his frame too.

I'll add some more areas:

Pressure defense
Kevin Martin
Jason Hart
Kenny Thomas
Ron Artest
John Salmons
Ronnie Price
Quincy Douby

Ditto ^
Loren Woods

Honorable mention
SAR (not a good athlete, but he's pretty mobile and is a significant dunker)


Kevin (handling, play-making maybe)
Price (he'll be able to play the point in some form with the summer work, at least handling the ball anyways)
Brad Miller (passing)
SAR (passing)
Douby (see Price)

Then, when we add one or two of Amundson/Williams in October, we'll have a player or two more, on the team, fitting into those three first above areas. Along with defense on the perimeter and rebounding, since they both can guard out on the wing/perimeter in some form. Williams from the paint, jumping out, and Amundson going out from the box as well, along with some man-to-man. Since they probably won't be more than occasional game-time/garbage time 3rd big men (possibly NBDL too), for their first season or so.

I'll start the "debate" Listing Interior defense as a strenth is more than optimistic and to hinge it on a third string center is streaching it, and to asume that this 3rd string center is likely to move into a solid back up slot and put up good numbers, is BOTH optimistic AND streaching it.
Interior defense shouldn't be a listed strength, agreed.


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's honorable mention. You know, like when your high school drama class gives an honorable mention award to the kid who takes the tickets at the class production?

I will play :)

The positives as I see them

Kevin Martin as a starter
Garcia in his second year is sure to improve, hopefully improves his 3pt %

Same positives as last year with Bibby and Artest.

Muss is a positive, to me he brings that Gruden style work ethic, which hopefully will lead to success. (not comparing him to the NFL just saying he is known for that work ethic)

I see the rest listed above as question marks vs positives. But I am trying to go with the flow of the thread and be nice :) I do think we have a few things to be optimistic about.
Salmons slashes? Whoa. And Salmons is a solid defender, but nothing notable in pressure defense.
Douby is much more of a jumpshooter than a slasher. Bank on that. Not sure he has much PG skills either.
How are we defining "good"?

The kind of good that suggests the Kings will win a fair amount of games this season, or the kind of good that suggests the team has actually gotten better over the offseason and has a chance at doing something worth boasting about?
Young team, can't rebound or block shots, first-round playoff loss, we will be talking about the same **** the next we did last off-season
How are we defining "good"?

The kind of good that suggests the Kings will win a fair amount of games this season, or the kind of good that suggests the team has actually gotten better over the offseason and has a chance at doing something worth boasting about?
i think we are "minnesota's eight years of one and done" good.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Young team, can't rebound or block shots, first-round playoff loss, we will be talking about the same **** the next we did last off-season
I know it's gonna come as a great disappointment, but there are those of us who aren't going to write the team off in August.
I know it's gonna come as a great disappointment, but there are those of us who aren't going to write the team off in August.
Count me as one of them. Last year we didn't have an effective backup PG or C. This year we have both, and we added an athletic sharpshooter. Add in the fact that our younger guys our better, and the positive offseasons that will allow Miller, Artest, and Bibby to come back stron this season and I have hope for this season. Right now, I think the main player that hinges on making it to the second round or not is Kevin Martin. If he improves by leaps and bounds like he did last year then the second round is definitley possible...
I'm sure the Utah Jazz, Portland TrailBlazers, Toronto Raptors and Atlanta Hawks would be happy with a 1st round playoff loss. I'm not writing the team off, it takes talent and wins to make the playoffs. It takes that extra something to be successful in the playoffs. What do the Kings have that is that extra something? I want them to be great in 07 (see the screen name) as much as anyone.
Stick a picture of a Salmon and a beer on the ball and he'll go after every rebound.
:D now that is funny!

I think the playoff round that we are taken out in will depend on placement. If we manage to get better than 7th, we will most likely get into the second round at least. 7th or 8th will put us against the leaders (especially considering the new rule) and I do not see this team taking one of them out (at least 6 games like last year). If we get 5th or 6th (a long shot, but crazier things have happened), we could get momentum going and hey - who knows!!!

I also think that one of our strengths will be that the core of the team have played together for at least 1/2 a season now. That did not help last year, but Artest will have had last year and this summer to gell into the flow. I suppose the new coach and system may offset this a little, but I see that as another positive (even though I loved RA!!!)
Salmons is not a good defender, I don't know where people get that idea from. And we still have terrible depth and interior defense. Woods is not the answer to our shotblocking problems. The guy could barely come off the bench in Toronto, who had even worse defense than we did.