Have several directions I could go here, and a ton of foods I still want to pick, but I just couldn't let this one wait any longer even if it would be safe.
Film Photography -- I don't have much use for new fangled technology when it comes to photography, am a bit of a silly curmudgeon that way, but if I'm approaching this draft as a list of my favorite things, the various film techniques and formats have got to be close to the top. And if I'm thinking of this draft as a wishlist of things to which I have access, I want everything the category allows. Every size, every format, every film type, and so on. Also, in keeping with the draft's guidelines that all picks come with the items necessary for their use, it can be assumed that I've also got a full darkroom and access to an endless supply of papers, chemicals, and enlargers, as well as cameras, lenses, flashes, studio lighting, et al. This pick, coupled with all those neon signs to photograph, could literally provide enough entertainment to last the rest of my days.