Grant Napear made a rare prediction.

In yesterday's (12/27) "Top 5 at 5" the number 5 story was the trade discussions between Denver, Indiana and a 3rd team. Grant made a very, very rare prediction that the Kings are possibly the 3rd team involved. I just thought that was really weird considering he hates trade rumors.

Another thing is both Denver and Indiana have been intrested in Peja in the past.
CaminoChaos said:
In yesterday's (12/27) "Top 5 at 5" the number 5 story was the trade discussions between Denver, Indiana and a 3rd team. Grant made a very, very rare prediction that the Kings are possibly the 3rd team involved. I just thought that was really weird considering he hates trade rumors.

Another thing is both Denver and Indiana have been intrested in Peja in the past.
Grant also said that the Kings will more than likely deal Peja before the trade deadline.


I haven't talked to Reef since well before the season began, so I really can't say much about his jaw injury.

Last night though, when I read that he was out and they weren't giving a status until tomorrow (and knowing that Peja was out with a mysterious pain) - I wondered where he and Peja were going ...

I was sure it was because of a trade.
playmaker0017 said:
I haven't talked to Reef since well before the season began, so I really can't say much about his jaw injury.

Last night though, when I read that he was out and they weren't giving a status until tomorrow (and knowing that Peja was out with a mysterious pain) - I wondered where he and Peja were going ...

I was sure it was because of a trade.
That crossed my mind also.
I don't see how we'd include Peja AND SAR in a three team deal with the Pacers and Nuggets...we'd need to get a lot in return...more than just Watson and Nene, IMO.
I don;t think we'll go after Nene (injuries) but I like Watson. We would also need a SF to replace Peja unless we insert Garcia or Martin in the starting lineup.


D-Mass said:
I don't see how we'd include Peja AND SAR in a three team deal with the Pacers and Nuggets...we'd need to get a lot in return...more than just Watson and Nene, IMO.
Nuggets could use Peja or Reef.

It might be the Kings that end up netting Artest if that were the deal.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your stance, that isn't the case.
I have a hard time believing that we will get rid of Reef mainly because he is such a bargain in terms of today's salaries. We have locked up for 5 years at just about $5 mill per year. Remember, trading players these days is more about trading salaries and I don't see anyone out there that we could legitimately get that is making what Reef makes.
Diabeticwonder said:
I have a hard time believing that we will get rid of Reef mainly because he is such a bargain in terms of today's salaries. We have locked up for 5 years at just about $5 mill per year. Remember, trading players these days is more about trading salaries and I don't see anyone out there that we could legitimately get that is making what Reef makes.
Agreed. I think Peja (+ filler?) for Nene and Watson is more likely.
I never thought that both of them being out was due to a trade. Everyone knew that during the Portland game Peja lightl tweaked is groin, and his back was stiffening up during the game.

Reef took a legitimate shot to the face.

When have you EVER seen on this team a guy get sat down, or a mysterious injury then traded. If it happens right before a game, he'll get told he can't play, or he'll get told at the shoot around that day if it's the day of the game. I mean Webber played one night, and got traded the next etc. That's just how it happens.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Diabeticwonder said:
I have a hard time believing that we will get rid of Reef mainly because he is such a bargain in terms of today's salaries. We have locked up for 5 years at just about $5 mill per year. Remember, trading players these days is more about trading salaries and I don't see anyone out there that we could legitimately get that is making what Reef makes.
We have a TON of spare salary sitting on the bench collecting splinters. You throw some of it in with Reef to bring back a superior player and its absolutelyt worth it. You win by concentrating your talent in the NBA, not spreading it out evenly down to the 12th man.

But Reef's contract is the most attractive thing about him as we try to rebuild. I'm just not sure that he works well with anybody. Nor am I at all sure he can be a major player on a top team. Maybe a 6th man.


Bricklayer said:
You win by concentrating your talent in the NBA, not spreading it out evenly down to the 12th man.
I disagree.

You want some superior players, but for the most part a team that's evenly talented and good will beat a team that's got no talent around a few players.

Houston and Sacramento are proof.

Look at Dallas. They've got a prime player, but their bench could start and they'd barely miss a step. Heck, their bench could start for most teams.

Look at all the top teams. They all have a derth of talent from top to bottom.

Perhaps I just misunderstood?
Bricklayer said:
But Reef's contract is the most attractive thing about him as we try to rebuild. I'm just not sure that he works well with anybody. Nor am I at all sure he can be a major player on a top team. Maybe a 6th man.
I agree completely. Reef might be a great 6th man and if he can assume that role with us if we get a top notch PF to play in front of him then he's still a bargain at $5 mill per.


D-Mass said:
Not the Pistons.
McDyess, Arroyo and Evans? Don't sell them too short.

McDyess alone is more talented than any two of our bench players.

But, what they've got is a system and they don't need "talented" players to play it. They need aggressive killers to play it.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
playmaker0017 said:
I disagree.

You want some superior players, but for the most part a team that's evenly talented and good will beat a team that's got no talent around a few players.

Houston and Sacramento are proof.

Look at Dallas. They've got a prime player, but their bench could start and they'd barely miss a step. Heck, their bench could start for most teams.

