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is it just me or does anyone else dream about the kings or whomever bball related in the off season? (I'm talking about ALOT) I remember last off season/the season before that, I had sooo many dreams about the Kings. Well I think it's starting up again because since Sunday I had a dream every single night, which is 4 days in a row. Last night I was like it will be really wierd/rare that I have another dream tonight, and I did. I just think that's wierd. Am I the only one that dreams about them like this? And to tell you the truth, these past 4 dreams I had weren't even about any present Kings...YET! I know they're coming. I remember Vlade was in EVERY dream I had like 2 seasons dream could have been about a dog in the desert..but Vlade would appear somewhere in it lol. Ok i'm done here, you guys probably think i'm crazy lol ::waves bye:: i'm so bored
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^ i've seen that cat before. lol while on the topic of cats..has anyone seen like a..a HUGE cat before (a house cat) i don't know what kind of cat this was, but it freaked me out. i remember walking to school one morning and there was this cat that came off a porch and it scared the heyll out of was so big and fat and its head was gigantic..i swear it was like 50 lbs lol i didnt know what it was at first, but i've never in my life seen a cat that looked like that except that one time
PejaFanatic said:
Have you guys heard? They are planing to make a movie on the "Transformers". That cartoon ROX!!

Kewl! It better be good. Trandformers... More then meets the eye.

WOO HOO I'll finally have my own computer and high speed very soon!:D
ImaDougaholic24_7 said:
I'm workin on it ok!!! lol and whats gettin a job have to do w/ my dreams at night? ::wonders if i'll have one tonight::

nothing to do with the dreams but you said you were bored and working cures that;)

I really don't remember my dreams anymore, I used to when I was younger, maybe it's an age thing. I don't know. I do occasionally but only if they're bad and wake me up:(
I wanted to say something really profound for my 1000th post but really couldnt think of anything. SO instead I'll say how I feel about this place.
I didn't know what I was getting into when I joined. I was just bored and wanted to talk about the Kings and I thought that would be it. Boy was I wrong. This site has become my second home and the members are like family. I've made some friends here and learnt so much. I may still be what VF calls a newbie but it doesn't feel like it. We may not always agree and we usually don't but that's what it's all about. If I have a bad day I know I can come here and somebody has posted something funny that will make me laugh or I read about a person who has it worse than me and it puts it all in perspective. I've had questions answered about bball as well as computers (and I need all the help I can get:))

I guess I just want to say thanks to everyone for welcoming me into the family, teaching me, entertaining me etc. Even those of you who bash Webber and make me SO mad:mad: and root for those dread Lakers and Mavs. I have to respect your opinions MOST of the time.
Thank you everyone, I see what a small world this is and how much we can have in common with people of different races, nationality, age, sex etc. My only regret is that I didn't join sooner and I live far from Sac so I can't meet most of these wonderful people.:(

Keep on rocking and of course GO KINGS!!!:D



Super Moderator Emeritus
loopymitch said:
I may still be what VF calls a newbie but it doesn't feel like it.
Nope, you're not a newbie! You're part of the extended family that is ... :D

Congratulations on 1,000 posts.



Hall of Famer
I'm so bored, it's to hot, my friends aren't answering their phones, I can't drive, and there is nothing for me to do.

I really should have gotten my liscense instead of waiting till im 18.

SLAB said:
I really should have gotten my liscense instead of waiting till im 18.

That is exactly what I did, and the result is the same.

...but guess what, even with a car sometimes you'll still feel too lazy to go out.
OMG ::sits pissed:: how the heyll did someone outbid me in less than 10 frickin seconds!!!! omg i'm so mad! I saw this a week ago (Kings official magazine w/Doug on the cover) and I wanted it and I waited up all night/morning for this (had about a 20 min NAP) :mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE EBAY!!!! GOOD FRICKIN NIGHT!
^^^ The same thing happened to me with a magazine with Chris on the cover. it's so annoying. Ebay's cool but that last minute bidding gets out of control sometimes. Most of the time I'm not home when the bidding ends so I miss out!!! They may put another one up there, tht's happened too so don't give up.
loopymitch said:
^^^ The same thing happened to me with a magazine with Chris on the cover. it's so annoying. Ebay's cool but that last minute bidding gets out of control sometimes. Most of the time I'm not home when the bidding ends so I miss out!!! They may put another one up there, tht's happened too so don't give up.
lol what a coincidence. But yea it sucks, and I missed out on something else too but luckily it was relisted which i'm very happy about. Hopefully when it ends this time I'll get it!


Homer Fan Since 1985
I have just completed setting up a wireless network...finally. We have one computer that is hard wired to Comcast cable's high speed internet access, and we have my computer set up via a wireless router. Yay!! It took me quite awhile...but, I did it myself. :)