Official Draft thread (merged)

chelle said:
While I would love the prospect of drafting May, I do not see him going that low. Wishful thinking- us get a rebounder? Not gonna happen.
I think he'll get worked on the defensive end. He's not supremely athletic and if he doesn't lose weight it'll be harder for him to be effective against NBA players than he was against NCAA players.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Gargamel said:
Villanueva would fit Sac's finesse style best. Taft is a knucklehead it appears. May's body will be a big detraction, but he's a beast on the boards.

I'd go Villanueva, May, Simien, Taft if I were Petrie.
Oh crap -- I forgot about Turiaf. I like him too.

Ok, so trade for #24, #25, #26 AND #27 to go with our own #23. :) Heck, might be more exciting to watch them all fight it out and develop than our current pile of random bigs (Corliss, Darius, Thomas, Skinner, Tag). :)
Bricklayer said:
You know if Simien, Taft, Villanueva and May are all on the board at #23, that's it, I want us to start a massive trading frenzy to get picks #23, #24, #25 AND #26 and take all 4 guys. :) I don't trust any of them to definitely make it, but I can virtually guarantee ONE of them will become a good player, and I don't want to be the team caught lookign stupid in a couople of years for having takent he wrong guy. ;)
You're right. We dont want to pull a Detroit and get Darko and miss a Wade.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Bricklayer said:
Oh crap -- I forgot about Turiaf. I like him too.

Ok, so trade for #24, #25, #26 AND #27 to go with our own #23. :) Heck, might be more exciting to watch them all fight it out and develop than our current pile of random bigs (Corliss, Darius, Thomas, Skinner, Tag). :)
Seriously. I don't know about cornering the market on late first-round big men exactly, but I'd love to see the Kings make a deal for another draft pick or two. There's several guys in the draft this year that I'd rather have on the team than just about anyone we can realistically obtain with the MLE or by trading the guys we've got.

I'd love to see us get the 16 pick from Toronto because that's about where I'd see Diogu going and I'm very high on him. Maybe they'd like Kenny Thomas to be their new SF?

I'd also love to see Hodge on the team as a Bobby Jackson replacement. He's been playing the point in college and he's a guy that will drive to the hoop fearlessly. Maybe Portland is so happy to trade us Ratliff's huge contract that they throw in the #35 pick too and Hodge magically falls into our laps there?

And maybe, to top things off, we could get Simien or Turiaf to play a little defense for us.
Diabeticwonder said:
Mock drafts don't mean a thing at all, but for what it's worth has the Kings taking Diogu at 23. IMO, that would be nice, but I'm not sure if he will fall that far, but then again who knows?
That is a horribly unrealistic mock all around. Andriuskevicius isn't even going to be in the draft and this mock was updated 2 days ago. May ain't goin anywhere close to 9. Splitter is a top 10 pick.
hrdboild said:
Seriously. I don't know about cornering the market on late first-round big men exactly, but I'd love to see the Kings make a deal for another draft pick or two. There's several guys in the draft this year that I'd rather have on the team than just about anyone we can realistically obtain with the MLE or by trading the guys we've got.

I'd love to see us get the 16 pick from Toronto because that's about where I'd see Diogu going and I'm very high on him. Maybe they'd like Kenny Thomas to be their new SF?

I'd also love to see Hodge on the team as a Bobby Jackson replacement. He's been playing the point in college and he's a guy that will drive to the hoop fearlessly. Maybe Portland is so happy to trade us Ratliff's huge contract that they throw in the #35 pick too and Hodge magically falls into our laps there?

And maybe, to top things off, we could get Simien or Turiaf to play a little defense for us.
I actually kinda like our 'random' least Thomas, Skinner and Corliss. But I see two of those three being involved in trades, and did when the trade for Webber was announced...I think Thomas will be the only one out of those guys here next season.


Super Moderator Emeritus
God I hope not. I would much rather see Corliss and Brian here than Thomas.

