Ha! This thread was an enjoyable read.
Bill Walton isn't Dick Vitale or Chris Berman and he shouldn't be judged as such. If you come into Walton's broadcasts looking for life-changing and enlightening commentary, you are going to be disappointed. If you come in loose and looking for a laugh, then you will like him. To be honest, it appears that this is the common median separating the two parties posting in this thread. One group is serious about their broadcasters, and the other is more open to making fun of someone/brushing off their antecdotes.
Personally, I like him. He tells it like it is. After Napear's incessant fence swinging and as*-kissing, it's good to hear from someone who sticks to his guns. He is not the orator that Bill Clinton (or whomever you choose) is, but his unfiltered opinions, which often relay what many of you have been saying, are refreshing. To me, it is comforting to see that at least someone who has a voice in the organization sees what we see.
If he left, I wouldn't miss him, but at least someone of national note voluntarily works with our franchise.