of course rejoicing here amongst fellow kings fans is not pouring lighter fluid on the fire. but those who visit the sonics' message boards and report back here with tales of woe and delusion from seattle is pouring lighter fluid on the fire. i find it in poor taste, and i think it needed to be said...
I respect your right to have your opinion (finding it in poor taste), but I personally appreciate hearing about the emotional gore/horror/denial/delusion/fancy self-talk that some posters are kind enough to report back from various Sonics sites. So thanks people! In fact, it's been part of what I've been looking forward to for a while, anticipating it with glee. It's part of my celebration. I'm simply fascinated by human psychology and behavior, especially the oddities and extremes of denial, and refusal to be open to facts, especially when so much emotion is involved. If that's gross to some, so be it, but I'm likely to BE engrossed.
See because I don't think the seriously delusional/denial ones really ARE woeful. I think they're pitiful, yes, but not woeful. Why? Because they haven't been genuinely trying to understand the situation. Anyone who did saw this coming a mile away, and it's NOT because we are biased. This is not a giant "I told you so" to their fanbase. It's a giant "I respect your passion to be a fan but oh my god I can't believe you're still hurting yourself by being so incredibly ignorant and I also can't believe the degree of your hypocrisy".
Now if they weren't so hypocritical, possessed of a plastic morality, and hell bent on perfecting the art of victimhood (facts be damned), then yes, that would be woe, and I would let them grieve in peace. But none, or very little (yes I'm speaking in generalities), of that is happening.