Skinner, when healthy, was pretty good at blocking shots. Corliss plays Detroit-style defense and I love it! Thomas is undersized, with a overblown ego and, if early indications are correct, what might be construed as an attitude problem. We're gonna get a legitimate PF at some point, and when we do, Thomas is not going to relish the idea of coming off the bench...

The only problem is I can't think of a team who would be willing to accept Thomas' salary unless he was combined with someone they desperately wanted...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Circa_1985_Fan said:
I actually kinda like our 'random' least Thomas, Skinner and Corliss. But I see two of those three being involved in trades, and did when the trade for Webber was announced...I think Thomas will be the only one out of those guys here next season.
mmm...if you actually like watching our collection of undersized, can't rebound, can't defend, stuck to the ground, butter soft, middle aged, topped out not getting any better, lottery team, mismatched middling group of badly overpaid random pieces at our power spots, well bless you. ;)

Personally while there is no way its the actual plan, I'd prefer watching a pack of kids, one or more of whom might turn out to be a special player better than any of our junk, any day of the week. Mediocrity is awfully boring.
Bricklayer said:
mmm...if you actually like watching our collection of undersized, can't rebound, can't defend, stuck to the ground, butter soft, middle aged, topped out not getting any better, lottery team, mismatched middling group of badly overpaid random pieces at our power spots, well bless you. ;)

Personally while there is no way its the actual plan, I'd prefer watching a pack of kids, one or more of whom might turn out to be a special player better than any of our junk, any day of the week. Mediocrity is awfully boring.
What? Oh my gosh Bricklayer, what are you saying? I know, it's becasue you are too far away from the team. If you were here in Sacramento, you'd know we are only one piece away--to quote a grand local basketball mind " one good 2 guard"- from being a "very good team."


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
About Kenny Thomas, think of it this way. He's undersized for PF and not very athletic for a SF but despite his positional problems, he's a solid player. Consistent double digit rebounder and scorer. Good jumpshot out to the wing (though lacking three point range). A capable passer. And the fact that he's signed long term isn't necessarily a negative, depending on what team you're looking at. It's bad for us because he doesn't really fit our needs all that well (ie he's not going to give us much of a defensive presence at PF), but it could be good for a team that needs a SF with some rebounding punch and wouldn't mind having him stick around. And for a starting forward who grabs 10+ rebounds a game when given the minutes, his salary is actually quite reasonable.

My reasons for wanting to trade him are pretty much the same as yours VF. He's not giving us what we need in a starting PF (given the Bibby, Peja, Miller core which is good pass and shoot offense but no post defense whatsoever) and he's probably not going to be happy with a backup role. Not to mention we don't need to be paying a backup forward that kind of money unless he's big and he's got a mean streak. Neither of which is the case here. A solid player, just not right for this current system.

Skinner is a good veteran forward off the bench who'll grab rebounds and play tough around the rim. Very useful. Corless' value is decreasing as he's getting on in years, but he's only two years removed from a 6th man of the year award now. Given a regular role, I think he could be a nice backup SF off the bench, though not really a game changing one so I'm kindof ambivalent on whether we keep him or not. His contract is big enough to trade up for a new starting PF when combined with someone else's, but that doesn't necessarily mean there's a team out there willing to make that trade.

Really I don't have a big problem with us keeping any of those guys because they're useful players. But none of them is a legitimate #1 option for a playoff team, and having three backup forwards with similar games is overkill. We had a problem with depth before. Now we've got depth at PF, but no legitimate starter. If it were up to me, I'd hang onto Skinner as a backup PF, move KT and Corliss, and draft a PF. If the trade doesn't bring in a starting PF, I'd start the rookie - whoever that turns out to be - and use our MLE money on Evans and another SG.


