Kings @ Warriors Gameday Thread

Jimmer and Thomas have been the best tonight.

dissapointed in Thompson ( i thought he would of grown up by now), Hickson looks lost (dont think he knows his role which could be coaches fault), Whiteside should spend the whole year in the D-League unless of injuries.

Tyreke was decent, too many TO's

Thornton needs too pass more, but his shooting looks solid.

Klay Thompson on GSW is gonna be good.
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Hall of Famer
Can't say I expected better rebounding when your missing Cousins and Hayes.
JT is usually good on the glass, but he was awful tonight (and this is coming from a JT apologist!)....Hickson is supposed to a rebounder as well.

We need Cuz. Hayes would have helped a TON tonight too. Hope he gets cleared to play.


Hall of Famer
Reke looks healthy, but he doesn't look improved. This is basically rookie year Reke in his third year. You can't win with him at PG.
Totally agree.

Dude kills ball movement. Its too bad we have a coach that encourages his bad habits.

Still got high hopes for him though (just not as a PG)!
Jimmer,IT, Greene have been the best tonight.

dissapointed in Thompson ( i thought he would of grown up by now), Hickson looks lost (dont think he knows his role which could be coaches fault), Whiteside should spend the whole year in the D-League unless of injuries.

Tyreke was decent, too many TO's

Thornton needs too pass more, but his shooting looks solid.

Klay Thompson on GSW is gonna be good.
I thought Thomas was disappointing tonight. The size and speed of the Warriors seemed to keep him in check.


Hall of Famer
Preseason or not...I am utterly and absolutely disgusted on the glass. I mean jesus christ if I see this again real soon I might just go crazy, seriously 0_0...
wow! some pretty rough welcome from some kingsfans here. cool down guys. its preseason. westy is playing SFs as PFs which made us suck on the boards. we only have 1 wk training camp with a lot of new players, hickson, fredette, IT. not to mention cuz is not there.
I thought Thomas was disappointing tonight. The size and speed of the Warriors seemed to keep him in check.
He looked good for a 5'9 rookie.. his positioning was solid on offense,he played within whatever "offensive flow" we had.. and didnt force much. jumper looked smooth.

Definitely ran the point better then Reke.
Hopefully Chuck Hayes will be back along with DMC...I doubt we see this much discumbobulation once DMC, Salmons and Hayes are back.

Also don't forget that this team just absolutely didn't know what the heck it was doing tonight, and how could they? 5 days together? C'mon guys, the fact that Freddette came in and they fought back is a huge positive. Once they get a real system in place and they get 3/5 of their starting lineup back I will begin to judge, not now.
An objective person wouldn't make that judgement based on a single pre season game.
This is Reke's third year. His game hasn't evolved. If it had, there was plenty of oppurtunity to show it. How often did I hear that Reke just needs shooters to pass the ball to? Well here they are and he's still overdribbling the shotclock away.
An objective person wouldn't make that judgement based on a single pre season game.
An objective person would consider seeing actual improvement before assuming one has improved. All he's saying is that he hasn't seen progress, which I agree with. Evans looks like the same type of player: dribble penetration, force himself inside to either attempt a shot, draw a foul/commit charge, or dump off.
Hopefully Chuck Hayes will be back along with DMC...I doubt we see this much discumbobulation once DMC, Salmons and Hayes are back.
Everybody who think Hayes is going to solve these problems are putting up their own smokescreen. He's not Rodman. The guy isn't going to suddenly make the frontline defend better or rebound at all. He's going to improve one man assignments, but he's not going to suddenly make this team rebound or contest shots at the rim.
Everybody who think Hayes is going to solve these problems are putting up their own smokescreen. He's not Rodman. The guy isn't going to suddenly make the frontline defend better or rebound at all. He's going to improve one man assignments, but he's not going to suddenly make this team rebound or contest shots at the rim.
So is everyone else that thinks ANY player including Sam Dalembert would do the same. The problems being exhibited by the Kings are entirely team related and were last year while putting a bottom 3 paint defensive team on the floor. However, according to some, Hayes is a vocal leader on defense and THAT is what this team needs more than anything.
Agree - 38 points in the paint for the warriors in the first half. We need a legit center. Made Dalembert happen. Team d can improve but you have to have an enforcer to build around
So is everyone else that thinks ANY player including Sam Dalembert would do the same.
Except...that's already happening. Everybody who said Dalembert's loss at C would impact rebounding and rim defense are watching what this team is like without that aspect of the game (something Cousins doesn't have anyway, so his absence tonight is irrelevant).

The problems being exhibited by the Kings are entirely team related and were last year while putting a bottom 3 paint defensive team on the floor.
Do you have those numbers post-Landry?

However, according to some, Hayes is a vocal leader on defense and THAT is what this team needs more than anything.
Yeah, he can yell as shots go in.
Do you have those numbers post-Landry?
Of course he doesn't because it blows his argument out of the water!

People can put their heads in the sand and say its pre-season but this was against Warriors....imagine what the points in paint would be like against elite teams. But hey as long as we have Chuck monster (who is a great man defender) our interior defence is going to be rock solid! :rolleyes:

Our big men don't know how to protect the basket. That instinct is something that you are born with, not something you pick up along the way.

We chose not to re-sign our best interior defender, shot blocker and rebounder and its painfully obvious that we are back to our defensive schemes of the Brad Miller - Mikki Moore - Kenny Thomas know where everyone will need to pick up their game on the defensive end as a team....funny how that approach has never worked unless you have an anchor to plant in there that pins down your entire defence.
I talk a lot of nonsense in these game threads ... takes a bit of time for me to digest what I just saw and evaluate it. Here goes nothing ..

The score and result was fine. Better than fine, really. We faced a fully healthy team that we are on par with talent wise and they beat us by 11. This is without our best interior defender, our best post scorer, and our best two rebounders. Considering the fact that GSW killed us on the inside ... it wasn't all bad. Its pretty easy to pin point WHY they beat us based on who we were missing.

That being said, there were a lot of things to dislike. To name a few .. Westphal going small, getting nothing out of 2 of our top 4 bigs, no real offense to speak of, and very sluggish looking defense.

Jones tweeted that Outlaws agent said he is healthy (practiced the day he was cut) and that Hayes tests looked good, so it will be interesting to see how we play at home with a full squad. Looking forward to tuesday.
I'm worried. Worried about opposing guards and sf's blowing by their man and attacking Cousins on the move every other trip down the court.

I'm sure Cousins has improved defensively. He's a smart kid. But even by taking a good size leap forward, he still will be in an awfully tough situation on defense. One which will hurt us, and our owners don't appear to be concerned with addressing.
I'm worried. Worried about opposing guards and sf's blowing by their man and attacking Cousins on the move every other trip down the court.

I'm sure Cousins has improved defensively. He's a smart kid. But even by taking a good size leap forward, he still will be in an awfully tough situation on defense.
I agree but I'd rather have Cuz than Beidrins in the middle on my team. It's a drag without Daly to at least keep them honest. We went from one of tallest NBA teams to just one of the rest in a year.
Now we can take more charges, maybe some of our slew of 6'9ish guys will actually play bigger, maybe Chuck Hayes will clog the middle and make it ugly down there, maybe, maybe, maybe.