Dalembert stillin the mix

AK47 seems to want to play out the Euro season with CSKA Moscow then come to the NBA if he gets a good deal. Makes sense.
Dally is looking for too much big $$ and is holding for now. HOU may have a shot. We'll see in day or two.
Whiteside, from what I saw tonight on the scrimmage, has not progressed as hoped. Still has poor hands, seems to have wrong attitude and his FT shooting is as bad as ever. Got out rebounded by Hickson, JT and several others. Looks good physically but still has ways to go.
JT has improved a bit.
Isaiah has game and looks like he and Jimmer can backup Tyreke and Marcus.
With 4 of 5 starters out with various medical issues, we were seeing 2nd and 3rd string benchers tonight. Saturdays game should show us a bit more.
yea, definitely didn't take a liking to the aggressive complaining by whiteside
Not sure if Houston at this point would want to tie themselves up with a long deal. They would have been all over Dalembert if they pulled off the deal they were involved in but I think they realise it might be time for a genuine rebuild which means no long term deals.

Hopefully we can get Sammy back on a long term deal for less than you would expect to pay on the market for that sort of player.
Whiteside just seems to have a really bad attitude. I read all his complaints about the NBDL and thought his remarks did not bode well for him or the Kings. Just a complainer. Like he's earned some right to complain. :rolleyes:
Whiteside just seems to have a really bad attitude. I read all his complaints about the NBDL and thought his remarks did not bode well for him or the Kings. Just a complainer. Like he's earned some right to complain. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I haven't liked Whiteside's demeanor since day one. It just rubs me the wrong way that someone could be fortunate enough to have the opportunity to play in the NBA and show no real appreciation of it. Instead of complaining and sulking he should be working on his game 24/7 until he's able to prove that he's worthy of getting playing time in the NBA. He's getting paid a lot of money to be a project player and if he's not happy with that I'm sure the D-league is full of guys who would be happy to take his place.
Regardless of what happens with Hayes, we NEED to re-sign Sam. Because no matter how much bigger our 6'6 Hayes plays, I'm not sure you want to take your chances with that against the likes of Gasol, Duncan, Griffin or Nene with him as your starter.(as has been reported to be the case with Westphal's starting 5.)

Check youtube, you'll probably be able to find vids of his D on Griffin. Hayes does awesome on the guys that usually DESTROY the Kings, Griffin, Amare, etc.
Whiteside just seems to have a really bad attitude. I read all his complaints about the NBDL and thought his remarks did not bode well for him or the Kings. Just a complainer. Like he's earned some right to complain. :rolleyes:

Link? BTW his favorite thing to do is play call of duty on xbox. I know this because I follow him on twitter. I dont think he's as bad as you all make him out to be. He's just immature still, only like 20 years old. I'm 20 years old and like xbox too.
Friday, December 16 2011
Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey acknowledged Thursday he is in negotiations with free agent center Samuel Dalembert. The Rockets have been working the free agent market to add an impact big man to their roster. Dalembert is 6-11 and 250 pounds. FOX 26 Sports

"We have interest in Sam," Morey said in an interview with FOX 26 Sports. "If it makes sense for him and us, we would love to have him. "It's in negotiations. Between the two of us looking for a fit. He's got a lot of options and we'll see if it makes sense here." FOX 26 Sports
Link? BTW his favorite thing to do is play call of duty on xbox. I know this because I follow him on twitter. I dont think he's as bad as you all make him out to be. He's just immature still, only like 20 years old. I'm 20 years old and like xbox too.
Sorry, no time too look for the link. It was in a Bee article written when he came back to the team from his stint with the Reno Bighorns. I just remember being really disappointed by his comments.

That doesn't mean he won't ever gain more maturity. I haven't given up on him or anything.
Sorry, no time too look for the link. It was in a Bee article written when he came back to the team from his stint with the Reno Bighorns. I just remember being really disappointed by his comments.

That doesn't mean he won't ever gain more maturity. I haven't given up on him or anything.
It showed on the draft blogs too. He thought he was a top 5 pick even the number 1.
Dalembert is so dumb. I don't care he hasn't signed with the Kings, I just think it's foolish he hasn't signed anywhere. His 10+ mil contract clearly isn't coming, and he's going to make a repeat of Bonzi Wells where he's going to settle for like $4 million over 4 years or something.