Hall of Famer
I like your idea's hrdbolid. Your right Kenny Thomas is not what we need at PF. But he could be exactly what somebody needs at the SF position. In fact alot of us not in favor of KT at PF have said if Peja were gone KT might do nice at the SF. Another thing you touched on was the length and size of the contract. Plenty of teams out there under the cap that could use a SF that gets double-doubles and for five years never reaching over the 10mil mark. Sure we don't need him at SF because we got a a guy that can score 25. rebounds and hustle means nothing at the SF positoin on our team, give us 3's and we are happy.


Hall of Famer
Bricklayer said:
Oh crap -- I forgot about Turiaf. I like him too.

Ok, so trade for #24, #25, #26 AND #27 to go with our own #23. :) Heck, might be more exciting to watch them all fight it out and develop than our current pile of random bigs (Corliss, Darius, Thomas, Skinner, Tag). :)

Simimen had done very well in workouts. He actually plays defense and rebounds and from what i have read he has excellant post moves. Simien is the guy i am seeing us getting in most mock drafts. Out of all of the PF he will be the one that could still be around come #23


Entity said:
Simimen had done very well in workouts. He actually plays defense and rebounds and from what i have read he has excellant post moves. Simien is the guy i am seeing us getting in most mock drafts. Out of all of the PF he will be the one that could still be around come #23
Along with Sean May. I'd take either.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I think a lot of those mocks were written before Simien recently measured out at 6'9". I think there's less of a chance he's still around at 23 now, but if he is, that would be an excellent choice for us.


Super Moderator Emeritus
hrdboild said:
About Kenny Thomas, think of it this way. He's undersized for PF and not very athletic for a SF but despite his positional problems, he's a solid player. Consistent double digit rebounder and scorer. Good jumpshot out to the wing (though lacking three point range). A capable passer. And the fact that he's signed long term isn't necessarily a negative, depending on what team you're looking at. It's bad for us because he doesn't really fit our needs all that well (ie he's not going to give us much of a defensive presence at PF), but it could be good for a team that needs a SF with some rebounding punch and wouldn't mind having him stick around. And for a starting forward who grabs 10+ rebounds a game when given the minutes, his salary is actually quite reasonable...
Okay, name a team... any team.
VF21 said:
Okay, name a team... any team.
Dallas. Dirk is really an oversized small forward, so why not pair him with an undersized power forward? Plus, Cuban's not scrared of paying the extra $$$.

Toronto or New Orleans, but maybe that's just because they're desparate.

edit: I posted a couple others in the trade thread
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I can't remember if we mentioned drafting Ike Diogu here, but Chad Ford has pushed him up from mid 20s to mid lottery:


Ike Diogu
HEIGHT: 6-8 | WEIGHT: 255 | AGE: 21
The Warriors wanted Frye or Granger, but if those two are off the board, they'll look for the next-best power forward. Sean May, Hakim Warrick and Chris Taft will all get looks here, as well. Diogu gets the nod because of his length (he has the reach of a 7-footer, a la Elton Brand) and shot-blocking ability.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
bigbadred00 said:
I can't remember if we mentioned drafting Ike Diogu here, but Chad Ford has pushed him up from mid 20s to mid lottery:


Ike Diogu
HEIGHT: 6-8 | WEIGHT: 255 | AGE: 21
The Warriors wanted Frye or Granger, but if those two are off the board, they'll look for the next-best power forward. Sean May, Hakim Warrick and Chris Taft will all get looks here, as well. Diogu gets the nod because of his length (he has the reach of a 7-footer, a la Elton Brand) and shot-blocking ability.
I have absolutely no idea why Golden State would be looking for a PF, and I doubt Chad Ford does either. That said Diogu seems to have clearly moved up out of our range regardless of who takes him.
Brick-That was the only point I was making. Ford has us taking Taft, who is a periennel underacheiver. We do need someone with his type of skill sets, just not with his mentality.
Bricklayer said:
I have absolutely no idea why Golden State would be looking for a PF, and I doubt Chad Ford does either. That said Diogu seems to have clearly moved up out of our range regardless of who takes him.
They are pretty much set at the 1-4 position. I don't know if Dunleavy is exactly what they need, but there 1,3, and 4 positions are pretty good with J-Rich, B-Diddy and Murphy all with long term deals. Therefore they need a 5 player who can do more than Foyle Offensively. has Frye who seems to be a more reasonable fit for the Warriors.


