What is Really Going On?

On foxsports (dimesmack article i think), it said that we inquired about Cato and Olawakandi. I have not seen or read anything of the sort, is this true? It said that it was in the Sacramento Bee.
Yes, it was mentioned twice. I guess we went the younger route, as both Cato/Olowokandi are 31. We may of got a bit scared by Cato's injury history the last couple seasons, but he said he'd be rehabbing the ankle this summer. Olowokandi? Oh well.

I'm alright with Woods though.
On foxsports (dimesmack article i think), it said that we inquired about Cato and Olawakandi. I have not seen or read anything of the sort, is this true? It said that it was in the Sacramento Bee.
I think this was before we brought in Woods, otherwise I think we would have signed one of them already. Maybe we still can because Woods got a 1 year non-guaranteed contract.
well, if the alternatives to woods were cato and kandi-man, geoff went the right way. cato has prima-donna whims without the prima-donna talent and kandi-man is probably the last man i want to see in a kings uniform.
I think this was before we brought in Woods, otherwise I think we would have signed one of them already. Maybe we still can because Woods got a 1 year non-guaranteed contract.
No, it was while we were looking for a big man, they were considered with Woods. But I think we passed on them because of what I said.

http://www.sacbee.com/static/weblogs/sports/kings/ - August 11th.

I didn't read that he got a 1-year NGD in the Bee article. Which came after the Napier stuff on the radio. I'd say with the length and content of the article, it's not a NGD, especially with this:

A league source said the deal is for one year, paying Woods between $950,000 and $1 million,
two cents and shaka zulu

you guys are crazy thinking webber was/ is (was ever) better than artest..
Webber is and was always lame.....we had positions 1-3 figured out PERFECTLY

1. Bibby -the man
2. Christie - my favorite all time player (best passing 2 i know, great defender).
3. Peja - then mr. offence and ying to christie's yang
4. Webber - the lame OVERPAID "oh i hurt my own knees" dummy that in my eyes never did anything good for this team

the talent always stopped at the 4
Webber was a screw-up in college and an even worse screw up in the nba!
I don't know why anyone ever thought he was any good period.


Super Moderator Emeritus
two cents and shaka zulu

you guys are crazy thinking webber was/ is (was ever) better than artest..
Webber is and was always lame.....we had positions 1-3 figured out PERFECTLY

1. Bibby -the man
2. Christie - my favorite all time player (best passing 2 i know, great defender).
3. Peja - then mr. offence and ying to christie's yang
4. Webber - the lame OVERPAID "oh i hurt my own knees" dummy that in my eyes never did anything good for this team

the talent always stopped at the 4
Webber was a screw-up in college and an even worse screw up in the nba!
I don't know why anyone ever thought he was any good period.

This is, without a doubt, probably the most delusional post I've seen on this website. And that's saying a lot...

Addressing your comments would only add to the lunacy.

And yes, I said your post is delusional. It's not a personal attack; it's not name-calling. It's the pure, unvarnished truth.
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Wow, Let it go buddi. Webber provided confidance in his team back then, they played well without him because they had every reason to do so. Its like this years Suns. Amare was out, that meant no championship. But, it didn't stop his team mates from taking down LA. Back to Webb's 02' Kings. When you know you were a backboard and a bounce away from a championship, you kind of have give that man Chris Webber his due respect, whether he's a good player or not.
calling me crazy doesn't rebuke the fact webber is (and was) lame...
tell me one good thing he ever did.......

when he sat down peja went to work and the THE TEAM WON MORE GAMES WITHOUT WEEBER THAT YEAR... by the way peja was second in votes for MVP


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
woods > olowokandi
I have little use for Kandi, but...no.

Cato is an established NBA rotation player. So is Kandi. Their worst years have been better than Loren's best. Both have had years as starters, multiple 25min+ seasons. 3 different franchises have looked at Woods. All three needed frontcourt help. All three decided that he wasn't worth a rotation spot locked in a gym by himself. If Woods can no more than be able to mimick a typical Cato or Kandi season that's enough for it to be a minor victory for us. Becuase 5 years in, he's still a minimum wage end of the bench scrubbie who's never been abel to take advanatge of his opportunities.


Webber provided the facade' that we were championship contenders every year. Good enough. Kept my B-ball morale high.
Bricklayer said:
All three needed frontcourt help. All three decided that he wasn't worth a rotation spot locked in a gym by himself. If Woods can no more than be able to mimick a typical Cato or Kandi season that's enough for it to be a minor victory for us. Becuase 5 years in, he's still a minimum wage end of the bench scrubbie who's never been abel to take advanatge of his opportunities.
This is what i was saying all along i guess people just hate to see the truth.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't know about anyone else, Joker, but for the umpteenth time, I'm keeping an open mind until I see how he does for us.

It's not about "the truth" or anything else.
two cents and shaka zulu

you guys are crazy thinking webber was/ is (was ever) better than artest..
Credibility going...

