What is Really Going On?

screw-up in college means the time out and blowing the championship.
screw-up in nba means he blew out his own knees and demanded so much money philly couldn't move him even if they were paying someone 20 million just to take him off their hands.
That means Kings113 the only difference between me and you is you (all) think webber was our savior. When I think it was bibby. Bibby was mr. clutch. Bibby even last year picks the (whole) team up, puts them on his shoulder and carrys them.
Without Webber, Bibby doesn't have near the same impact he did.

You said you don't hate anyone, yet you said all those things about Webber, which is bashing him.
screw-up in college means the time out and blowing the championship.
screw-up in nba means he blew out his own knees and demanded so much money philly couldn't move him even if they were paying someone 20 million just to take him off their hands.
I never mentioned college.

He hurt his knee, so that means he sucks? No, it means he got injured. That's like saying if the boss of a company breaks his leg falling down stairs, he's a screw-up. No, it means he got hurt.

Injuries are a part of sports.
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My asessment on this whole thing is that we need to give these guys a chance.

I can imagine there were many people Pistons fans who were livivd when they let their franchise player, Grant Hill take off for Orlando only to pick up some "useless" big man named Ben Wallace who had never played much before and couldn't contribute on the offensive end. We all know what happened for him when put in the right system! Give Loren Woods a chance! With Ron out on the perimeter shutting down the NBA's best scorers, the rest of the defense will have the opportunity to allow Woods to do what he did best when in college, block shots and be a presence in the middle. I'm not saying that's what going to happen, but a little optimism wouldn't hurt around here!
VF Kings113, I really respect you guys. Kings you could try a little harder not to bash as soon as ppl post something, but I do have alot of respect for you. You guys saw something in webber I didn't see......can we respectively leave it at that?
VF Kings113, I really respect you guys. Kings you could try a little harder not to bash as soon as ppl post something, but I do have alot of respect for you. You guys saw something in webber I didn't see......can we respectively leave it at that?
I didn't bash you, I questioned you. You obviously assumed my intent was harsh. I've had a civil intent while conversing here.

At this point, leave it at whatever. ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
screw-up in college means the time out and blowing the championship.
screw-up in nba means he blew out his own knees and demanded so much money philly couldn't move him even if they were paying someone 20 million just to take him off their hands.
He blew out his own knees? As opposed to what? Having someone else blow them out for him? :rolleyes:

Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense.

EDIT: I'm sorry, too, for going a tad ballistic. Criticizing him is one thing, and there is room for criticism. But you went way beyond just criticizing him and it just wasn't right, IMHO.
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I have not posted, or even read a complete KingFans.com thread, in months. I am bored poopless with what I read. I pulled up the official Kings roster. Is this a warm-up team for the Globe Trotters? I have slao just read various posts about seemingly marginal players that are being hired, or discussed, by the Kings management. Does anyone see a pattern of acquisitions that might lead to winning a few games?

Shareef Abdur-Rahim F 6-924512/11/1976 California10
Louis Amundson F 6-922512/07/1982 Nevada-Las VegasR
Ron Artest F-G 6-726011/13/1979 St. John's7
Mike Bibby G 6-119005/13/1978 Arizona8
Quincy Douby G 6-317505/16/1984 RutgersR
Francisco Garcia F-G 6-719512/31/1981 Louisville1
Jason Hart G 6-318504/29/1978 Syracuse5
Eugene Jeter G 5-1117512/02/1983 PortlandR
Kevin Martin G 6-718502/01/1983 Western Carolina2
Brad Miller C 7-026104/12/1976 Purdue8
Vitaly Potapenko C-F 6-1028503/21/1975 Wright State10
Ronnie Price G 6-219006/21/1983 Utah Valley State1
John Salmons G 6-620712/12/1979 Miami (Fla.)4
Kenny Thomas F 6-724507/25/1977 New Mexico7
Bonzi Wells (FA) G-F 6-521009/20/1976 Ball State8
Justin Williams C 6-1026005/12/1984 WyomingR
Corliss Williamson F 6-724512/04/1973 Arkansas11

I feel like I am sitting on a secluded dock in some backwater estuary of San Francvico Bay watching flotsam and jetsam wash in and out of view. Bits of sea weed, the occassional styroforam cup, a few dead fish, yada, yada, and yada. Other teams have stars with real futures.

