I still listen to Grant's radio show now and then. Fortunately for me my radio has knobs to turn it off or change to something else when he starts to annoy me, which is pretty often these days

I do not blame Boogie for giving Grant the cold shoulder. You reap what you sow in this world. As far as his gig on the broadcast team I have always liked the broadcasts with Grant and Jerry but I suspect their days are numbered as announcers in Sacto.
I am still amazed that so many give Blake Griffin a pass for beating the H%$# out of his friend (He broke his hand on his skull). Meanwhile Boogie is a bad guy for yelling out his opinion??? Kobe was charged with rape, yet is being lauded for a wonderful career. Barkley threw a man through a plate glass window but is the darling of TNT Basketball. CWebb had plenty of off the court issues but oh that smile
Hey we all know Boogie is a emotional guy on the basketball court. He definitely could stand to learn to calm down and channel his emotions into his game. The Kings need to find a Head Coach who can handle the best Big Man currently in the game. Obviously Karl cannot.