Supervillain Draft Thread - Team write-ups and post draft rankings


The Parallax entity is the polar opposite of Ion, which I just chose in the Superhero Draft. Parallax feeds off the power created by the collective fear of the universe. It channels the yellow energy which represents fear on the “emotional spectrum” and which powers the rings of the Sinestro Corps, mortal enemies of the Green Lantern corps.

While the Ion Entity does not act without a host and only supplements the power of the hosts it joins, Parallax is capable of acting on its own, and fully takes control of any host that it enters.

Parallax in control of Kyle Rayner:

Parallax has immense fear-casting and mind-control powers, strong enough to easily scare and control the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman. It can take possession of someone's body when they feel even the slightest fear. In the past, it has even overtaken Hal Jordan, one of the greatest Green Lanterns, leading him to slaughter many of his fellow GL’s and ultimately to threaten the timestream of the universe. At another point, it took over another Earth GL, Kyle Rayner. So clearly even those with great willpower and resistance to fear can be overwhelmed by his power.

Parallax is also capable of creating solid yellow light constructs and other effects similar to that of a GL ring, but on a vast scale, as it directly channels the collective fear of the universe. It has been shown to be capable of manipulating even space and time.

Parallax feeds off of fear, and it creates fear, and it feeds off of fear...


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
How about a little bit of pure video game evil?


The picture alone is pretty scary.

Sephiroth's true strength is still unknown. Sephiroth is a highly skilled swordsman and is very strong and agile. He can unleash bursts of energy from his sword and can teleport. Sephiroth also has a measure of psychic abilities, able to read minds, project illusions and levitate objects and people using his will alone. All he wants to do is absorb a planet's energy and become a god - is that so bad? Yes it is, and that's why I want him.

Mua ha ha!
How about a little bit of pure video game evil?


The picture alone is pretty scary.

Sephiroth's true strength is still unknown. Sephiroth is a highly skilled swordsman and is very strong and agile. He can unleash bursts of energy from his sword and can teleport. Sephiroth also has a measure of psychic abilities, able to read minds, project illusions and levitate objects and people using his will alone. All he wants to do is absorb a planet's energy and become a god - is that so bad? Yes it is, and that's why I want him.

Mua ha ha!
How about a little bit of pure video game evil?


The picture alone is pretty scary.

Sephiroth's true strength is still unknown. Sephiroth is a highly skilled swordsman and is very strong and agile. He can unleash bursts of energy from his sword and can teleport. Sephiroth also has a measure of psychic abilities, able to read minds, project illusions and levitate objects and people using his will alone. All he wants to do is absorb a planet's energy and become a god - is that so bad? Yes it is, and that's why I want him.

Mua ha ha!
Haha if I would have joined the draft I would have picked him first no matter what. Got my vote.
I select

G-Man - Half-Life series

No, not Gary Gerould, but the infamous G-man who constantly tampers with the goings on of our hero Gordon Freeman. The Half-Life universe is bound by reality, so this guy still fits in my picks. Sure, he's a time traveler, and a meddling one at that, but so far it doesn't seem he has any overtly obvious "super"powers.

His true identity is still shrouded in mystery, maybe the veil to be slightly lifted in the upcoming HL3. Some think the "G" stands for God, and that during the game you are being visited by the Almighty himself as he uses his will to control your destiny. Some think he is a future version of Gordon Freeman himself.

He'll fit in my team as being able to go back and correct some of the mistakes that the Joker, Linus, and Corleone will no doubt make. He'll also be able to steer many of my own enemies in the wrong direction with his fiendish management of the chronos.
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the sooner this moves on the better. Its been like 4 days since my last pick. I like the two people on the clock format for the next draft.
the sooner this moves on the better. Its been like 4 days since my last pick. I like the two people on the clock format for the next draft.
I, personally, don't like having two people on the clock in the other draft. Largely for selfish purposes, as I tend to be busy at exactly the time traffic picks up around here.

I would, however, be entirely supportive shortening the clock to 12 or even 8 hours.
In my opinion we should add a couple more rounds and then put it to 2 on the clock. In this draft there are so many villains to choose from that it isn't too likely that if you get skipped your pick will be taken. This and the heroes draft get very slow at times and it would speed it up.
I, personally, don't like having two people on the clock in the other draft. Largely for selfish purposes, as I tend to be busy at exactly the time traffic picks up around here.

I would, however, be entirely supportive shortening the clock to 12 or even 8 hours.
I like the idea of overlapping clocks. Like so and so goes on the clock at 12 noon and the next pick goes on the clock at 8 pm regardless of if the previous poster made the pick or not. That way the people who try to take this a little seriously could be on the ball, and we'd have at least three picks in a day (ideally.)


Super Moderator Emeritus
You know, the vast majority of draft threads last TDOS marched along quite nicely. The problems didn't start to occur until the later drafts, and that was most likely because people had less time to spend on frivolity as they were returning to school, etc. What's the big rush on this stuff anyway? It's not like we've got anything important to do for the next few months...


