Training Camp Starts Today!!!

RDub offered this lineup:

C: Griffith, Anderson, Scott/Grima
PF: Walker, Brunson
SF: Powell, Maiga, FeiFei
SG: Lawson, (Mendiola, O'Neill, Newton, Bolton, Wilson, Lijie)
PG: Penichiero, Haynie

I don't think either of the Aussies are going to make the roster. Some Aussie natives who post on another board felt neither were ready for the WNBA yet, but might be in a year or two. I also have a feeling that Miao Lijie won't make the team, either, but I have no inside info on her -- just a sense that the competition in China isn't strong enough for her to have developed to WNBA-level skills yet.

This roster is pretty heavy on the bigs -- I guess Powell and FeiFei can move over to the SG spot on occasion, but I'd love to see Lawson have two backups. Wasn't there a report about O'Neil having a recurring stress fracture? For that reason, I was mentally pencilling her off the roster, because she just won't have the chance to show her abilities off. So I guess I have the battle for the SG position down to Mendiola, Newton and Bolton.

I'm also not sure about Scott making the roster, which would allow for my two backups at SG. Man, I hope Whiz goes with two on the IR! :confused:

I wish we could have an open practice, so we could see for ourselves! But for sure we'll know more after Friday. I'm very excited about that opportunity to see how each player fits.




Homer Fan Since 1985
How many are still not in camp and aren't they due by Tuesday? That sure doesn't give em much time before Friday to all work together. And, don't they have to cut 2-3 players to even make room for them?
slugking50 said:
Coach T said last night on The Kings Postgame show that Maiga and Chantelle are looking very good!:D
I have to say that this thread is a refreshing break from the Kings stuff. :)

Anyhow, the first thing I thought of when reading that was "Is Coach softening the blow right before he cuts them?" I hope not. I really like both players. Did Coach mention anyone else?


is it true that this coming week the team is off to vegas to scrimmage the phoenix team????this is something i heard,so if you wanna see who's doing what in training camp then here is your chance!!!you will be surprised on what you see??????
Yes, sleepypee, that Vegas trip was reported by Debbie Arrington in an article last week. I think the article also mentioned the roster had to be trimmed before the trip, which would lead me to believe everyone will be in camp on that date. Each team can only have 18 players in camp, and with 20 on the roster right now, having to cut two means everyone is home, where they should be. ;)

But I thought Yo and DeMya were still participating in the Russian playoffs, although that might be done by now. It would be very cool to see all the returning players as well as the camp invitees on the bench Friday against the Chinese team.

It sounds like Yo and DeMya are both still playing (based on checking their Russian sites). And if my assumption based on the schedules is correct, we're in trouble time-wise. Yo's team is playing Spartek, and their schedule shows games May 3, 4 and 7. DeMya's team is playing Dynamo and their upcoming games are May 3, 4 and 8. Each is a five-game schedule, so I'm assuming this is a best-of-five series. My assumption is that since they aren't playing each other, these are semi-finals and there is still a final series to go. So apparently neither is in town yet and if they both go to the finals, they will miss most of the pre-season. One positive, Yo, in 21 games, is averaging 19.9 pts. and 12.5 rebounds per game.

According to the Bee story last week, Brunson should have arrived late last week, and Erin Buescher is due in this week. It looks like Coach Whiz may not have to make any cuts on Tuesday if he can carry 18 players.
From today's Bee piece, it sounded like O'neill was talking in the past tense about her experience here or at least recognizing that with the competition in camp and her being injured at the start of it she wasn't expecting to hang around.

My roster, once I put Maiga back in the mix ,looked like RDub's. Except I had Maiga playing down at the 2. I think Fei Fei stays not because its a diplomatic move per se, although I think that plays into it somewhat, I think she's a legitimate shooter. I hope to see some of Newton on Friday, but my sense of her from what I've seen of her in college is that she's a very solid defender and fits the role that we had before and that she also can put in the occasional points.
Packt said:
I have to say that this thread is a refreshing break from the Kings stuff. :)

Anyhow, the first thing I thought of when reading that was "Is Coach softening the blow right before he cuts them?" I hope not. I really like both players. Did Coach mention anyone else?

The Primo Butt Smoocher(Coach T) says they look great. They are not getting cut at all. The Rook from Mich State was at the game with 2 other Monarchs last night. I couldnt make out all 3 though. Heine was on the Pregame train with T and Ross. Coach said she practiced yesterday. Shes strill abit sore but shes definately a lock. Coach is really looking forward to the season.
slugking50 said:
:eek: Did I see Monarch and legitimate shooter in the same sentence?:p
I know....weird huh? But we're trying to get accustomed to saying "Monarchs" and "true small forward" in the same sentence so I say why not turn all the tables over? ;)
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
I know....weird huh? But we're trying to get accustomed to saying "Monarchs" and "true small forward" in the same sentence so I say why not turn all the tables over? ;)

Ooooohh I don't know. That may be stretching it a wee bit.;)