Signed, Depressed in Placerville
Well perk up now!! The Kings have 18 bodies on their roster, all signed including today/tomorrow Loren Woods. In a typical training camp they invite 18-20 and weed out a couple in the first 3-5 days. So it looks like the Kings are pat for awhile. No real gaping holes at this point. Two weeks into training camp and a couple of pre-season games will tell us where they are, who can likely do what and who is #2 at each position.

Rosters are 13 min and 15 max including those on NBDL and on injured reserve (which really doesn't exist anymore as they would be part of the 13-15 roster). So guessing game is which 2 get hacked first? Otherwise, don't see Kings doing anything UNLESS they can do a 2 for 1, Bonzi and one current roster guy for 1 new guy. And there really doesn't seem like anyone is out there or available that would help, IMHO.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
what I had against webber was the year we had a great seed (1) webber came back ruined our seeding and our very short playoffs....
Then you have to hate Rick Adelman, too. He's the one who put Webb back into the lineup. And you might as well add Brad Miller, Doug Christie and Mike Bibby into the mix because if they really thought it was the wrong thing to do, they should have spoken up. Add the Maloofs to the mix. They should have called Adelman and DEMANDED that he not play Webber.

Stuff happens. In hindsight, you have the luxury of looking at everything from a different viewpoint. The MAJORITY opinion was that Webber needed to be put back into the starting lineup so he would be in condition to play in the post-season games. It was the decision Adelman, his staff, and the powers that be made.

Was it the right decision? We could argue it forever. And we did argue it - both at the time it happened and when Webb was traded.

But one thing has always been clear. Without Chris Webber, the Sacramento Kings would not ever have tasted the WCF. In fact, even making the playoffs would have most likely remained a fluke at best.

You can be angry about a botched chance but please do not extend that to hatred of one of the greatest players to ever wear a Kings uniform.

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Super Moderator Emeritus
Well perk up now!! The Kings have 18 bodies on their roster, all signed including today/tomorrow Loren Woods. In a typical training camp they invite 18-20 and weed out a couple in the first 3-5 days. So it looks like the Kings are pat for awhile. No real gaping holes at this point. Two weeks into training camp and a couple of pre-season games will tell us where they are, who can likely do what and who is #2 at each position.

Rosters are 13 min and 15 max including those on NBDL and on injured reserve (which really doesn't exist anymore as they would be part of the 13-15 roster). So guessing game is which 2 get hacked first? Otherwise, don't see Kings doing anything UNLESS they can do a 2 for 1, Bonzi and one current roster guy for 1 new guy. And there really doesn't seem like anyone is out there or available that would help, IMHO.
Bonzi should NOT be on that roster. His contract with the Kings expired on midnight, June 30. While we retain his Bird rights for now, he is NOT on our roster. He cannot show up and play unless a new contract is signed.


Super Moderator Emeritus
NBA.com doesn't always update their rosters. They showed Courtney Alexander as a King for a good six months after he was long gone.
How does a thread in which a bunch of hopelessly optimistic people ended up being way off support the argument of letting them play before passing judgment? If anything, that thread supports the opinion that "giving guys a chance" only leads to disappointment at season's end. Judging by the thread you cited, it seems like pretty much everyone who posted in that thread looked at this team and saw fool's gold.
Judgement can be good or it can be bad. Last year, we (that includes me) saw as you said "fool's gold." We were overly optimistic and were ready to crown them division champs before the ball had first hit the court. Our judgement was faulty. Even the critics missed the mark with just how bad it was going to be. This year is seems maybe we've gone to the opposite extreme. Maybe.

I don't know how this team will fare with so many variables changing and if I had to characterize this off-season it would be to a sense of overwhelming "blah." Yet at the same time, I am looking forward to next season because I don't really know what to expect. With this uncertainty there is hope. The pieces may fit better than expected.

I do think that there has been no shortage of negativity with everything that has transpired so far. It may simply be that our expectations for this offseason were set a little high. I don't know but I think the doomsayers may be a bit premature in their judgement.

Oh, and I don't think that thread was about "giving guys a chance." The players acquired were known players. There wasn't uncertainty about what the Kings were getting. Sadly, the pieces just didn't fit as planned.
Well perk up now!! The Kings have 18 bodies on their roster, all signed including today/tomorrow Loren Woods. In a typical training camp they invite 18-20 and weed out a couple in the first 3-5 days. So it looks like the Kings are pat for awhile. No real gaping holes at this point. Two weeks into training camp and a couple of pre-season games will tell us where they are, who can likely do what and who is #2 at each position.