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
You know, the vast majority of draft threads last TDOS marched along quite nicely. The problems didn't start to occur until the later drafts, and that was most likely because people had less time to spend on frivolity as they were returning to school, etc. What's the big rush on this stuff anyway? It's not like we've got anything important to do for the next few months...
Exactly. This one is actually moving pretty quickly by comparison to last year's draft.
You know, the vast majority of draft threads last TDOS marched along quite nicely. The problems didn't start to occur until the later drafts, and that was most likely because people had less time to spend on frivolity as they were returning to school, etc. What's the big rush on this stuff anyway? It's not like we've got anything important to do for the next few months...
I'm just really impatient haha. The sooner these threads get done the sooner more can happen!
nice pick with sephiroth, spike. a classic bad guy, no matter how convoluted FF storylines tend to be.

then i scrolled up and saw guys sure are picking super-duper beings.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm just really impatient haha. The sooner these threads get done the sooner more can happen!
That's simply not supported by the lack of new ideas for threads this year.

I honestly think some people are missing the whole point of these things. Slim brought the idea as a DIVERSION from the endless waiting of TDOS. They weren't meant to be a speed drill. In fact, having them go too quickly actually keeps some people - you know, those who actually have lives away from the Internet - from participating and we lose a fair number of our draftee pool.

Patience, grasshopper.

The Lich King (Arthas)

Once two separate beings, Arthas Menithil and Ner'zhul, now becomes the one true king. Evil, uncaring, and likes to suck out your soul with his sword, Frostmourne, and then reincarnate you as an undead minion. Oh, yeah, comes with his own army of undead minions.

More here
So I have death, hellfire, and a destructive alien race of shapeshifters. Now I'm introducing some robotic carnage to the party. Given my mass producing army of shape shifting alien insectoids, I think this will make them even more powerful, and dark, and evil. They could even gain advanced computer intelligence, and learn Kung Fu.
Muha ha ha ha:).

With my 4th pick, I select:

The Matrix Mainframe
(AKA The Matrix)

Powers and Abilities:

The Matrix Mainframe acts under 2 different realities simultaneously. The Matrix world is a series of computer programs inputed directly into the medulla of host organisms in order to feed off of their biothermal energy. In that world, anything is possible that is programmed, and the machines write code at superhuman processing rates, making most programs, and agents fearfully omnipotent.