Hall of Famer
Yeah, I haven't liked Whiteside's demeanor since day one. It just rubs me the wrong way that someone could be fortunate enough to have the opportunity to play in the NBA and show no real appreciation of it. Instead of complaining and sulking he should be working on his game 24/7 until he's able to prove that he's worthy of getting playing time in the NBA. He's getting paid a lot of money to be a project player and if he's not happy with that I'm sure the D-league is full of guys who would be happy to take his place.
I followed Whiteside very closely this offseason, and he did put in the work. At least in as much as he could working on his own. Last season was a total wash for him, so this is basicly a new start, and he needs to take advantage of it. His biggest issue, along with underdeveloped skills, is his maturity. Spend some time talking to him on tweeter, and its like talking to a 10 year old. I'm not making excuses for him. Thats just the reality of it. You get the impression that he wants to be treated as an adult, but he doesn't act like an adult.

So the question is, are you willing to put up with dealing with a child for a while in order to possibly reap the benefits of his natural talents?
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
Whiteside seems like a Donte Greens v0.2 but not as much along as Greene was 3 years ago. Without a vet big now that could be an issue for team. Would Daly be worth it for a year or more or does Daly want more than that? (rhetorical question!)


Hall of Famer
So what's the deal with Dalembert? Is he just not going to play in the NBA this year?
Good question! I think he has a higher value of himself than most of the GM's do. As a result, he may be asking far more than they're, at least those interested, willing to pay. The minute you start talking about 10 plus million, you automaticly remove most of the teams in the NBA, since they don't have the cap room to accomadate that kind of money. Of those left, not all are in need of a center. Dallas would love to have him, but all they have is a trade exception, and I don't believe you can use that money to sign a freeagent. It may be down to Houston and the Kings. Teams like Miami, etc, don't have the cap space.

Strangely enough, he may get into a situation where he has to take less money on a multi year contract, or sign a one year deal for closer to the money he wants. The longer he drags this out, the less leverage he'll have. It reminds me of the Bonzi Wells deal in some ways. Bonzi passed up a great offer from the Kings in hopes of getting even more from someone else. In the end, he screwed himself.
Actually you can do SnT with TPE. It's just Dallas looking for 1-year deal as well. And Houston after Gasol double-fiasco are thinking whether to start a true rebuild in which case Dalembert on a long contract is not that good. Kings might be looking to fit both Sammy and AK into cap space they have left. Tight spots all around.
so whats going on with our capspace right now? what is the max amount of money we could offer to dalembert after the outlaw signing? I feel like we need to get a shotblocker now, so our young core can get used to playing with one this season and not have to wait till a future season...
Whiteside seems like a Donte Greens v0.2 but not as much along as Greene was 3 years ago. Without a vet big now that could be an issue for team. Would Daly be worth it for a year or more or does Daly want more than that? (rhetorical question!)
Bottom line...we need Dalembert in order to ultimately compete. With him we will be more than solid...without him we'll be soft in the middle regardless how big Hayes plays for his size.
so whats going on with our capspace right now? what is the max amount of money we could offer to dalembert after the outlaw signing? I feel like we need to get a shotblocker now, so our young core can get used to playing with one this season and not have to wait till a future season...
They're around 48$ million with Outlaw, so they could offer Dalembert up to 10$ million at least.


Hall of Famer
Scola averaged .6 blocks a game he was not the best of the 2 cousins and Thompson are bigger more reach and more vertical than scola. I mean aside from lee udoh and bead runs combined for 12pts 9 rebounds lee scored on donte and hickson for his 16. Dalembert would be nice but don't throw cousins and Hayes under the bus to meet your agenda.
I can't believe this has dragged out this long. One week until the season officially starts and Dalembert is still teamless. I thought for sure he'd have signed somewhere by now. I suppose since it doesn't look like AK47 is coming they might as well offer Dalembert that 10$ million he reportedly wanted. I don't think he's worth that but they have the cap space to do it. Only thing is, I wouldn't give him more than two years at that rate. Don't want that kind of money on the books when Tyreke is a FA in 2014.
Scola averaged .6 blocks a game he was not the best of the 2 cousins and Thompson are bigger more reach and more vertical than scola. I mean aside from lee udoh and bead runs combined for 12pts 9 rebounds lee scored on donte and hickson for his 16. Dalembert would be nice but don't throw cousins and Hayes under the bus to meet your agenda.
Scola didn't average a lot of blocks but he altered shots and made opponents rethink their game...and yes the Chuckwagon did dirty work too, but if we have Dalembert its the difference between average interior D and great interior D. Dalembert is our 'Patrick Willis' of sorts...he changes everything about the opponents offense, which allows Hayes to muscle up, Reke and Salmons to play 'bandit' and sneak up for steals and thus allowing for fast breaks and a more efficient offense.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Just wondering was Houston considered soft in the middle last season? Cousins isn't exactly invisible you know
Yes they were.