Super Moderator
Staff member
It seems like Frye has become the apple of Isiah Thomas' eye, or at least that's the scuttlebutt as of now. Of course if Thomas really wanted a decent but limited starting center, why on earth did he trade away Nazr Mohammed for yet another undersized PF in Rose? Maybe the Knickerbockers should draft Diogu and complete their set.

If Frye is gone I think the Warriors will shy away from reaching on another center since all that would remain after Bogut and perhaps Frye (I'm not sold on him anyway) are projects like Blatche, Petro, Bynum or Morris, assuming Andriuskevicius pulls out of the draft. Not that he's not a project, but he seems to have the upside worth gambling on.

I think they'll draft Granger who will be a nice roleplayer and allow the W's to shop Dunleavy. But with Granger's stock on the rise and the Knicks seemingly liking Frye, the Warriors might be stuck drafting in the top ten without being able to fill a real need. Maybe then they take Joey Graham or Antoine Wright if they are available and still shop Dunleavy.

But if I'm Chris Mullin and Granger and Frye are off the board, I'm taking Raymond Felton who gives me a PG who can keep the fastbreak moving if Baron Davis is resting or worse yet injured. After all, it's not like Derek Fisher is getting any younger, or faster, or better defensively.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
funkykingston said:
After all, it's not like Derek Fisher is getting any younger, or faster, or better defensively.
...Or making 5-7 million a year for the next 5 years. Oh wait, that part is true. :) Sucks for them.
stats revealed!

Saw this on thought it would add to the conversation.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Jonathan Givony - President[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]June 13, 2005[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Name Height Height (w/ shoes) Weight (lbs) Wingspan Reach

Acker, Alex 6' 3¾" 6' 4¾" 183.0 7' 0" 8' 6½"

Akindele, Deji 6' 9½" 6' 11" 236.4 7' 3" 9' 0½"

Aleksandrov, Nemanja 6' 10" 7' 0" 220.6 6' 11" 9' 2"

Al-Sayyad, Mustafa 6' 7½" 6' 9" 229.2 7' 4¾" 9' 2"

Anderson, Alan 6' 4½" 6' 6" 223.2 6' 9½" 8' 8"

Andriuskevicius, Martynas 7' 1¼" 7' 3" 227.8 6' 11¼" 9' 4½"

Banks, Sean 6' 5¾" 6' 7" 206.4 7' 1" 9' 0"

Basden, Eddie 6' 4¼" 6' 5½" 210.0 6' 10¼" 8' 5"

Bell, Mike 6' 8¾" 6' 9¼" 206.2 7' 1½" 8' 8½"

Bogut, Andrew 6' 11" 7' 0¼" 250.6 7' 3" 9' 2½"

Brown, Dee 5' 11" 6' 0" 179.0 6' 2" 7' 10"

Bynum, Will 5' 10½" 5' 11½" 188.8 6' 3½" 7' 9"

Campbell, Marcus 6' 10¼" 7' 0¼" 280.4 7' 6" 9' 6"

Conroy, Will 6' 1" 6' 2" 188.6 6' 3" 8' 0½"

Coppenrath, Taylor 6' 7¾" 6' 9¼" 252.4 6' 11½" 8' 10½"

Diener, Travis 5' 11¾" 6' 1" 165.2 5' 11¾" 7' 9½"

Diogu, Ike 6' 6½" 6' 8" 255.4 7' 3½" 9' 1"

Dorsey, Daryl 5' 11¼" 6' 0½" 160.8 5' 11½" 7' 10"

