Final Scores
Super Bowl:
Green Bay
And our overall scores (points for Super Bowl in parentheses):
25 (10) - SacKings7 GB 31-20
24 (8) - PurpleHaze GB 27-24
24 (8) - Rockmeister GB 23-21
24 (8) - MassachusettsKingsFan GB 20-17
23 (8) - pdxKingsFan GB 27-17
21 (8) - Arkitect GB 21-17
9 (0) - est.1999 P 26-20
5 (0) - kingsboi P
2 (-) - uolj
0 (0) vistacruza_kings P 27-24
Congratulations to SacKings7 who came from behind to win by a single point by not only correctly picking the Packers (as it appeared all the front runners did) but by also correctly predicting that they would score 31 points.