[Game] Golden State Warriors (6) @ Sacramento Kings (3) (WCDS Game 5, 2-2) 4/26/2023 7pm Pacific 10pm Eastern (TNT)

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Personally I would just resign Barnes for insurance, get some combination of Josh Hart, Naz Reid, PJ Washington, and run it back with the caveat that we're open to eschewing Barnes for a RFA or trading/sign-and-trading Huerter.

But in this case, I'd prefer to pursue a RFA like Cam Johnson. IF we can get Hart and Cam Johnson, that's a massive defensive and physicality improvement while not particularly harming the spacing.

And waiting until 2024 until the big splash if there even is one at all, because our '24 pick is still tied up with the Huerter trade. I think the '24-25 season is the one where we can really start talking about making title runs.
The question is what does the cap look like in 2024? If they run it back for anything other than a 1 year stop gap period then they are basically just waiting. In 2024 Domas is going to get a max and so far it looks like with just Domas, Fox, Murray, Huerter, and Davion you have about 40+ million in room max or so to push out a complete team if the projections of that cap year hold. That's not enough as is and doesn't even factor in easing in potential extensions for the rookie deals coming off the books in the ensuing seasons. And of course you're banking on getting the exact FA you want and need to come.
I have enough respect for the players to believe that they don't give 2 craps about a message board where these types of things are meant to be discussed ;). We've been doing this long before any of these players were even on the team, and if lucky, will long after they're off the team. If you don't want to partake fine.
Oh, I would love to partake but not at this time. I'm just not a fan of fantasizing about players on other teams when my team is still playing. Frankly, it sounds a bit too defeatist for me.
lol what fake superstars are on those teams worth trading murray for? Beal is a stat pad non defensive player and Toronto has no one of interest
Well, we'll just say multiple time all stars then. It's up to personal opinion on player vs. player, or potential vs. guarantee in this case but the relative histories even at an early stage in a first year players case don't lie. Like I said, depending on who is available it might not take Murray. Obviously preferably not but if Monte thinks anything will make the team better and sees that as the route, he'll give no F's. Go back to last year and I can remember quite a few people thinking the Kings siding with Fox over Hali was the most ridiculous thing ever. Did they learn yet? Personally, I was frustrated in some of the same ways I am with Murray right now. Why can't they get them all to shine at the same time? I didn't think Hali and Fox were the perfect pairing but one giving way to the other was just bad coaching and as we've seen 100% surefire, made Fox a level below what he was. The same could be said for Keegan now perhaps.
Oh, I would love to partake but not at this time. I'm just not a fan of fantasizing about players on other teams when my team is still playing. Frankly, it sounds a bit too defeatist for me.
What is defeatist about possibly being a few moves away from legit contender status as soon as next season? This isn't a conversation based on desperation, it's one based on possibility.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I think you have to give them a little more credit but couldn't both things be true though? Calls most certainly have been a part of them looking outmatched but once Kerr went small, the series turned to a degree.
I think there's unfortunately a lot of assuming a conclusion and working backwards from there which characterizes sports entertainment television. The Kings were supposed to lose this series because of their inexperience and as the series moved back to San Francisco what I've seen is that the Warriors are often credited for savvy veteran play when they push other players to clear out space and slap at the ball while the Kings' physicality has been slowly eroded by tighter officiating which has forced them into taking more and more contested jumpers on offense and rendered the Warriors sticky screens so effective that it was basically a layup line for them in the second half of this game.

I'm just fed up with The Narrative impacting the game. The national commentators would never mention it because they're paid to be hype men for the league but the Warriors aren't winning this series with veteran savvy and execution -- if anything they've been more sloppy and undisciplined than our greenhorn Kings -- they're winning this series because they already won 73 games in 2016 and have a brand which sells so they get full command of the bully pulpit until proven otherwise.
As weird as it might sound I think the Kings lost this game in the first quarter, they hit 8 3's and were only up 3 they should have had a 10+ lead at least. The Warriors weathered that storm and than Draymond and Looney (stealth MVP in the series) just killed us. Monk was insane in the 4th but Draymond had a incredible all around game.

