You can see his month by month progression. He blew up in November, not just mid season. He had a bad start to the year and seemed to get jerked around by Joerger for a while. It hurt his offensive game but his defensive intensity picked up later in the year so maybe it was for the better?
I'll give you the fact that Bogdan played against better players the majority of the time but the advanced stats have Buddy out in front by quite a bit. It would definitely close the gap but I don't think it would be enough to say that Bogdan was better than Buddy last year. I didn't see anyone saying Buddy was a 6th man the year he got traded to us and looked like an entirely different player than the one that was in New Orleans. Yet after a poor 7 game start to the season, people had him branded as a bench player for life. Those 7 games didn't negate the 20 or whatever from the previous season. Too small of a sample size.
Bogdan said he was dead tired last year and could never recover due to the strenuous NBA schedule so it wouldn't surprise me at all if he wound up being the superior player after this season. He doesn't even have to do much to improve. Just shoot the wide open shot when it's there instead of insisting on always running a set play. He's such a good shooter that him shooting an open shot with 18 seconds left on the shot clock is more efficient than running a pick and roll. Honestly I really don't care who becomes better in the end but it just irks me that Buddy is labeled a bench player because of a poor week and a half to start the season.