Ellis, Monta 6' 2¼" 6' 3¼" 176.6 6' 2¾" 8' 2"

Felton, Raymond 5' 11½" 6' 0¼" 199.4 6' 4¼" 8' 2"

Fernandez, Rudy 6' 4¾" 6' 6" 172.0 6' 7½" 8' 5½"

Fischer, D'Or 6' 9¼" 6' 10½" 242.4 7' 6" 9' 2½"

Fobbs, Eddy 6' 10¼" 6' 11¼" 235.2 7' 6¾" 9' 3½"

Ford, Sharrod 6' 7¼" 6' 8¼" 212.8 7' 1½" 8' 10"

Francis, Torin 6' 8¾" 6' 10" 251.8 7' 1" 9' 0½"

Frye, Channing 6' 9½" 6' 10½" 243.6 7' 2½" 9' 2½"

Gai, Deng 6' 7¾" 6' 9¼" 214.0 7' 4½" 9' 2½"

Garcia, Francisco 6' 5¾" 6' 7" 189.6 6' 10¾" 8' 7"

Gilchrist, John 6' 1¼" 6' 2½" 195.2 6' 9¼" 8' 0½"

Gortat, Marcin 6' 11" 7' 0" 225.2 7' 3½" 9' 2"

Graham, Joey 6' 5¼" 6' 6½" 216.6 6' 8" 8' 8"

Granger, Danny 6' 7½" 6' 8½" 225.4 7' 1½" 8' 7"

Green, Gerald 6' 6" 6' 7¼" 192.0 6' 9¾" 8' 8"

Hayes, Chuck 6' 5½" 6' 6¾" 232.4 6' 10" 8' 8½"

Head, Luther 6' 2" 6' 3" 178.8 6' 5¼" 8' 2½"

Hodge, Julius 6' 6" 6' 7" 202.2 7' 0½" 8' 11½"

Homan, Jared 6' 7¾" 6' 8¾" 248.2 7' 1¼" 8' 8½"

Ilyasova, Ersan 6' 7¾" 6' 9" 208.8 7' 1¼" 9' 1½"

Jack, Jarrett 6' 2½" 6' 3½" 197.6 6' 7½" 8' 4"

Jones, Dwyane 6' 8½" 6' 10" 242.2 7' 2¾" 9' 0½"

Katelynas, Mindaugas 6' 7½" 6' 8½" 217.0 6' 11" 8' 9½"

Klotz, Jason 6' 8½" 6' 9¾" 249.4 6' 10" 8' 11½"

Krauser, Carl 5' 11½" 6' 0¾" 193.4 6' 5½" 8' 2½"

Langford, Keith 6' 2¼" 6' 3½" 203.2 6' 9" 8' 5"

Lee, David 6' 7¾" 6' 9" 229½ 7' 0" 8' 10½"

Lucas, David 6' 6½" 6' 7¾" 233.4 7' 0" 8' 7½"

Lucas, John 5' 9¼" 5' 10½" 154.4 6' 0" 7' 8"

Manuel, Jackie 6'4¼" 6' 5½" 188.2 6' 11¼" 8' 7½"

Marshall, Rawle 6' 4½" 6' 5¾" 186.6 7' 1" 8' 8"

Maxiell, Jason 6' 5" 6' 6¼" 257.6 7' 3¼" 8' 11"

May, Sean 6' 7" 6' 8½" 258.8 7' 1¼" 8' 9"

McCants, Rashad 6' 2¾" 6' 4" 201.0 6' 10¾" 8' 7½"

McFarlin, Ivan 6' 5½" 6' 6¾" 228.6 6' 9" 8' 9½"

Mendez, Juan 6' 5¼" 6' 6¾" 231.4 7' 0" 8' 10½"

Mensah-Bonsu, Pops 6' 7¼" 6' 8¾" 226.6 7' 0" 8' 9"

Miles, Aaron 6' 0" 6' 1½" 174.6 6' 3½" 7' 10"

