I think Evans can help this team, but i just think we are utilizing him to much, especially with all the talent we have. It honestly must be annoying for the other teammates, I know because i hate playing with over-dribblers.. Move the damn ball around, get the whole team involved and everyoness confidence goes up. our offense seems like the exact opposite of the golden days right now.
I dont blame Cuz for tonights game, he had a bad game and it was his first back against a speedy team. He'll bounce back.
And whoever said its either Reke with a Great or Bad game no middle ground, and its awesome that way.. I disagree. We have so many great players on this team, we dont need Reke to Drop 20,5,5 every game, we need him to FIND that middle ground where he dosent have to be Michael Jordan every game. He could have a great game but the team may still lose. Sometimes a great player just needs to step back for the greater good of the team. We have so much talent if Reke just has SOLID games without trying to overdo it, we can still win.
I may seem like a Reke hater, but i'm not. I want him to succeed just as much as any other fan. From all the things in life that have inspired me to become a better person, tough love was the one that pushed me the hardest to succeed. it sucks but its true.
its only been two preseason games, so i'm cutting him and the coach the benefit of the doubt right now, but if we play like tonight in the regular season, we're going to lose 99% of the time.