Training Camp Starts Today!!!

Well, Monarchs fans, it's finally here. :D Time to start dusting off those thunder sticks and getting ready for a new season.

Coach Whiz, whose coaching strategies were fodder for this board last year, will get his first real test as GM Whiz - G Whiz for short - having certainly fulfilled his promise to go younger. It remains to be seen if he went better.

Why you would trade your younger productive post player who didn't want to be traded to keep your older one who, I agree with MBF, does want to be traded, continues to baffle me. Then again, the Maloofs are not paying me to make these decisions.

And, as someone so aptly pointed out on another thread, we are team fans, and while we may have our individual player preferences, our loyalty is to the team first and foremost.

So....Will Nicole Powell be the weapon we were looking for? Will the new foreign acquisitions bring some offensive power to this team? Will Haynie be that up-and-coming back-up PG we need? Will Yo stay and play to her capacity? Will DeMya show the extra money was worth it? Will Brunson, Maiga, Lawson, and Anderson take their game to the next level? Will Ticha (finally) learn sometimes she is the best option? Will Mendiola prove she has what it takes? Will Mighty Ruthie show the youngsters that "age ain't nothing but a number"? Will the Monarchs win it all?....To quote my friend Nancgo: Hell Yeah!!!
Love those questions posed

This is one training camp where every player present has something to prove - just the way it ought to be. No-one is absolutely guaranteed a roster postion - and they all want one. You got to love the heated competition that will be smoking in this camp.

Yes , we all have our favorites - to a fault - and sometimes can't see beyond our hopes for certain individuals to do well. But it has to be remembered, basketball is a team sport and synergy is critical. May the best women prevail - and - may the resulting team be indeed competitive.


A last word on "Giuliana in Greece" just to tie up loose ends. Giuli has not been listed in the box scores for her Greek team either last week nor today. I presume she is back in Sacramento for the start of Training Camp. Can anyone confirm that for sure?

Akadimia has won two games without her and now stands in second place in the A1 league. Perhaps someone can let her know the good news.


Go Monarchs!
Excited about camp too

As always JD you manange to ask the pressing questions...

Here is another one regarding that deal. I have been playing with my final roster and I have run into a snag. I have been arguing with My road dog about the status of Olympia Scott Richardson. She tells me the OSR had a guarenteed deal with Charolette for somewhere between 70k-75k.

Okay now my first thought was

Then I thought... Oh well, one less post player to deal with cause she is worth way too much against the cap. Then she told me that OSR signed a guarenteed contract with Charolette and is guarenteed the money whether she makes the team or not.

Now I am hoping this is not the case. My friend is usually a very reliable souce of information and I trust her for the most part. But that just seems to be a stupid rule. With the WNBA having a "Hard Cap" How can they expect teams to pay for players that do not make their respective rosters.

Then again why would Whiz do something like that? Why would he guarentee Money of that amout to OSR, with Yo, Demya, Bekkah, Chantelle and Grima in camp. Now perhaps he thought he would be one post player short but still. Did he really want Powell that bad?

So to my other Experts out there. Any insight on this issue? And how does this effect anyone's final rosters?


Yes,giuliana left early from greece to be on time for training camp!!!she is very much prepared to make this team and contribute!!!!she is a warrior!!!:)

sleepypee said:
Yes,giuliana left early from greece to be on time for training camp!!!she is very much prepared to make this team and contribute!!!!she is a warrior!!!:)
You are my new road DAWG!!!
Thank s for the Greek Updates, Did you know she has a website? One which has no info on her Greek vacation but I will get over that.
You can even Join the G-Mend Club...

Speak to D-Walk 22 for more information.
Training camp roster from Monarchs web site:

Returning from last year:
Chantelle, Ruthie, Brunson, Yo, Lady, Kara, Maiga, Mendiola, Ticha, DeMya

Draft Picks, Trades and Try-Outs:
Buescher, FeiFei, Greenwalt, Grima, Haynie, Lijie, Newton, O’Neil, Powell, Scott-Richardson and Wilson

Only 12 will advance. Let the speculation begin!


giuliana is in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)she is showing her stuff on the court this year!!!so watch out!!!!!
I think G Whiz has had a great offseason on paper and it will be up to C Whiz to put it together on the court. I'm not entirely sure what the thought process was with trading Tangela and still aggressively shopping Yo. But when I stop and think that he nearly landed Chamique Holdsclaw to play along side Nicole and DeMya in the front court that pretty much quashed that concern.

