None of this makes any sense to me. Do I trust the Maloof's? No! Unfortunately, they're like the boy that cried wolf too many times. Regardless of what they say, negative or positive, no one believes them anymore. So Joe Maloof could be telling the truth when he says they've had no conversations with Virginia beach. If you look at the situation logicaly, it would seem that Joe is telling the truth. Why, when you know your going to be stuck in sacramento for at least 3 more years before they can get an arena built, would you let anything about this deal become public just a couple of months before the coming season.
Now maybe, just maybe, you had no plans on going public with it just yet, and someone on the other end leaked the story. So now your doing damage control. Still doesn't make any sense to me. What happened to the idea that the Maloofs wanted to move the team to Las Vegas, because it was closer to home. But then they settled for the next best thing, Anaheim. That seemed to be their plan. So now, as plan C, they're going to move the team about as far away from home as you can get? And to an even smaller market than sacramento.
No matter where or when they want to move, they still need permission from the league. So let me see. The league is going to allow the Kings, or any other team, to move to Virginia Beach before Seattle, or Kansas City? I don't think so! The league won't allow them to move to a huge market in SoCal, but they'll approve a move to a small market in Virginia Beach, while at the same time screwing up the configuration of the eastern conference. Yeah! Sure they will.
We're all gun shy and having a kneejerk reaction is the norm. Do I think the Maloof's would like to move the team? Damm right, at least I'm dead sure George does. I can't say for sure about Gavin, who I'm convinced loves basketball. However, I'm still of the belief that the Maloofs don't have many friends amongst the owners right now. I'm not as sure as some of you that they'll eventually be allowed to leave. And I don't think the league is afraid of a lawsuit by the Maloofs. The league has the resources to take it all the way to the surpreme court if necessary. Just where do the Maloofs get the money for that kind of legal fight. How do the Maloofs pay off the city loan. And what keeps the league from calling in the debt the Maloofs have with the league, which is rumored to be close to 100 million. What keeps the league from cutting off the redistribution funds that the Maloofs have been getting.
Sorry, I just don't see it happening. I could be wrong, and maybe I'm suffering from wishful thinking to some extent, but to my mind, its just isn't logical. If the Maloofs file for relocation, and the league says no, then I only see three choices for the Maloofs. Sue the league, and possibly end up in worse financial shape than they are now. Stay in Power Balance, or whatever the hell its called now, and suffer. Or sell the team, take their losses and go lick their wounds.