TDOS Draft to End All Drafts - Round 20

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I drafted an actual island, because I believe that we're not marooned on an island as per draft rules or even draft name.

Living on an island in itself is just about No. 1 pick for me to begin with.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Good enough, and how I have been playing it. Its too bad about the cleverness, but oh well. So:

NBA League Pass

I have become something of a sports watching specialist as time has gone on -- I watch football, tennis, maybe rarely some golf, might check out a little colege ball to see a top prospect, but really by far the largest chunk of my viewing time is spent watching the NBA anymore. Just do not have the free time to stay on top of everything all at once. And of course Legaue Pass is the absolutely invaluable tool for NBA watching.
Yeah, NBALP is a great pick and one that I was hoping will last for me to complete my island experience. Incredible payoff for such simple programming. If you could pick home or away announcers for each game it'd be perfect.
Before my next pick, after Bozz's last pick I need to know once and for all whether we are on islands here? I have a short column of clever marooned on an island picks but have been ignoring them in favor of more generalized stuff.
I didn't want to specify island or location and force people into one situation or another. You're welcome to pick that way and declare your list as being for an island if you so desire, but I thought it would be too limiting to lock people into that idea since the draft was intended to encourage broad picks. This way, even without drafting them, it can be assumed that there are other people around to frequent my bar or play dodgeball with pdx.

You can, if so inclined, draft a specific location (as D-Mass and bozzwell did), or you can just declare that you're on an island and picking things to be on the island with you. Really doesn't matter to me.
So my utopian isle/planet is fully equipped with beautiful epic landscapes, and all the outdoor sports that I want. I already have life in all its forms, love in all its expressions, imagination to give life meaning, and laughter to bring everyone together. Time for the fun stuff. All guys really like 5 things, girls (already got some, and I'm loving them too :)), alcohol/food (pending), sports (check), cars/gadgets (coming soon), and these. I am no exception. With my 7th pick I choose:


I love me some maps. They might be the biggest reason why men never, ever ask for directions. GGG will have big neon signs to tell her where to go, I'll have my maps :D.

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Hall of Famer
Sorry about the time-outs all...
This draft keeps hitting me on the worst possible times!


The ultimate Cola. At least MY ultimate cola. My favorite drink, and I can drink it like no other.

My 'island' would be incomplete without my favorite beverage.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Sorry about the time-outs all...
This draft keeps hitting me on the worst possible times!


The ultimate Cola. At least MY ultimate cola. My favorite drink, and I can drink it like no other.

My 'island' would be incomplete without my favorite beverage.
Ugh. Lost a vote. Sorry, I'm a Coca-Cola guy. :p
And for my next pick, some fun television...

Mystery Science Theater 3000

What could be better than 10 seasons of robots making fun of bad movies?

(BTW, no disrepect intended to early host Joel, but I didn't want to put up too many images...)
I'm sorry I missed this pick until now.

And double sorry I posted a give away of your pick earlier when Gadget took "Movies". Honestly didn't think there were any Mysties in this group.

Nice to see Torgo in all his glory.
Have several directions I could go here, and a ton of foods I still want to pick, but I just couldn't let this one wait any longer even if it would be safe.

Film Photography -- I don't have much use for new fangled technology when it comes to photography, am a bit of a silly curmudgeon that way, but if I'm approaching this draft as a list of my favorite things, the various film techniques and formats have got to be close to the top. And if I'm thinking of this draft as a wishlist of things to which I have access, I want everything the category allows. Every size, every format, every film type, and so on. Also, in keeping with the draft's guidelines that all picks come with the items necessary for their use, it can be assumed that I've also got a full darkroom and access to an endless supply of papers, chemicals, and enlargers, as well as cameras, lenses, flashes, studio lighting, et al. This pick, coupled with all those neon signs to photograph, could literally provide enough entertainment to last the rest of my days.

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
I'm sorry I missed this pick until now.

And double sorry I posted a give away of your pick earlier when Gadget took "Movies". Honestly didn't think there were any Mysties in this group.
Well, it still lasted until the 7th round! And there are more MSTies out there than you might think. Keep your eyes peeled and you'll find sly references (and not so sly ones) coming from all around...
Seriously though, did Larry forget he had another pick to make?
He PMed me that I was up, so... yes. Looks like he did forget.

I don't think I'm a jerk enough to punish a legitimate brain slip, though, so I'm willing to let the clock run out. Based on when I made my last pick and his 18 hours started, I'll go ahead and pick if we haven't heard from him by 8:35 in the morning.
Okay. Me again. And time for more Atkins unfriendly foods.

Flat Breads -- Fresh and buttery soft. Homemade naan, tortillas, pita and more. An endless supply at my disposal. Simple as they may be, when made right we're talking serious foodgasm.
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