They were a lousy defensive team, and their interior defensive stats looked a lot like ours last year. According to hoopdata Houston was 22nd in opponent made shots at the rim (we were 23rd) and 27th in opponent made shots from 3-9 feet (postups, flips etc.) (we were 28th). They were 22nd in overall OppFG% too. Cousins/Hayes has a chance to be better defensively than Scola/Hayes just because Cousins has size and length over Scola. But its still a problem pairing, and high end with peak Cousins probably never could be more than mediocre. You could get by with it if you had Tyreke, Shane Battier, and Tony Allen at the 1-3 spots, but of course that's not quite the personnel we have.


Hall of Famer
I agree with that. What I did not Agee with was the soft label you gave off a blind assessment of a front court you haven't seen yet basing off a preseason game in which for 30 min had either donte or Hassan on the court. Gs front court had 28 PTA 17 rev ours had 21 PTs 18 reb without out best post scorer and defender. Again I say dalembert makes us awesome but let's not label cuz and Hayes soft just yet being as you have not seen them play together


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I agree with that. What I did not Agee with was the soft label you gave off a blind assessment of a front court you haven't seen yet basing off a preseason game in which for 30 min had either donte or Hassan on the court. Gs front court had 28 PTA 17 rev ours had 21 PTs 18 reb without out best post scorer and defender. Again I say dalembert makes us awesome but let's not label cuz and Hayes soft just yet being as you have not seen them play together
Soft is irrelevant. No, not irrelevant. But its not the important factor. Cuz and Hayes can eat nails for breakfast if they want to and STILL not be able to consistently contest shots of people slashing down the lane. I actually don't think soft is the word for it. What they are is stubby and unathletic.

What Hayes represents, other than our front ofice tyring to find a passer to reinstitute the Princeton frontcourt with, is an attempt to give our great youjng center that tough guy wingman. That Oakley/Rambis/Grant/Haslem etc. character. The thug to guard his back. Which BTW is classic and PERFECT strategy...if you happen to have the classic great center who is an all world defender. Ewing, Robinson, Shaq, Mourning, whoever. You have a center of that type who is taking care of all the shotblocking and intimidation for you, then you can pair him with a stubbier tough guy PF and have your shotblocking taken care of. It is, for instance, what Orlando should have been doing all these years instead of all the smallball nonsesne.

But the problem is that is not who we have in there. Actually, there are two problems. 1) Hayes is smaller than any of those other players have been. Too small and stubby. And 2) Cousins is not the great defender and shotblocker that you put that thug next to. If you put Okaley next to Cousins, you have a tough mean frontline, but your defense is no longer intimidating because you ahve no shotblocking at all. The closer comparison to Cousins is a guy like Brad Daugherty. A great skilled center, but held back fromt he top tier by his defense. And so you didn't pair him with a tough stubby defender, you needed to pair him wiht shotblockers to make up for his lack thereof, and hence he ends up next to Larry Nance and John Hot Rod Williams, both long athletic players who blocked the shots Daugherty could not. Hayes is not a good fit for stubby guys like Scola or Cousins. Put hi next to Dwight and you might have something.
At this late stage of the FA period, Sammy should take the rest of the Kings cap for a one year deal. That may motivate him to play well again for a year and do FA over again in the offseason. 10 million might entice him over another teams offer of the MLE (options running out?). Houston, of course is still the main obstacle, but they obviously have some doubts too about signing him to 4 years. Otherwise it would be done by now.