In the real world, the Mainframe is combatting humans utilizing its vast collection of robotic drones, Sentinels
Sentinels are described as "a killing machine designed for one thing... search and destroy" by Trinity and Dozer in The Matrix. Sentinels are also called "squiddies" and "calamari" by redpills for their cephalopod-like appearance. They are the soldiers used almost exclusively against the humans of the story.
Sentinels are highly effective scouts and lethal combatants. A standard unit of the Machines resembling a black-painted mechanized nautilus or octopus, these fast and deadly machines appear in huge swarms and are a serious threat to every hovercraft. They possess the ability to float over the surface, as if under water, while each of their many tentacles is tipped with razor-sharp claws and armed with a variety of sensors, limited maintenance/repair devices, and other equipment. The main weapon is located on the underside of the body: it is a powerful laser that is able to cut through the metal hull of any hovercraft.
A Sentinel unit can perform different types of mission like patrolling in small groups, escorting bigger units, or lethal assault. They often search out Rebel ships to swarm them and tear them apart. Once they discover their target, it is almost impossible to escape them. Several Sentinels can tear apart a hovercraft and they are intelligent enough to target communication and weapon systems first. Sentinels are most dangerous when working in squads of three or more. They coordinate their attacks and use their tentacles quite effectively, relying on their laser only to cut through hulls and other obstacles. Rebel ships power down when Sentinels are near so they can use an EMP to attack them if the ship is spotted. Later in the series, Sentinels appear armed with silverfish-like "tow bombs", which they can launch at a ship while staying out of EMP range. It is unknown why Sentinels, and probably most other machine-warriors, do not have EMP-safe circuitry to immunize themselves against such attacks, despite their knowledge of the same.
Sentinels are frequently used by the Machines to destroy human ships and disrupt their operations (The Matrix); they are also the main force during the attack on Zion, the human city (The Matrix Revolutions). They are also able to repair or recharge the enormous drilling Machines (known simply as "Diggers" or "Drillers"). The latter are used to drill through to Zion from the surface, thus avoiding the defenses the Rebels had built into the approaching tunnels, and opening a path for the Sentinels to invade the city.
A different model of Sentinel is seen in the Animatrix short Matriculated. It possesses a semi-humanoid torso studded with sensors, a tentacle replacing each arm, and a tail instead of legs. It is not to be confused with the Runners, as, unlike them, it has no defined head, hovers like other Sentinels, and (presumably) has no ability to transform.
Another only slightly changed Model was seen in the Animatrix short "The Final Flight of the Osiris"; one that had knife blades instead of claws.
At the end of The Matrix: Revolutions, the robotic eyes of the Sentinels change from red to green after they make peace with the human rebels.
, Harvesters
Harvesters are large, grey, spider-like machines tasked with the transport of human embryos throughout the extensive fields on the surface of the planet. They have a large, cylindrical abdomen that can hover. Each also has a relatively small thorax and head, with many translucent tentacles sprouting from it. The tentacles have elaborate claws on their ends, used to manipulate the capsules wherein humans are grown.
A combat-capable version of the harvester is seen in The Second Renaissance; this harvester has the same arrangement of the one seen in the Matrix films, although with a spherical abdomen, many red optics, and squid-like tentacles without claws. They appear to be armed with a laser to cut armor open, not unlike Sentinels.
, and the command program Deus Ex Machina.
Deus Ex Machina is an entity which appears near the end of The Matrix Revolutions in the Machine City. It communicates with Neo by causing a swarm of insectlike robots to form a human face in front of its own body, enabling it to speak.
Neo is able to bargain with it, and to fulfill this bargain, defeats the program Smith (who has taken over the Matrix and has become a serious threat to the Machines in the real world), whereupon the Machines accept a truce with Zion. After a duel in the Matrix, Neo submits to Smith, allowing the rogue program to copy over him.
It seems that the Deus Ex Machina is either a physical representation of the machine collective, or some sort of a "leader" or emperor of all the machines, or at the very least a representative authorized to speak on their behalf. It is left unsaid how it commands its subordinate programs, or even if it does so at all.
The name is Latin, and translated literally means "god from the machine". The expression refers to Ancient Greek drama, in which many times an apparently unsolvable crisis was solved by the intervention of a god (or sometimes multiple), often brought on stage by an elaborate piece of equipment (the machine). The term Deus ex machina is still used for cases where an author uses some improbable plot device to work his way out of a difficult situation. In The Matrix Revolutions, mankind and Machinekind reach a peace via Neo's bargain with the Deus Ex Machina (unforeseen by The Architect or The Oracle).
among others...
Due to the sliver's collective consciousness, they make poor hosts for the matrix, and are mostly ignored by the mainframe. It is possible, however, to equip sliver embryos with cerebral plugs and download programs into them. Given their semi-collective consciousness, this is equivalent to downloading the desired program into every one of them! Lucky me:).
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You should be concerned about my armies Brick. They'll take over the friggin world:)! The Mainframe works as a hive mind, and the machines are a collective entity, and work as one being (like the Slivers or Borg). There is even a character machine Deus Ex Machina that acts as a central command program (master program), and is able to control all the matrix machines and the matrix reality simultaneously. I know, you guys are jealous, but there are plenty of other mechanized baddies left to pick:).
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Ah. I feel so evil.

My Pick:
Ganon/Ganondorf - Legend Of Zelda

Sweet. This dude is evil. Can't really explain it, other than he just wants to control everything (except my team of course). More importantly, he brings a vast army of various dastardly creatures, including a bunch of giant monsters. So with his Moblins and Octoroks and Dracula's vampire babies, I have some pretty good forces brewing. You need minions, and I have quite a bit so far.

Ganon is a formidable sorcerer with great access to magical powers, and has the ability to shapeshift,[13] complemented by his unrivaled cunning and resourcefulness. Through his intellect, as well as the manipulation of others, Ganondorf came into the possession of the Triforce of Power. The Triforce of Power is an artifact of unfathomable mystic power, its source being the divine essence of the goddess Din herself. His abilities, both physical and magical, are augmented to god-like proportions by the artifact, granting him powers such as invulnerability, flight, teleportation,immense physical strength, and nigh-omnipotent black magic.

The Triforce of Power also grants Ganon virtual immortality; using its power, he has endured mortal wounds (such as having his heart pierced by a sword), only to remain alive and unscathed, although such wounds can weaken him to the extent he can be sealed away in lieu of death. An attempt to kill Ganon, regardless of its nature, is ultimately futile; the essence of the Triforce of Power makes him effectively invulnerable. The sole exceptions to this rule are sacred weapons such as the Noble Sword, Master Sword, Four Sword, Silver Arrows or Light Arrows; these are usually the only weapons that can slay Ganondorf, though non-sacred weapons can be used to defeat him in certain games.Still, various games, such as Adventure of Link and the Oracle games, have depicted methods of reversing Ganon's deaths.

All that said, he does have a strange habit of hiding important items in very elaborate temples, and this needs to stop. Partly because If I ever need something, it is really inconvenient to have to solve all those puzzles every time, and because everybody and their mother will figure out the exact same puzzles and be able to get to said precious item. From now on, they go in a safe in my lair, Ganon. I'll have Sylar keep an eye on them.

Link is about to get swine flu
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To answer vikinginferno's question first, the Matrix Mainframe is already on earth in the films and wouldn't need to be transported here.

But Brick makes a very good point, let's scale back a bit the talk of the evil armies that are coming along with our villains and joining our ranks by proxy(I've been guilty of it too). This is an individual villains draft after all.