If his acquisitions hold up and he can get everybody to give him solid effort, and probably more importantly get them to play well out the gate first and foremost and stop this silly need to dig themselves a deep hole to spend the rest of the season digging out of, then I say its all very good. I just don't think this team can continue to do that with the talent rising in the west. We should have been a lottery team the last two years, but for the grace of Seattle and Phoenix falling out of the spots they held over us. I honestly don't know how we made the playoffs last year. This team was playing crappy basketball even down the stretch last year. Change is very welcomed as I see it. With that said...I have no idea what the final roster is going to look like anymore. He has some very very tough choices coming up.


well,if politics don't get in the way of their decision then the monarchs will be alright but if they do then the monarch's are in trouble this year for sure!!!!If someone shows their capabilities on the court and is ignored then what can you do???if someone works their *** off and is ignored then what do you do???these coaches have their decisions made and sometimes it's a shame that they can just give up on a player as gifted as some out there but for favors or whatever the reason is they decide to put the other player on instead!!!we will have to watch and wait to see what these guys do but for now remember what i said!!!!:(the wnba is a joke!!!!!
So basically if Guiliana makes the team then Coach Whiz is a basketball genius, but if he cuts her in place of someone more deserving then he's a joke, the team is a joke and the WNBA is a joke? Looking at how you post here and every other board in the same manner, I think you are the joke.
On Behalf of other Mendiola fans....

I was alittle annoyed with the number of guards coming into camp. But not just because of Giuliana. I am annoyed at the number of people in camp. I think Whiz should be heading into this season clear on who he expects to play and start. Unlike other organized sports the W does not have a true off-seasons. Most leagues have the benefit of Mini camps, whereas the WNBA has very little time between Draft day and Opening Day. The Monarchs have a history of getting off to very slow starts. So IMHO This team should be working more on Chemistry rather than competeing for roster spots.

Having said that...

Sleepypee, I understand your desire to pump up Giuliana. She is a very talented player. She deserves the chance to perform, and I think she should fair well. But your posts are not endearing the Monarch faithful to her. In fact my concern is that you are turning them against her.

If it is a close call between O'Neill or Miao, it will be the Politics that will have her make this team. She has endeared herself to fans at Arco, and most want to see her have a real opportunity. Your post here are not helping her cause.

I have faith in what she can do.

Let her talent on the court prove why she should be on this team.
How can you work on chemistry when your projected starters aren't all in camp yet? He will start to trim his roster on Tuesday from Debbie Arrington's report, which more than likely coincide with the returning players arriving in camp. I'm pretty sure Whiz has an idea who his starters are. But for a guy who plays all 11, he's got to also see how his new bench players fit in the mix because no matter how you slice it, there are going to be 2-3 new faces on this team.

Politics, me if it came down to Chelsea Newton and Guiliana, I'm taking Newton - under the thought process that I've likely shored up my perimeter shooting issues with Fei Fei, Powell and maybe Haynie and maybe Bolton or whoever else he selects to play the offguard backup role minutes. Maiga may come back with an outside shot for all I know. I'm not likely to get a better defender at the guard spot. If he still needs perimeter shooting and can forgo the ball hawk defender (which I think he has a HUGE thing for), then Guiliana probably stays around.

I honestly don't have a single problem with the number of players he has in camp, nor with the number of guards he brought in. We need a back-up point guard, as much as I love Kara and Guiliana, neither one of them should be running the point unless its a few minutes here or there. The back court offense has been atrocious, so I'm all about looking at as many people as possible to find some who can actually shoot the darn ball and actually have it go in the basket besides Kara Lawson. I wouldn't even be adverse to him TRADING somebody during trading camp. When I sat down and did a new roster the other day, it appeared that for me to fit the people I want to have, I may need to move Chantelle if Yo finally comes off the trading block and starts the season with this roster.

On a side note....RDub...did Kelly Suminski get picked up by anybody for training camp? I thought I saw King-Borchardt did, but I haven't had much time to check on whether or not Suminski got an invite.
I agree with MBF, you can't work on chemistry when half the team isn't even there. I also don't mind all the players in camp because you can't judge until you see someone on the floor. In fact, if we just went by returning players, trades and draft picks, then Mendiola wouldn't have even been on the team (she was a camp invitee last year).

I think there are only about four players who can feel comfortable they will make the team. I think there are 5-8 who have an edge, and the rest is up for grabs. A lot depends on what Yo does. A lot depends on the intangibles (like what else they bring to the team besides offense).

