Losses, all losses help. But the difference is that this year wins help too. Winning tow years ago was just stupid. Winning last year was just stupid. Anybody who wanted it to happen just didn't get it. But this year there is a huge change -- many of the foundational blocks of the futrue team are here. So yeah, losing still helps gvine where we are, an involved in a huge pack of teams with near identical records it would be fundamentally stupid to end up as the one with one more win. I mean whooppee. But now if you do win, it means something in a way it did not last year. It goes in Reke's tally, maybe Omri and Donte's maybe even JT or Hawes's. It keep s morale up amongst key guys for the future, it helps keep us looking like a team for the future, it might being in a few more ticket hoolders, it helps the general vibe. Not so much as nabbing a top 3 pick and adding another huge stud to the lineup mind you. But wins aren't he pure negative they were a year ago.
That said, I'm all for 0-3 now. I'm convinced this is the last high lottery chance we are going to have for a very long time. So let's do it right and see if we can't be worrying about what it wil take to get a #8 seed next year ratehr than a #1 pick.