It's really bothersome that Lakerfans quickly cite Kobe's assist numbers as a reflection of how "unselfish" he is. When you have the most dominant human to ever play the sport of basketball taking up half the paint, and when more than 50% of your team's playbook involves dribbling up the court and passing to him, you're gonna get your assist numbers padded a little bit. I can almost guarantee that Dwayne Wade is gonna average 2-3 more apg than last season. Does this mean he has been hit with a sudden dose of unselfishness? No. It is misleading to see that Kobe dished out five or six assists a game, and conclude that he is unselfish. Watching him play shows much more than just looking at his stats. Clearly, he has a shoot-first, shoot-second, pass-third mentality. When you're as good as he is, you probably should have the green light to shoot at will (and with Rudy T as coach, Kobe WILL have that green light this season more than he ever did with Jackson).
Kobe's good, but he's a ballhog. And I think after the first month of the season, after averaging 35+ ppg (all the while leading his team to a .500 record, but thats not important), it's going to get more into his egotistical mind that he is "the man" and he will continually jack up his errant shots when he has one, maybe even two teammates wide open.
If any Lakerfans can show evidence of Kobe being unselfish OTHER than his mighty assist numbers, I would greatly appreciate it.