Real_Fan said:
Webber is and was always lame.....we had positions 1-3 figured out PERFECTLY

Real_Fan said:
4. Webber - the lame OVERPAID "oh i hurt my own knees" dummy that in my eyes never did anything good for this team

the talent always stopped at the 4
Webber was a screw-up in college and an even worse screw up in the nba!
I don't know why anyone ever thought he was any good period.
The only player who i have not liked as a king so far has been webber. I agree with VF in the fact that we haven't given "the new guys" a chance, and she agreed with me that there is too much negativity around here.
One good thing?

I didn't think so. It's just easier to call me crazy than to come up with one good thing webber has ever done.

I think adelman proved that point when he gave webber the "last shot" against minnesota....


Super Moderator Emeritus
The only player who i have not liked as a king so far has been webber. I agree with VF in the fact that we haven't given "the new guys" a chance, and she agreed with me that there is too much negativity around here.
You may not have liked Webber, but there's a big difference between disliking a player and refusing to acknowledge his contributions to the team and the game in general. Maybe since you're in Texas, you just didn't get enough exposure to Kings games to realize just how much of a positive impact Webber had on the fans, the team, and the other players. And that doesn't even begin to touch on his contributions to the community of Sacramento, many of which are still ongoing and are not publicized because he prefers it that way.

Sorry, Real_fan, but this comment was totally absurd:

Real-fan said:
the lame OVERPAID "oh i hurt my own knees" dummy that in my eyes never did anything good for this team.
And, as G3 has pointed out above, your credibility has taken a big hit because of it.
One good thing?

I didn't think so. It's just easier to call me crazy than to come up with one good thing webber has ever done.

I think adelman proved that point when he gave webber the "last shot" against minnesota....
One good thing, chap? Being the key to putting the Kings on the map, from a team before as a mediocre, lottery, heavy development team. We haven't been in the lottery since Webber came to Sac. Without him, the Kings are most likely still a team of one of the aforementioned situations.

Oh, also, he was a multi-time all-star, generally a top 3/5 PF until 2003, and a legit MVP canidate.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
One good thing?

I didn't think so. It's just easier to call me crazy than to come up with one good thing webber has ever done.

I think adelman proved that point when he gave webber the "last shot" against minnesota....
1. Started Chris' crew.
2. Brought legitimacy to the Sacramento Kings franchise.
3. Provided the Kings with a warrior mentality for the FIRST time.
4. A million other things he did, both on and off the court, to help the team, other players, the community, etc.

There are players with legacies and there are players who will be forgotten. Chris Webber will NOT be forgotten. Yes, he was human and he made some mistakes but as a Kings fan from 1985, I can tell you this franchise is the better because Chris Webber wore the uniform of the Sacramento Kings.

That shot of Webber's almost went it. It didn't hit the side of the backboard and it wasn't an airball. Yes, it missed. But there are NO guarantees in this game we love.

Do you hate Vlade Divac, too? He's the one who tipped the ball to Robert Horry.

How about Peja? You have to hate him. He airballed more than one critical shot against the Lakers in the WCF.

And your hero Doug Christie? He fluffed some free throws that could have won us the game.


If you're going to be successful around here, you can be critical as long as you're logical. Pure player hate and irrational bashing, however, will not be well received.
? about divac - no divac settled the youngsters in hedo and peja
? about peja - the only question i had about peja is where his heart was the last 2 years or so
? about christie - christie was the unselfish one, there hasn't been a legit back-up point guard since his departure.

I don't hate anyone, and irrational bashing (I don't understand)? I was saying IMO artest > webber.
? about divac - no divac settled the youngsters in hedo and peja

? about peja - the only question i had about peja is where his heart was the last 2 years or so

? about christie - christie was the unselfish one, there hasn't been a legit back-up point guard since his departure.

I don't hate anyone, and irrational bashing (I don't understand)? I was saying IMO artest > webber.
So, what about the "name one good thing Webber did?" view?

Artest I think will get us back to being a team in the tops of the league, but the two are different subjects and there was too much time involved with Webber to compare it to Artest.

You don't hate anyone? You said Webber's lame, is a dummy, and hasn't done anything good in his career or for the Kings franchise. Also said he was a horrible screw-up in the NBA. What is that then?
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Webber put us on the map
Webber brought legitimacy
Webber brought warrior mentality? (don't get that one)
Webber impacted team

Wow if webber was so good couldn' t he just beat everyone by himself....I thought this was a team sport. That means replace webber with KINGS and this is true.
Webber put us on the map
Webber brought legitimacy
Webber brought warrior mentality? (don't get that one)
Webber impacted team

Wow if webber was so good couldn' t he just beat everyone by himself....I thought this was a team sport. That means replace webber with KINGS and this is true.
You're being ignorant.

Answer my questions I asked in my previous post.
That means Kings113 the only difference between me and you is you (all) think webber was our savior. When I think it was bibby. Bibby was mr. clutch. Bibby even last year picks the (whole) team up, puts them on his shoulder and carrys them.