It feels like Sabonis has been completely taken out of the series by the absurd contact that's allowed on him meaning he can only sit back and shoot from distance. Tristan Thompson did the exact same thing to him in the two Indiana vs Cleveland series but I wrote that off more so to Cleveland being basically a super team against a up and coming team at the time.
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The fact Murray was just 4-5 shooting and didn’t attempt a shot after 1st few minutes is inexusable. The offensive execution was terrible. Fox & Mitchell long jumpers is exactly what Warriors wanted and they gave them too
many …
I can't give GS any credit for winning this game when they had the officials on their side for all 4 quarters. It was touch fouls on one end and no-calls on the other for 48 straight minutes. And we're supposed to be mad at the Kings for missing too many jumpers? They were getting hammered every time they were within 10 feet of the basket. The NBA is still a joke.
I dont agree , refs made some favorable Kings calls in the 4th quarter to help balance it - Green was smacked and the Kings got a couple touch fouls. The Sabonis dribbling turnovers are inexcusable - 3 of them.....after the 1st one they needed to correct, and then he lost 2 more. Sabonis doesn't have the game speed against the Warriors. He's half a step behind in too many plays. Kings in both game 4 and 5 with some very poor turnovers, either out of control or lazy passes that helped the Warriors secure the win.....the games were very similar. Warriors take control in the third and the Kings fail to stop the Warriors and despite a 4Q pull-even were too sloppy on offense to come back. Warriors won game 4 and 5, the same way the Kings won in game 2. Game 3 was was uncompetitive trash.....Kings do not have their offensive swagger that was theirs much of the season - just not making open shots. The Warriors won the game with defense and rebounding., which is very disappointing with Kings at home. Kings need better 3rd quarters....they're coming into the 4th quarter with deficits.
Despite the poor finishes, the correct answer for the team is keeping the team together - resigning and extending all players. Team continuity is more important than potential new talent. Team needs to figure out consistent defense.....things could be worse, you could be a Bucks fan right now :)
Oh, I would love to partake but not at this time. I'm just not a fan of fantasizing about players on other teams when my team is still playing. Frankly, it sounds a bit too defeatist for me.
I can understand this. However, for the past couple games we've talked about what the Kings players need to do in this series to win again. After this game, it's apparent that those adjustments aren't happening. The next logical thing to discuss is where to find a player or two who can step up. People are looking for solutions, but outside of Fox, Davion and spot games from Monk, the current Kings players aren't inspiring confidence.

The Kings can win game 6 if shots fall and things break right. I haven't given up. But I can only complain about the officials so much and pray for Huerter to hit a shot for so long before I look for other ways the team can win.
The silver lining to all of this is we’re learning a lot about what this team needs going forward.

It’d really help the team if we had…
  1. Good defenders & shooters at SG, SF, & PF. Huerter, Murray, & Barnes have the shooting part but are all below average to average defenders (still hopeful Murray can become a good defender). Sabonis ideally has 4 good defenders around him who can help makeup for his lack of length, athleticism, and rim protection. It was one of the reasons I was hesitant about the Huerter trade back in the day because (although a good player) he didn’t seem like the ideal fit in a starting lineup that has a defensive C like Sabonis.
  2. Someone who can provide a bit of rim protection/weak side shot blocking at PF. Murray is not horrible in this department (especially as a rookie and SF) but if our PF could help block some shots (vs. Barnes who averages 0.1 BLK per 36 min), I think it would go a long way to help reduce the layup/dunk lines we see here and there. I’m not saying we need a Jaren Jackson level type shot blocker (although I wouldn’t complain) but some who can help us contest a few more shots at the rim.
  3. Another above average to good rebounder at SG, SF, or PF. Sabonis is obviously a great rebounder but Huerter, Murray, & Barnes are all below average to average rebounders. I think it would go a long way to have one more solid rebounder out there to give Sabonis some help when teams are sending 3-4 guys to crash the board.
  4. Another star player at SG, SF, or PF. If we address the first three points above, we’d already be a much better and competitive team with very few weaknesses but if this team wants to get into that top/championship level tier, we’d ideally have another star who can push Sabonis into that 3rd scoring option/facilitator role. The 3rd star ideally needs to be a good shooter and defender as well to stay consistent with the first point.

