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The search continues for a new avatar. Opinions on the new one I just picked out are welcome. It isn't much of a change from the old one, but its different. The site where I found this one has a bigger animation of the same .gif but the dimensions are 87 x 115, slightly bigger then even contributors can use. The search continues for the perfect animated penguin avatar!


Homer Fan Since 1985
C Diddy said:
The search continues for a new avatar. Opinions on the new one I just picked out are welcome. It isn't much of a change from the old one, but its different. The site where I found this one has a bigger animation of the same .gif but the dimensions are 87 x 115, slightly bigger then even contributors can use. The search continues for the perfect animated penguin avatar!
Well, the new one looks like he is talking to the monitor instead of typing. Hehe
At one of my jobs, this week they transferred our GM who everyone loves, we had a party for her and everyone was crying. We're going to miss her, she's very people oriented and the customers love her. Unfortunately her replacement is a real a*****e and nobody likes him. He doesn't know how to talk to people and is on a major power trip. he's been the "boss" for one day and already things are getting f***** up. It's going to be rough but I'm job hunting so I can get out of there. People who are not a people person should NOT get jobs dealing with the public.
My other boss is a complete idiot!!!!


Super Moderator Emeritus
C Diddy said:
The search continues for a new avatar. Opinions on the new one I just picked out are welcome. It isn't much of a change from the old one, but its different. The site where I found this one has a bigger animation of the same .gif but the dimensions are 87 x 115, slightly bigger then even contributors can use. The search continues for the perfect animated penguin avatar!
Sorry for the late reply. I LOVE IT!


Super Moderator Emeritus
I should have known the Kings weren't going to do anything in the playoffs. I have a garden full of PURPLE (of course) iris in front of my house that usually bloom right before the playoffs start. I've always kidded that they bloom as long as the Kings' hopes are alive. I noticed they hadn't bloomed but thought it was because of the strange spring we had... then I noticed lots of other iris in the area ARE blooming. Coincidence? I think not...
oh my god..this like..i don't know what to call it..but it just got SOOOOOOO windy just out of no where. I'm sitting in my room and i have two windows open (one on each side of my room) and my curtains are about to be blown off the rod lol and I can see the trees bending waaaay over. There are..well there WERE kids outside playing and they just started screaming LOL. Someones porch umbrella flew off and is in the street..which hit this van driving by. My uncle had went out in the back yard and the back door slammed shut and locked him out and it was THROUGH the screen door. Thats how powerful it was. It's stlll blowing now too but sheeesh that was kinda scary for a minute. I'm guessing i'm in a wind storm right now. If the wind keeps up I bet the power will go out any minute. This is kinda scary..ok now it's raining
VF21 said:
I should have known the Kings weren't going to do anything in the playoffs. I have a garden full of PURPLE (of course) iris in front of my house that usually bloom right before the playoffs start. I've always kidded that they bloom as long as the Kings' hopes are alive. I noticed they hadn't bloomed but thought it was because of the strange spring we had... then I noticed lots of other iris in the area ARE blooming. Coincidence? I think not...
Wow, that is wiered. I think we all have something like that. If Im watching a game and we are doing well then I usually change the channel to get caught up on other things (ESPN or Local News)... I then switch back and the opponent has cut the lead significantly and we are playing horrible. I then try to switch it again back and forth and hope that it all goes back to normal and usually it does but sometimes I feel Ive ruined their game. :(
Bibby_Is_Clutch said:
Wow, that is wiered. I think we all have something like that. If Im watching a game and we are doing well then I usually change the channel to get caught up on other things (ESPN or Local News)... I then switch back and the opponent has cut the lead significantly and we are playing horrible. I then try to switch it again back and forth and hope that it all goes back to normal and usually it does but sometimes I feel Ive ruined their game. :(
I agree, it might just be superstition but it seems to hold true. With me it's jewelry or the color of my nail polish. If I change colors or earrings and we lose I have to change back but then it's tooo late, damage is already done.