And SleepyPea, frankly I don't know a player out there who is not prepared to make the team and contribute, and who is not working their a** off. But the bottom line is this is a business and if someone shows their capabilities on the court, they will not be ignored, and I can't imagine Coach Whiz passing on a gifted player as a favor to someone or for some "political" reason. So maybe we can keep our discussion to opinions based on facts and leave the histrionics at the door.
Politics, me if it came down to Chelsea Newton and Guiliana, I'm taking Newton - under the thought process that I've likely shored up my perimeter shooting issues with Fei Fei, Powell and maybe Haynie and maybe Bolton or whoever else he selects to play the offguard backup role minutes. Maiga may come back with an outside shot for all I know. I'm not likely to get a better defender at the guard spot. If he still needs perimeter shooting and can forgo the ball hawk defender (which I think he has a HUGE thing for), then Guiliana probably stays around.
Completely forgot about that, with Edna gone, Lady out, and Ruthie possibly not making the roster, we don't have that great on-ball defender at the guard spot right now. Now I'm really thinking that Newton is going to make the team, if not for her defense alone.

On a side note....RDub...did Kelly Suminski get picked up by anybody for training camp? I thought I saw King-Borchardt did, but I haven't had much time to check on whether or not Suminski got an invite.
Nope MBF, I don't think that Suminski got any invites looking at the transactions page on the website. Kind of surprising I think, but the competition in the league is so tough now. King-Borchardt was invited by Minny, so we'll see if she can stick with them.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Still JD said:
And SleepyPea, frankly I don't know a player out there who is not prepared to make the team and contribute, and who is not working their a** off. But the bottom line is this is a business and if someone shows their capabilities on the court, they will not be ignored, and I can't imagine Coach Whiz passing on a gifted player as a favor to someone or for some "political" reason. So maybe we can keep our discussion to opinions based on facts and leave the histrionics at the door.

Another thing to consider, sleepypee, is that it is not only about talent, but about what pieces that C Whiz needs as well as which players mesh well together. There is obviously a lot more to look at than whether you like a particular player or not. If Mendiola is not needed for her outside shooting, then she may end up having to find a team that needs that asset. Only time will tell. Everyone is working hard to showcase themselves and that is exactly what camp is for.
RDub21 said:
Completely forgot about that, with Edna gone, Lady out, and Ruthie possibly not making the roster, we don't have that great on-ball defender at the guard spot right now. Now I'm really thinking that Newton is going to make the team, if not for her defense alone.
RDub, I agree we need that great on-ball defender. I'm not familiar with Newton's game, but I wouldn't count Ruthie out yet. She and Edna played tenacious defense last season, and with Edna gone, Ruthie is proven in this department. Also, she brings a real maturity and leadership to this team, especially off the floor. Ticha is a floor leader, Yo leads by example, but with so many young players, you might need that experienced person who is not going to get rattled in different situations. Also, I would think Ruthie's coaching job in the off-season would only make her a more valuable asset. If she doesn't make the team, I would hope the Monarchs would consider her for an assistant coach position.

You're right 6th, it's not just about talent, it's about putting the right pieces together.
When I did my most recent roster, I had Newton on the IR, I have Haynie making the team because she’s a point guard. I just had a spot behind Kara as being the only open spot, under the thinking that Powell and Fei Fei aren’t in camp to be cut. I’ve got Scott making it as a backup C/F because I feel better about her defensive game than I do Anderson’s right now and I think we’d get more physical minutes out of her than we will Anderson. We need rebounders as much as we need perimeter shooters. And you can never have enough bigs.

Now I was happy with my roster until I discovered Maiga was not a part of it at all, I had left her completely off my list - she wasn’t even in the group on the bubble. That messed me up. That’s when I figured one more person who was a member of this team last year was not likely to be on this team this year. I did not even factor Ruthie into the equation, she was in my on the bubble group. Let’s say Ruthie plays her way back onto the roster, and you IR someone who will theoretically take her place on the roster next year. Who do you cut /trade to make room for her in the back court – do you cut/trade a center, do you just go with Powell at the SF? Is Maiga the odd player out as many had suggested earlier after the trade for Powell? I thought we could effectively play her at the 2, but there’s a logjam there and at the 3 spots.

I'm surprised that Suminski didn't even get a look as of yet. I thought Suminski had more to offer a team in some respects than King-Borchardt.
sleepypee said:
do you guys ever know what your talking about???


:cough:poof dust:cough :

So many new players. Wow. And admittedly I dont have a clue about most. Thats for our resident ladie experts who do a damn fine job I must say!

Coach T said last night on The Kings Postgame show that Maiga and Chantelle are looking very good!:D


Homer Fan Since 1985
slugking50 said:

:cough:poof dust:cough :

So many new players. Wow. And admittedly I dont have a clue about most. Thats for our resident ladie experts who do a damn fine job I must say!

Coach T said last night on The Kings Postgame show that Maiga and Chantelle are looking very good!:D
Nice words, slug. You are right. I too depend on the experts here to keep me tuned into the talent pool.

Thanks for the report from Coach T.