I guess you could try and make a trade for Royce O’Neale, sign PJ Washington, resign Barnes, and hope Murray develops into that 3rd star (or at least a good defender). That gives you…
  • 3 good defenders & shooters at SG, SF, & PF (assuming Murray becomes a good defender)
  • 1 more good rebounder (O’Neale is great for his size/position)
  • Someone who can help protect the rim (PJ Washington averages 1.2 BLK per 36 min)
  • A potential 3rd star who can shoot/defend (if Murray grows into that role/type of player)
  • The best bench in the league led by Monk, Huerter, Barnes, and an upgrade at backup C.
I can understand this. However, for the past couple games we've talked about what the Kings players need to do in this series to win again. After this game, it's apparent that those adjustments aren't happening. The next logical thing to discuss is where to find a player or two who can step up. People are looking for solutions, but outside of Fox, Davion and spot games from Monk, the current Kings players aren't inspiring confidence.

The Kings can win game 6 if shots fall and things break right. I haven't given up. But I can only complain about the officials so much and pray for Huerter to hit a shot for so long before I look for other ways the team can win.
The logical thing would be to discuss on change in offensive strategy (Ex: stagger screens/flare action to create better separation for our shooters) or defensive strategy (Ex: focus on taking out one of Warriors weapons like Klay or Wiggins) or bringing up someone from the bench to a bigger role (Ex: more time for TD for instant offense or Kessler for better defense) in order to win the series. There are many adjustments that Mike Brown can do to change the status quo. Talking about players who cannot be part of this group for this postseason is just counterproductive.

Can't believe I'm seeing trade ideas in a frickin' Playoff Game Thread? That's low even for fans of a perennial lottery team.

Kings are not a finished product yet and the ongoing series will help Monte evaluate our personnel and plan changes to address our deficiencies. That's for the offseason though. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.
The logical thing would be to discuss on change in offensive strategy (Ex: stagger screens/flare action to create better separation for our shooters) or defensive strategy (Ex: focus on taking out one of Warriors weapons like Klay or Wiggins) or bringing up someone from the bench to a bigger role (Ex: more time for TD for instant offense or Kessler for better defense) in order to win the series. There are many adjustments that Mike Brown can do to change the status quo. Talking about players who cannot be part of this group for this postseason is just counterproductive.

Can't believe I'm seeing trade ideas in a frickin' Playoff Game Thread? That's low even for fans of a perennial lottery team.

Kings are not a finished product yet and the ongoing series will help Monte evaluate our personnel and plan changes to address our deficiencies. That's for the offseason though. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.
TD is a no. Has not been playing well at all. One of my earlier comments in this thread is my surprise Edwards isn't getting more run. Feed Keegan more when he's hot.

Sabonis needs to take the open shot to prevent Warriors from sagging and clogging lane. Or put Lyles as small ball 5 to spread the floor, but you lose rebounding.

Start Davion over Huerter. I've said in this thread the Kings need more defense because the Warriors are getting comfortable on offense.
I think our Sabonis trade worked out....

too soon? It would be nice to start a new thread since people here would probably rather discuss the game than explore scenarios for trading our players
Kings deal one of the few that actually did. And I think mostly because Sabonis wasn't considered the same tier as the Mitchell, gobert, AD, Harden, when he was exactly that the whole time.
TD is a no. Has not been playing well at all. One of my earlier comments in this thread is my surprise Edwards isn't getting more run. Feed Keegan more when he's hot.

Sabonis needs to take the open shot to prevent Warriors from sagging and clogging lane. Or put Lyles as small ball 5 to spread the floor, but you lose rebounding.

Start Davion over Huerter. I've said in this thread the Kings need more defense because the Warriors are getting comfortable on offense.
Agree on all counts especially the last one with Davion now that Fox couldn't be aggressive on defense. The Kings aren't stopping anyone on the Warriors now. Better to attack the head of the snake on offense to slow them getting into their offense. The Warriors did a good job the last game preying on our weakness.

If Kevin is going to play scared, I'd rather have the fearless TD out there despite his defensive shortcomings. TD can get stupid hot and that may be what it takes to steal a game.
.... any chance the Kings try to sign Draymond after he declines his player option?

Seriously though, they have a shot to win on Friday. One less day of rest for the older team (Curry looked tired in the second half to me), and the Kings will be desperate. Can't wait!
He was actually looking to assert himself before he got froze out. 3 games of no show and he's looked to establish himself in a pivotal game while our vets sit around ducking their thumbs.