Rosters are 13 min and 15 max including those on NBDL and on injured reserve (which really doesn't exist anymore as they would be part of the 13-15 roster). So guessing game is which 2 get hacked first? Otherwise, don't see Kings doing anything UNLESS they can do a 2 for 1, Bonzi and one current roster guy for 1 new guy. And there really doesn't seem like anyone is out there or available that would help, IMHO.
Hey Cruz--as someone who saw the young guys play in the VSL, what can you tell us about the two new big guys coming to training camp that can give us fans some hope of frontline help. Do you think, that they will be able to come in and make an impact, do they need a lot more development, do you see them getting playing time etc...?
And yet, oddly enough, I have more hope for THIS season than I did for last...

i somewhat agree, not because of the acquisitions but because of musselman. this isn't a knock on rick, but we knew he wasn't going to play a lot of the guys (sampson, corliss, skinner, monia, potapenko) we got last offseason.

at least with musselman there's a shot someone may surprise us.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I wasn't that excited about last season. In fact, the only thing I can remember saying about it is we'd have plenty to talk about.

This year, however, we have vitality, we have a nice mix of players at all levels, we have the new coaching staff (which still has to prove themselves) BUT we don't have a lot of soap opera drama hanging over the team.

That was my main concern about last season. I'm glad it's over, for the most part. Now we just have to worry about passing the ballot measure in November so we don't have the doom and gloom hanging over our heads all year.


Hall of Famer
I was excited last year because of change and seeing something new. Now I am alot more excited with new coach and the surge of Kevin Martin. I don't think we are grasping the fact that he averaged as a starter 13.9 pts 5reb and 3ast with 50% shooting 43%3pt shooting and 87% from the line. Now he knows the spot is his and he has worked hard agian this offseason to improve his game even more. Now he is ready to improve upon those numbers. He was 4th or even 5th option last year now he could be as high as 3rd option and i expect numbers around 18ppg 6reb 4ast. Now i know some of you are saying noway he can get those numbers but its only 4 more pts and 1 more reb and ast over what he had last year in his 41 games he started. Add that with Bibby over 20 Artest 18-20 and Millers 14-18. Now you are talking offense to go along with the defense we saw after teh break last year and a DEFENSIVE minded coach and ALOT more healthy Artest and some young bigs that NOBODY here knows what they will do. Maybe they fail maybe they are the answer just the fact that we have that potential is more than we have had the last 2 years. So yeah i am very optimistic. I can't go into every season thinking we won't make it to the championship because if i didn't think we could why would we watch. That is the reason they play.
I wonder if we will see it from Miller. I think teams are learning how to shut him down at times.
Miller is a spot up shooter and thats why he is easy to shut down. However, you put players on Miller, and that opens up things for Ron and SAR (KT also, if he is still here). Miller needs to hustle more and that will get him points. If he is anything like he was when we had Webber and everyone else, that will help us more than people think. I would like to see Brad closer to the basket and not 20ft away, maybe that way he can get more rebounds. I hope Muss inspires him one way or another to do what he didn't last season.
In all seriousness, any comparison of the current roster to the former glory days is almost insulting. That was, legitimately, one of the very best teams in the league for a couple of years. This team is very, VERY far from it.
Yeah but when it was built nobody was thinking that. They showed in on the court, not on paper. Nobody thought much of guys like Doug Christie, Scot Pollard, etc. but they made the difference in the end. That team was built on chemistry. That can happen with this team too. Who knows.
Yeah but when it was built nobody was thinking that. They showed in on the court, not on paper. Nobody thought much of guys like Doug Christie, Scot Pollard, etc. but they made the difference in the end. That team was built on chemistry. That can happen with this team too. Who knows.
Along with Bobby Jackson.
I am pretty sure a lot of these recent moves have a lot more to do with Eric Musselman than one would think.

He apparently had dinner with Loren Woods when he came and I think it was by his urging that we were looking at him in the first place. I really do think that Eric and Petrie are working together as far as bringing in players. Salmons was a guy Petrie and Eric had been talking about for a while too.