Look at all the top teams. They all have a derth of talent from top to bottom.

Perhaps I just misunderstood?
Not unless for some reason you just misunderstood the league. The more good players the better (not actually true -- in excess that creates chemistry/playing time issues), but teams are powered by their great players. Of all the major team sports, there may be none where great forceful players have a more decisive impact on the game. Certainly far FAR more decisive than anything your 8th or 9th man is ever going to provide.

You win by consolidating your talent. By acquiring a small number of truly special players and letting them make everyboidy else better. There was no misunderstanding.
playmaker0017 said:
McDyess, Arroyo and Evans? Don't sell them too short.

McDyess alone is more talented than any two of our bench players.
But that's still only 8 deep...that, to me, is still "concentrated" talent.


Question to all:

Anyone know if the teams stats and wins go up when Peja has been out this year? It seems like they play as a team better.


Bricklayer said:
You win by consolidating your talent. By acquiring a small number of truly special players and letting them make everyboidy else better. There was no misunderstanding.
No, I don't misunderstand the league. In another thread I mention how the NBA is more of a superstar league than anywhere else.

But, if you don't think a derth of roleplayers that KNOW and PLAY their role and play it well aren't just as important as a "superstar" than name me the last team that had a large amount of success with just a superstar?

Pierce doesn't get it done. Iverson doesn't get it done. Carter and McGrady don't. Yao didn't. No one does, except maybe Shaq.

Going to a comment you wrote earlier: If you honestly don't believe that a defensive team led by Shareef offensively wouldn't have success than, in my opinion, you just don't know basketball. Reef's lack of success has never been HIM (or the offense running through him) it's been the lack of players that compliment his strengths and hide his weaknesses. Reef contributes to it by being who he is ... and not being a superior defender like Garnett or Duncan.


D-Mass said:
But that's still only 8 deep...that, to me, is still "concentrated" talent.
Concentrated where?

The entire starting line would replace anyone we currently field.

That team defines what team is. They are solid through the entire line and complimentary.


PFFFT!! said:
We would have to package Peja and Kenny Thomas for a near-all-star quality PF.
Name one team that trades big for small?

Name one team with a real all-star PF (that is hands down better than Shareef) that would trade for Peja and Thomas?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
ANY team led by Reef offensively, defensive in nature or not, isn't going to be very good.

Reef is Peja Part Deux. Pretty, technically superior, but passionless and often empty. Neither makes their teammates any better. Neither can lead a team anywhere. Worse yet in Reef's case I don't even see how he fits as anything BUT a leading scorer on a bad team. Peja could at least spot up and just stand outside waiting for a pass from a first rate post presence on a top team. But Reef...just zilch impact without the ball and no way to contribute or even play a role unless he is being fed constantly. Actually why I suggested 6th man. At least there he could basically be the first option for what is effectively a bad NBA team (an NBA bench). Other option would be the old Bill Cartwright/Buddha Edwards role. Play 20-25 minutes as a starter, be fed in the post for those minutes to give the semblance of a post game, and then go to the bench in favor of energetic dirty-work guys.
playmaker0017 said:
Name one team that trades big for small?

Name one team with a real all-star PF (that is hands down better than Shareef) that would trade for Peja and Thomas?
Well, the Nuggets are one team with a PF who has all the makings of a superstar in Nene and given that the Kings need to plan for next season and beyond rather than spinning their wheels as to this season, it makes sense to me to go and get Nene and the resign him at the end of the year.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
playmaker0017 said:
Name one team that trades big for small?

Name one team with a real all-star PF (that is hands down better than Shareef) that would trade for Peja and Thomas?
The Washington Bullets/Wizards.

Been known to happen.
I know that this is off the subject but listen to this conversation that took place last night:

Jerry Reynolds: "I did not know you could get Dong out of Ndong"

Grant Napier: "The N is silent Jerry"

JR: "So if you put an N in front of Grant, you will still have Grant":D :rolleyes: :D

Those Ladies and Gentlemen are your announcers for YOUR SACRAMENTOOOOOOOO KINGS

(What a couple of boobs!!!)


Bricklayer said:
ANY team led by Reef offensively, defensive in nature or not, isn't going to be very good.
I completely disagree, and I guess there is no way to argue because, unfortunately for Reef, he's never been in that situation. So, all we can argue is opinion.

Pretty, technically superior, but passionless and often empty.
Same can be said of Tim Duncan.

Neither makes their teammates any better.
Very few players make their teammates better. Even fewer aren't at the PG position. Tim Duncan, Jason Kidd ... is that the end of the list?

Neither can lead a team anywhere.
Again, that's purely speculation and opinion.

You can say Reef's never led a team anywhere, and that'd be a fact. But, unless those teams had Shaq, they weren't going anywhere. Duncan instead of Reef in Vancouver gets maybe 10 more wins. MAYBE. Same in Atlanta. They just weren't talented teams and they had no system in place.

I can't say for certain Reef could lead a team deep in the playoffs. But, I've always said that players thrive in the right system and when they have the right supporting cast. If you change it up, you can't always guarantee success.