I feel if if we trade him we're going to regret it. Nevermind trading every good prospect very often. have gets exhausting. There isn't even a positional crunch like Hali. If anything were still lacking in his archetype.
Yep. 6'9 wings with his shooting don't come around very often. And what if he does access some of that on-ball scoring he did at Iowa? Then uh-oh, you just traded Paul George/Kris Middleton on a rookie deal.

I just hope Monte remains more patient than the Kings fan base. Would be such a horrible move to go all in this offseason.
Yep. 6'9 wings with his shooting don't come around very often. And what if he does access some of that on-ball scoring he did at Iowa? Then uh-oh, you just traded Paul George/Kris Middleton on a rookie deal.

I just hope Monte remains more patient than the Kings fan base. Would be such a horrible move to go all in this offseason.
Who’s talking about going all in this off-season? I’m just seeing fans acknowledge that the team as it’s currently constructed has some glaring flaws and posters are just making some pretty decent suggestions. I haven’t seen posts raging at coach or “we need to trade sabonis/huerter cause he sucks”. I think most everyone here has been extremely reasonable with their suggestions.
As I feared before the game started, Fox took too many shots--25 vs 31 in the last game. That is ten more than the next closest player. He shot 3-10 from distance with a broken finger, exactly what the Warriors wanted him to do. Otherwise, he shot 6-15, or 40%.

On the other side of the coin, the Kings only had 22 assists (9 by Fox) vs 33 for the Warriors. That is not winning basketball. In the first half, Monk and Sabonis were on the court for only a short time--three minutes in the first quarter--so their pick-and-roll never got going. They finally connected at 2:45 of the second quarter. Sabonis himself only had four assists vs five turnovers, so he is one of the culprits here. Monk had only three assists vs three turnovers. As several others have mentioned, Keegan Murray did not even shoot in the second half. It will require a whole team effort to pass the ball more often and more effectively in the next game.
Yep. 6'9 wings with his shooting don't come around very often. And what if he does access some of that on-ball scoring he did at Iowa? Then uh-oh, you just traded Paul George/Kris Middleton on a rookie deal.

I just hope Monte remains more patient than the Kings fan base. Would be such a horrible move to go all in this offseason.
Since the Kings have made the playoffs, Monte doesn't need to make a win now move. He does have to maximize Fox's career though. The Kings are electric when both Fox and Monk are on. Pair Fox with a starting wing who can create his own shot (a PG type) and this is a WCF team. I prefer that role be given to Keegan if he can handle it.
That was indirectly on Brown
I thought it was directly on Brown. Not a single play ran for Keegan after his hot 1st quarter. Didn't run a dribble hand off or a curl off a screen or anything. Was basically like "Thanks for your service, now go stand in the corner while the rest of our guys go 2-20 for the rest of the game".

Epic choke job by nearly everyone. Fox and Davion shouldn't be shooting 18 threes in any game. Crazy thing is we still shot a slightly higher percentage from 3 than the Warriors. They don't have bad shooting games very often and when you can't capitalize on them, you're going to be in trouble in a 7 game series.
If he walks and you replace him with Sasha, is it a big deal?

Genuine question, you'd now at least have another sniper in the starting lineup, maybe lose the potential for an Iso no movement offense bucket though from what I understand about Sasha
That’s a pretty big risk, in my opinion. You don’t necessarily have to choose between the two. Purely from an asset/cap management standpoint, if you can bring Barnes back on a reasonable deal and add Sasha with the MLE, you do that and figure fit later. Unless the team is actually going to be using cap space to sign a reasonably significant piece, or unless he’s signing elsewhere for the MLE (in which case his Bird rights don’t really help you much) I just don’t think you can let Barnes walk for nothing.
Can't believe I'm seeing trade ideas in a frickin' Playoff Game Thread? That's low even for fans of a perennial lottery team.

Kings are not a finished product yet and the ongoing series will help Monte evaluate our personnel and plan changes to address our deficiencies. That's for the offseason though. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.
This is why I logged off very quick at the end of the game last night and only just now peaked at the end of this thread. The short attention span, lack of context, over-reactionary and inflammatory behavior of the internet (which I can admit I sometimes fall prey to personally) is killing a lot of discourse in society. Thankfully kingsfans.com is in my opinion one of the best at moderating these types of things, but it doesn’t help to healthily digest a tough loss like last night. If people are already talking about kicking players off a team that provided such enjoyment and joy over the course of this season, then they can discuss without me.
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