::6th wonders what RD uses...bat, poof dust, or...::
sleepypee said:
do you guys ever know what your talking about???
Please tell me your credentials?

I am sorry other posters, but this "sleepypee" person is getting on my nerves. I am trying to find out what is going on in training camp, and all this person wants to do is to flame this board. This is a Monarchs message board. This is not a platform to rally the troop to support your favorite player, or to make idiodic comments towards others who don't see it your way.

Can something be done please, or Purple Reign will find another home:mad: .


Homer Fan Since 1985
Purple Reign said:
Please tell me your credentials?

I am sorry other posters, but this "sleepypee" person is getting on my nerves. I am trying to find out what is going on in training camp, and all this person wants to do is to flame this board. This is a Monarchs message board. This is not a platform to rally the troop to support your favorite player, or to make idiodic comments towards others who don't see it your way.

Can something be done please, or Purple Reign will find another home:mad: .
I understand, Purple Reign. May I suggest sending a PM to Royal Diva (the moderator for this Monarchs' Forum)?

Edit: I followed my own advice and have sent a PM also.
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sleepypee said:
do you guys ever know what your talking about???
You’re right, Sleepypee, you’re just too smart for us. We’re just a bunch of fans that share our thoughts with each other, not always agreeing, but respecting each other’s opinion. Perhaps you could find another, more intelligent and knowledgeable group that would appreciate your wisdom and insight.

sleepypee said:
I think we'd prefer you grow up.
Um...I'm just going to say ditto here, because if I typed what first came to mind when I read a comment above, someone would make me sit in a corner for the rest of today.

Thanks Reign for verbalizing the slow fume that has been building.

On a more upbeat note, I'm VERY happy to hear that Maiga and Anderson are looking very good thus far this year. There are more minutes for both on the table either here or elsewhere. Goodness...if even half of the college Chantelle Anderson showed up this season, we're worlds better off than we have been in terms of bench minutes in the post. And maybe she'll remember that she used to school Christi Thomas in the low blocks and we won't see her have her way with us this season.
One of my big questions is whether GM Whisnant will keep the two Chinese players if they can not play, all in the name of diplomacy. I do not know much about the other new players such as Newton, Buschler, Haynie and Scott. Can somebody give me a scouting report on these four players and what they would bring to the Monarchs roster.

I am assuming the opening day roster will look like this:

C - Griffith, Anderson, Scott
PF - Walker, Brunson
SF - Powell, Maiga, Feifei
SG - Lawson
PG - Penechiero

That leaves room for only one more player and the team needs at least two backup guards. So between Mendiola, Haynie, Ruthie Bolton, who stays and who goes?
Using your roster, I would guess Haynie backs up Ticha, and Mendiola or Ruthie backs up Kara. Coach may go with one fewer "big" in order to keep another guard, and Yo remains a nagging concern. I also think Maiga could be a question mark, but it sounds like she's playing well. I would love to be a fly on the wall at practice and see how these players are actually doing.
Haynie is in

I am assuming the opening day roster will look like this:
C - Griffith, Anderson, Scott
PF - Walker, Brunson
SF - Powell, Maiga, Feifei
SG - Lawson
PG - Penechiero

That is a solid opening day roster. As good as anyone else has posted, however there needs to be more guards in this line up. Powell should find a WNBA home at the 3 spot. The Maiga/Fei Fei match up is the one to watch. I don't believe he will carry both. But Hey I have been wrong before.
Maiga is an incredible athlete and if she came back with a shot Look out. Fei Fei has been the talk of the town and I would like to see if she is as good as avertised.

But I think 4 guards are gonna need to be on the active roster. My personal struggle is between senimental favorites Mendiola and Bolton, and o'Neill. But I am sure that Haynie will make this ball club.
It's hard to think that we'd keep Powell, Maiga, AND FeiFei, since all three basically play the same position, but hopefully Powell can play some time at the guard and possibly power forward if we really need her. Maiga is a SF, and maybe a little PF, once again if we really need her there. Don't know about FeiFei though. I like the roster that Purple Reign has, but to fill in the gaps mine would look like this:

C: Griffith, Anderson, Scott/Grima
PF: Walker, Brunson
SF: Powell, Maiga, FeiFei
SG: Lawson, (Mendiola, O'Neill, Newton, Bolton, Wilson, Lijie)
PG: Penichiero, Haynie

I think we can afford to keep 11 active plus one or possibly 2 on IR. It would have to be either Maiga, Feifei, or maybe Scot/Grima who starts of the season on IR. But there's plenty of competition for that back-up SG position. 6 women, one spot and I have no idea who Coach Whiz is favoring, but that's the battle to be watching in camp...doesn't the team have to cut the roster down pretty soon?