Really impressed with Price! He was damn good guarding the Portland PGs, and his play-making. I think possibly this game alone will save him from cuts.
Sampson I was very pleased to see come in (shouted "SAMPSON!"), and was productive immediately in his short stint. Dug his post-drive lay-up on Ha-Seung and couple boards. Even had an ast. I still think he makes the team as 12th guy. I believe he'll get the most time of the pre-season vs. the Suns tomorrow.
Bibby looked more to in-season form and I'd assume the best of the pre-season? Skinner was awesome (that dunk from the pass from SAR was sweet, as was the driving dunk on Ha-Seung), SAR was very good, Peja was good, Corliss was great, KT I assume just sat out so Rick could get other guys in. Brad was real solid (didn't realize he got 12 boards), and Bonzi was good. Loved Cisco and Martin, both having fun games tonight! They were quite active again, being all over the place in some stretches. Cisco showing some more of his versatility tonight.
Nice win tonight, really liked what I saw, and only bad part was most of the 3rd quarter. Had to expect Portland to come off sometime. I was never worried that the lead would be relinquished or cut to 4 or 5 points.
51 total rebounds, pre-season or not, that's nice to see.
Flores/Sandrin I think will be cut, or possibly one is kept and sent to the DL. I'd go with the former though.