What do you blame for the King's poor play???

I blame ex-King players who show up as great players like ...

What are they doing? Giving ideas to our beloved players that there's better life outside of Sac? :)
i blame grant because if he hadn't asked everyone to "turn your sprinkler system on peja stojakovic/mike bibby is on fire" these guys would still be scorching hot right now... but instead people followed what he said and poof!! we've got the best shooters in our team struggling.. bad enough they can't even light a match - ICE COLD...
I blame all the teams that have beaten us this year. Are they trying to prove something? We are just faking everyone into thinking we suck and then we will catch them by surprise.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Al Gore. He still won't explain how he "invented" the internet and caused us all to be able to be here in the first place.


I blame the phrase, "If you don't like that, you don't like NBA basketball". This phrase used to have positive meaning, now it just speaks for their consistently poor play.
I got involved in witchcraft last summer and put a spell on the Kings. I thought that I was putting a good luck spell on them, but I think now that I must of goofed and mixed the potions wrong. Sorry about that.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I think the name change of the Royal Court Dancers confused the players - apparently each now they think they are a court jester instead of a King.

Ba-da-bing! :)
I don't blame just one thing.

1. 2 starters injured.
2. A roster that looks good on paper and has a group of indivually good players, that aren't playing well together as a group.
3. I think some players weren't built for this system, and that's also partially why it isn't working.
4. We have a center that is a very talented guy, but his legs just won't get him there. I was choked when I heard his contract goes till 09-10 last night. Just think about when Brad Miller loses a step or two. :eek:
5. A coaching staff that has run it's course. Been together too long.
6. We need a new shooting guard.
7. We need a true center that has decent speed.
8 We need some of the bench players to go, because they just aren't that good.
9. On the bench I keep Martin, Garcia, Ronni Price, MAYBE Corliss. Everyone else is expendable including Corliss if it has to be.
10. We have a shooting guard with no defense, BUT if other things on the team are fixed, that isn't as glaring. We've seen that before. Others can pick up that slack.
DocHolliday said:
I don't blame just one thing.

1. 2 starters injured.
2. A roster that looks good on paper and has a group of indivually good players, that aren't playing well together as a group.
3. I think some players weren't built for this system, and that's also partially why it isn't working.
4. We have a center that is a very talented guy, but his legs just won't get him there. I was choked when I heard his contract goes till 09-10 last night. Just think about when Brad Miller loses a step or two. :eek:
5. A coaching staff that has run it's course. Been together too long.
6. We need a new shooting guard.
7. We need a true center that has decent speed.
8 We need some of the bench players to go, because they just aren't that good.
9. On the bench I keep Martin, Garcia, Ronni Price, MAYBE Corliss. Everyone else is expendable including Corliss if it has to be.
10. We have a shooting guard with no defense, BUT if other things on the team are fixed, that isn't as glaring. We've seen that before. Others can pick up that slack.
Are you "serious"? ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
I blame myself. Bricklayer THINKS he's the one in charge. I should have cleared up that misconception a long time ago.

None of us are in charge. We are all the minions of the giant flying platypus. (Oh, okay... Brickie did have that part right.)