Dalembert stillin the mix


Hall of Famer
It is very puzzling as to why/how he hasn't signed ANYWHERE yet.
Petrie never talks about deals that are in progress. I wonder if the signing of Outlaw in part drew a line in the sand for Daly and said, "Here's all we have. Take it or leave it." There is just enough money under the cap to make a reasonable offer and not enough to go overboard like his salary of last year. We also have solved our "minimum wage problem" and taken another item of mini-desparation out of the negotiating equation.

We have also built a team by strengthening most of our weaknesses to make us a more attractive team for any guy of his style. We have strengthened the SF spot immensely and improved our 3 pt shootimg immensely. To be a great team, we need one more thing.

[/optimistic mode]


Hall of Famer
Could some one with less a Minnesota bias give an analysis of Kris Humphries, the athlete, not the reality show dupe?

His career stats seem average yet he is described as a rebounder and the rebounding stats ARE good. I looked at a few highlight videos (by sorting through the endless videos containing a Kardashian) and he looks far more athletic than I assumed. Probably more like Hickson than Thompson and probably better than both. He has made some spectacular blocks. He is only 6'9" but has hops.

The general argument against him, and I agree with it, is that we don't need another 4/5 to clog our already large number of 4/5s unless he is the prototypical shot blocking, fear engendering big to take pressure off Cuz. I would think if Daly wasn't available and Humphries was good enough to be above JT and JJ in the pecking order, he would be a decent fall back signing. The bottom line questions are #1 does he seem to be enough of a shot blocking threat to be a mini-Daly (watch the videos and don't simply rely on stats) and is he significantly better than JT and JJ all around?

As a related aside, after watching Whiteside in the GS game I chalked him off my list even as a project. THAT is harsh and I should have a little more understanding that the guy hasn't played in a year and a half. If he doesn't add 20 more pounds, he will be like a pinball bouncing from cushion to cushion. I am very disappointed in what I saw which is premature, sure, but still ......
sam_amickSam Amick

Dalembert's camp has been talking with Houston and exploring possible sign and trades elsewhere w/ Kings, but now there is a more dire need.
21 minutes ago

sam_amickSam Amick

There is a basketball ripple effect here, however, and it would appear free agent center Sam Dalembert is a possibility again in Sacto.

22 minutes ago

Please Geoff dont Sign and trade Just sign him!!!!!!
really feel for chuck but its imperative that we sign sammy now. Its simple and must be done and could be argued to be our most effective move of the offseason born out of unfortunate circumstance
does anyone know whats the most we can offer dally now that hayes was voided? it looks like he was hoping for a big payday and it backfired, now the hayes situation has opened up another option for him.
Brian Geltzeiler
@sam_amick Have heard, to put it kindly, that Dalembert isn't exactly a fitness model these days...

Not sure how Brian Geltzeiler is, but sounds like he thinks Sammy is a fatty...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Hard to believe he's a fatty...he's always been rail thin.
Remember he came to camp last year less than ripped, so I would imagine that's what this would mean as well. Especially during a long LONG offseason free agency when guys don't want to press things and get hurt and kill their value.
Just hopefully if they do go that route, no 10 million a year contracts unless it's for no more than 2 years. ;)
Hmm. Is there any other team that much under cap, who is willing to throw so much money at him? If no, there is no reason to bid against ourselves, and overpay him.

I like him, would love to have him back on the team, and think he provides exactly what we need. But if there is virtually no realistic chance of him landing somewhere else for similar money, there is no reason to bid high.

Just my $0.02.