Myles, Ellis 6' 6" 6' 7¼" 255.2 6' 9¾" 8' 9½"

O'Bannon, Larry 6' 3" 6' 4¼" 196.0 6' 6" 8' 3½"

Pasalic, Drago 6' 9½" 6' 11" 238.8 6' 11¾" 9' 0½"

Paul, Chris 5' 11¾" 6' 1" 178.0 6' 4¼" 7' 9"

Pittsnogle, Kevin 6' 9¼" 6' 10¼" 259.2 6' 10½" 8' 10"

Powell, Carlos 6' 5¼" 6' 6¾" 221.8 6' 10¾" 8' 9"

Powell, Roger 6' 4¾" 6' 6" 218.6 6' 11½" 8' 8"

Price, Ronnie 6' 0¾" 6' 2¼" 184.8 6' 5½" 8' 0½"

Roberson, Anthony 6' 0¾" 6' 2½" 178.8 6' 2¾" 7' 11"

Rush, Brandon 6' 5" 6' 6½" 211.4 6' 11¼" 8' 8½"

Schenscher, Luke 6' 11¾" 7' 1½" 241.6 7' 5" 9' 3½"

Simien, Wayne 6' 7¼" 6' 9" 255.8 7' 0" 8' 11"

Simmons, Tre 6' 4" 6' 5" 194.2 6' 7½" 8' 6½"

Simon, David 6' 8" 6' 9½" 258.8 7' 3½" 9' 0"

Slaughter, Marcus 6' 6¾" 6' 8" 213.4 6' 11" 8' 8½"

Smith, Steven 6' 7¼" 6' 8¾" 235.6 7' 0" 8' 10"

Stoudamire, Salim 6' 0" 6' 1¼" 185.6 6' 4" 8' 0½"

Taft, Chris 6' 8½" 6' 9½" 261.0 7' 1¾" 9' 1"

Thomas, Chris 5' 11¾" 6' 1" 176.2 6' 3" 7' 11"

Thomas, Omar 6' 3¼" 6' 4½" 200.0 6' 8" 8' 6"

Thompson, Dijon 6' 6¼" 6' 8" 195.8 6' 9¾" 8' 9½"

Turiaf, Ronny 6' 8" 6' 9¼" 237.8 7' 1½" 8' 10½"

Villanueva, Charlie 6' 9" 6' 9½" 236.6 7' 0¼" 9' 1"

Warrick, Hakim 6' 7¼" 6' 8½" 215.0 7' 2" 9' 0"

Webster, Martell 6' 6" 6' 7½" 229.6 6' 11" 8' 10"

Whaley, Robert 6' 8" 6' 9" 269.4 7' 2" 9' 0"

Williams, Deron 6' 1¾" 6' 2¾" 202.4 6' 6¼" 8' 2"

Williams, Eric 6' 7" 6' 8½" 282.0 7' 4" 9' 0½"

Williams, Jawad 6' 7" 6' 8" 218.0 7' 1¼" 8' 10½"

Williams, Marvin 6' 7" 6' 8¼" 228.2 7' 3½" 9' 0"

Wright, Antoine 6' 5¼" 6' 6¼" 202.6 6' 8¾" 8' 8½"

Wright, Bracey 6' 1¼" 6' 2½" 186.8 6' 10" 8' 4½"

Average: 6' 5½" 6' 6.8" 216.7 6' 10½" 8' 8.0"

Maximum: 7' 1¼" 7' 3" 282.0 7' 6¾" 9' 6"

Mininum: 5' 9¼" 5' 10½" 154.4 5' 11½" 7' 8"

I see that Simien moves up into the 6' 9" range, so I guess he'll be top 15. I wonder if May will be hurt by this? Maybe he could drop to 23? I wouldn't mind the Kings taking him if he was avaiable

Oh yeah and Villenueva at 6' 9" is a shocker.
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